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The enter key works just as well, yeah?
He wants a break line, a line where you place your break.

I would like this feature too.
Please give us a situation where you would need this feature.

The enter key works just fine - this board will respect hard returns made in a wad of text. In both signatures and postings. If you're that desperate to have them in a character sequence, look up the altcodes for the CR and LF special characters, considering a CR/LF sequence terminates a line in most textfiles (Windows based ones anyway).
Copypasta that into notepad++, CTRL-H, "Use Regular Expressions", replace
with \r\n, then paste into our forum.

No need to bother digging into PPHBB coding to make a copypasta from an external source a little easier for one user. Effort/return gain doesn't warrant it.

[Edit] Or ask Google to implement the option to use simple hard returns instead of code.