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Hello, how is the Highest ranked players @ calculated?

Cannot see what it is using to rank them.

Dunno what sort of arbitrary method it uses for people on the same rank, though.
Since Rank is the only one thats always in an order I'd say its that.

Actually come to think of it it could be Net Worth, since thats how Rank is worked out.
It'll be sorted by Net Worth, but rather than have some arbitrary amount of detail we are just given the rank. I guess if people were worth the exact same amount, it'd be alphabetical.
The number of times they Jump-Traded in a Barge.
Money on char/Ship worth/equipment on ship, and cargo. It is just a who has more worth chart, not a real ranking of char skill or anything usefull.
Buy a dread, put cap VIII and cloak and so on equiped to ship, dump max cash there and you to can gain top rank on a useless chart that means next to nothing.
number of battleship missiles they've dodged in a barge times the max speed they've gone in a barge in 4.86
Okay, seriously a bunch of smart aleck responses...

It is calculated based upon net worth, with each 'Rank' being within a certain range, and then arranged within that 'Rank' level based upon cumulative net worth figure.

For example, Level 90 is abou 1.9 billion credits total net worth down to about 1.6 billion credits total net worth, level 89 is about 1.6 down to 1.3 billion, etc... (I'm not sure of the exact figures.) Since no two ships from different players are going to have the exact same net worth down to the same credit value - armor, guns, ship value, ID - EVERYTHING about the ship is taken into account - that's why Cabulb with 1.7 billion cash has a higher rank than McLane, with 1.8999 billion cash.

Just to give you some idea how just ship value can affect things, I've 5 ships in the top list:

Firefly at level 88, Cap 4, and 876 million in cash
Mako at level 86 with Cap 8 and battleship scanner, but only 38 million in cash
Bullhead at level 84 with Cap 8 armor, 20 million cash
Nephilim at level 84 with Cap 6 armor, 102 million in cash
Shire at level 82 with Cap 8 armor, 100 million cash

I'd have more money, but I just made two nomad cruisers for fun times... :)