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Two biggest design flaws with vanilla, IMO:

1) Lack of 360 cockpit view means we have all these other ways of seeing what's around the ship--chase cam for over-the-shoulder, turret view which isn't actually a view from the turrets but instead a view of the turrets, and a completely useless reverse view. I can understand why they went this way, with a fighter-only game design meant that you would not use cockpit much, but the decision has big impact on how caps are managed. See the wailing and gnashing of teeth about turret view, a free-cam cockpit view would have prevented the need for any of this.

2) Waypoint management is very poor. For one thing, any selectable object can only be a final destination and cannot be an intermediate waypoint--that's just stupid. Second, everything is "add waypoint" and there is no way to "insert" a waypoint in the middle of a long list, which is also short-sighted. Both of these make exploration very annoying.

There are lots of other things I don't love but they are less of an issue here due to disco developer work. The above two things cant be fixed without unreasonable amounts of effort, so they stand there and mock me everytime I play.
Well as is aid i many posts...the old camera and even the new tz lacks the full 360....just try to circles your ship verticaly with the is imposible and noetsly iritating when doiing some crazy simply force moves the entire screen just to see the object you are concentrating on (when it reaches that end point when vericaly circling)

Edit: its just licke a ball but you cannot pass the area around it north and south can only circle that forbidden area
I have loads of grievances with vanilla. like the lack of a dynamic economy, the fact that you cannot 'hire' wingmen (in effect, creating your own missions). I hated the fact that even though you had been given the jumpgate 'codes' you still couldnt dock with a jump hole.

Also, the nommie gates should be 'superjumpgates', that blast you to new systems - andromeda, alpha centauri, sagittarius, cassiopeia, etc.

a split screen view mod would be awesome, but the targetting reticule would get confused.
A 360-degree cockpit view wouldn't make any sense at all, given that most of the fighters have cockpits that wouldn't have a rear view anyway. Given that, the included rear view makes perfect sense, and is actually useful to those who know how to use it.

' Wrote:I have loads of grievances with vanilla. like the lack of a dynamic economy, the fact that you cannot 'hire' wingmen (in effect, creating your own missions). I hated the fact that even though you had been given the jumpgate 'codes' you still couldnt dock with a jump hole.
Why would jumpgate codes allow you to dock with jumpholes? Jumpholes, being natural phenomena, don't care if you have codes or not, so getting codes wouldn't make a previously impassable jumphole passable. Keep in mind that in vanilla, jump holes were supposedly quite unstable.
' Wrote:A 360-degree cockpit view wouldn't make any sense at all, given that most of the fighters have cockpits that wouldn't have a rear view anyway. Given that, the included rear view makes perfect sense, and is actually useful to those who know how to use it.
As I said above, I understand the choice for a fighter-only game but since we are no longer playing a fighter-only game it is severely limiting. It would not have been hard to implement either--the game already has 360 camera, so the only real developer requirement would have been cockpit artwork. It would be extremely hard to add it now though, unless you simply deleted the cockpit art entirely.
' Wrote:A 360-degree cockpit view wouldn't make any sense at all, given that most of the fighters have cockpits that wouldn't have a rear view anyway. Given that, the included rear view makes perfect sense, and is actually useful to those who know how to use it.
Why would jumpgate codes allow you to dock with jumpholes? Jumpholes, being natural phenomena, don't care if you have codes or not, so getting codes wouldn't make a previously impassable jumphole passable. Keep in mind that in vanilla, jump holes were supposedly quite unstable.

in the SP, you were given the liberty gate codes, and when you tried to dock with the cortez hole in california, it said 'no u'.

Quote: I can understand why they went this way, with a fighter-only game design meant that you would not use cockpit much

That makes no sense. In a fighter-only gate design, cockpit is very, very important.
Eh the game has issues, a lot of things were not perfected, even more wasn't added to the game... all the fighters were supposed to have animations for activating cruise engines, right now only the Rheinland fighter has had that added in the mod.

Cooler cockpits would have been great, but with the way the weapon effects are displayed makes fighting in first person very very hard.... you can't see much of anything with how big the particle effects are.

It would be really cool if someone made 'upgraded' vanilla cockpits for Disco, the default ones are very bare bones.
' Wrote:As I said above, I understand the choice for a fighter-only game but since we are no longer playing a fighter-only game it is severely limiting. It would not have been hard to implement either--the game already has 360 camera, so the only real developer requirement would have been cockpit artwork. It would be extremely hard to add it now though, unless you simply deleted the cockpit art entirely.
All right okay, so you turn your camera all the way around and you see...the seat that you're sitting in. Or the back of the bridge. Or whatever. Good idea.

' Wrote:in the SP, you were given the liberty gate codes, and when you tried to dock with the cortez hole in california, it said 'no u'.
Congratulations on missing the point.

Jump holes don't use codes. Duh.
' Wrote:All right okay, so you turn your camera all the way around and you see...the seat that you're sitting in. Or the back of the bridge. Or whatever. Good idea.
Point is, they didn't design the cockpit artwork for panning at all, so it's not even something that can be done with any reasonable amount of effort. Maybe fighters can see up and over the back of the seat but not back and below. Then this could be used with a "bridge" view to see 360 all around. But there's no panning in the cockpit art for anything so cant be fixed period. Why are you arguing about this?
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