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Full Version: Seeking Official Faction
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I've avoided joining official factions until now. Perhaps it was unfair to assume that official faction leaders tend to be power-hungry folks who hate that some players don't do what they tell them to. Maybe it's a bad assumption - maybe there are OF's out there that operate differently.

So, in the spirit of open-mindedness, I am hereby offering to join an official faction. In the spirit of spreading the player base outside of the most popular faction, I am specifically seeking official factions that are currently hurting for players. Once I have made my decision, I will post an application to join.

Faction name
Link to faction sub-forum
Membership activity and other requirements
Number of currently active players or link to faction activity warning
We are the Coalition! We need members, 'cause we've been a bit slow on activity lately.


Name: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Sub-Forum hardcore linkage
Activity and requirements yolololo: Basically, as much time as you're willing to give. No point in having new members that just sit around and take up room. As for other requirements? Pretty much all here.

And I couldn't tell you exactly how many are active right now, so take a gander at this.
activity_[ALG].html 2.19:14:59
activity_Ageira.html 2.11:04:04
activity_K'Hara.html 2.10:29:21
activity_[RoS].html 2.06:52:36
activity_]bd[.html 2.03:58:54
activity_[].html 2.03:01:03
activity_Cryer.html 2.01:34:45
activity_AGS-.html 1.23:35:51
activity_RepEx.html 1.14:35:55
activity_[U].html 1.12:46:24
activity_LH~.html 1.10:56:53
activity_[IND].html 1.10:25:57
activity_RFP.html 1.09:00:59
activity_Wilde..html 1.07:33:09
activity_[AFA].html 1.00:26:57
activity_Gateway).html 06:30:05

Take your pick, those would be the factions that are in the most need of new members.

Thanks for the replies so far!

Daedric, is the number to the left of the period the number of days? As in, 24 hours?
Bullocks. Join Fist & Co.

Or join any criminal faction we (I) shoot. ( LR, LH, Xeno in Liberty. OC, Corsair, Hogosha, AFA in Sigmas. Mollys, Gaians in Bretonia. )
' Wrote:Thanks for the replies so far!

Daedric, is the number to the left of the period the number of days? As in, 24 hours?

activity_AGS-.html 1.23:35:51

' Wrote:Perhaps it was unfair to assume that official faction leaders tend to be power-hungry folks who hate that some players don't do what they tell them to.

Correct me if I'm wrong, did you not lead Ageira| for a lengthy period of time?:P

Good luck on you search nontheless.
Quote:I've avoided joining official factions until now. Perhaps it was unfair to assume that official faction leaders tend to be power-hungry folks who hate that some players don't do what they tell them to

That's exactly what they are...

Why would you ever want to play a game where someone else has the power to restrict your fun?

That's ridiculous and self deafeating lol
' Wrote:That's exactly what they are...

Why would you ever want to play a game where someone else has the power to restrict your fun?

That's ridiculous and self deafeating lol
Well, there's server rules, so matter how you look at it, the fun will always be 'restricted'...
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