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Full Version: Admin/Moderator Community Voting
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The admin team has finally completed the interviews of potential admins and moderators. To those who were interviewed but didn't, I want to thank you for your time and effort. Your contribution is valued and we encourage you to apply again.

The follow people have passed a rather grueling interview process: Ktayn, Hawk, Iris Fikana Si Ret (Scout), Jammi, Loken, Kikatsu, Aurigae, Champ, Widow, Coin, Zukeenee, Stygian, Tanker, LolRawr

We invite you to vote three times. You may vote for the same person three times or three different people.

The 3 people with the highest community votes will be invited to join either the moderator or administrator teams. In addition, the administrator team will invite some additional people from this list to join these teams.

Please do not use alts to vote. The logs are being checked and this will invalidate the result and cause a whole bunch of work and delay.
Damn it, I made the first vote! Widow for the win.
Two votes for Tanker, one for Iris.
Widow FTW!
Aurigae is listed twice in the second list, Tanker is missing instead, intentional ?
Iris, I choose you! *throws pokeball*

(and Tanker too!:crazy:)
Second row is flawwed, Tanker is not mentioned and Aurigae is mentioned twice. <strike>Going to have to restart the poll.</strike> Cannon fixies

EDIT: Ninjad
Damn it.

Meh...I just updated the fields. It'll be fine, keep voting..
Voted.... wont say for who.


Voted for...Chuck Norris. I mean, who else would be the best choice?
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