Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: Lost Account/Ship, etc.
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As the title above states, I've lost my account and its belongings as a result of me not knowing how to function the "Discovery Launchpad" correctly. This happened a few days ago, or maybe a week, not too certain and it's in relation to a thread posted by Hollowpoint who tried to salvage the account for me, but was told that I must make an account, so here it is.

My name is Felicks, the character I played is called "Jona_Price" and he belongs to the account which I lost.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and looking forward for a response.

Thanks in advance,
PM sent ...
Thanks for the assistance, my character is now in working order and on my account. I just have a final request, I cannot leave Connecticut. When I lost him, he was there and therefore /return doesn't work.
My final docking zone before moving to Connecticut was Cassini, I would appreciate being moved back there if possible, if not, anywhere would suffice.

Thanks in advance,
Shoved you on over to Cassini. Happy trails.