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Full Version: The fate of the SF
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This is Lieutenant Jamez.

I have read most of the latest posts in the forums (to get bored to death by the pointless arguing and going off-topic) and have come to the conclusion that the SF is not interested in protecting the weak and vulnerable, but is interested in aquiring systems and doing foolish things like the 8492nd 'stop or die' escapade.

I have requested that diplomacy resumes and the fighting stops, but that request has been rejected.

Wolfpack has left the SF. That should be a big enough hint that the SF is doing the wrong thing.

Also, this war has infiltrated into the forums, where only arguments are posted and where posts are polluted by off-topic posts.

I am requesting that action is taken.
One thing... WRONG
If, Lance, you think that what i've said is wrong, i am fighting for the wrong cause.
As from now I will not participate in this war. Also, i am taking nothing to do with the SF anymore.

Jamez Out.

OOC: Lance, don't blow me up just cuz u are not happy with what i say.
sigh :dry:
What was the 8492nd Stop or die thing?
ive never come across that either
Angel and mogget, follow this link and read the post. It tells u about it in there.
Not that it's true.
Ladies and Gentlemen, after a discussion with Lance, it has been decided that several changes will be made to the SF, I will be making a thread about this shortly. Please read this, and ask if you have any further questions. Thank you.
If any members of SF that are quitting wat to be in a PEACEFUL clan, =DVL= is open, i hate wars, theres no point, real war is horrible you dont know the half of it.
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