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Full Version: Account corrupted
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Hello there dear Admins,

seems like i somehow messed up my familias store account while sorting and organizing equipment. None of us can access it(aka it disconnects) so we think we put in too many items by accident. This is kind of embarassing and sucks pretty bad!
Can you help us out and restore/decorrupt our storage account, proplably by removing some attached stuff or whatever?

Thank you very much vor your help, it is really appreciated!
Bump on this one- the Benitez Stores are still corrupted and my fellows are already looking at me hungry!!
It always makes it easier both for admins and yourself if you include exact charnames too.



to the list, too- those are the ones who could have caused the trouble!

And thanks of course for helping out;)
No.3 could be the problem, try that now, before I have to delete hold contents.
Works now, Thank you, we'll be sure to spread the load around and to not corrupt it again.

Thank you for the quick fix! Feel free to come by crete for a night of Rum and Fiesta!
[Image: dalai_lama-deep-bow.jpg]

Thanks for the fast help - i second the invitation to Crete!