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Full Version: Poll: What do you fly?
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Really just looking to get a view of what the majority of players here use.

Since voting is limited to one per person, just pick whichver ship your primary/most often played combat character uses (traders arent in the poll unless you have a non-trader combat character).

(Edit: Personally, I voted gunboat, even though I'm using a destroyer right now... reason being, I didnt want to use the destroyer but i needed a temporary ship that fit the RP of my order character. I prefer gunboats, and will be downgrading to one in 4.85)
well, i only have one combat char and thats cheshire. - so its currently a bomber. - second most played char is the Persephone II ( battleship ) or Jinx with a dromdary. - but they are both no "combat characters"
thanks for responding jinx =)

I know most people around here hate polls, but I thought this would be a good statistical one to post, and it was instigated by the bomber balance thread... Everyone thinks bombers are overpowered, so I wanted to see just how many people actually fly them.

Of course, there's no way we can get this thing entirely accurate, since a ton of people that play on the server have never even looked at these forums.
I always love the mobility of a fighter, and I can't be arsed sitting in a transport to buy anything bigger. Besides which NPCs are no challenge in a gunboat and up.
LFs, VHFs, BRs, GBs/GSs, BS
' Wrote:Really just looking to get a view of what the majority of players here use.

Since voting is limited to one per person, just pick whichver ship your primary/most often played combat character uses (traders arent in the poll unless you have a non-trader combat character).

(Edit: Personally, I voted gunboat, even though I'm using a destroyer right now... reason being, I didnt want to use the destroyer but i needed a temporary ship that fit the RP of my order character. I prefer gunboats, and will be downgrading to one in 4.85)

<strike>You forgot the freighters and transports.</strike> Ah...nevermind.

I fly CSV's usually. It's neither of all those AFAIK.
' Wrote:You forgot the freighters and transports.

Read the post a little closer =P

This relates to combat vessels only. I'm not concerned with how many traders there are out there, and if the only characters you have only fly freighters and transports... well, you probably dont see enough combat for this to concern you.

now, if you're wondering about the CSV/Collector, since both are labelled as transports (I think?), just call the CSV a Light Fighter and the Collector a VHF
Sorry. Having trouble with the boards.
in theory, VHF or bomber, though I only connect on these when another SCRA is on otherwise I get shredded by just about, anyone. So, well I'm not either flying an Armoured Transport or a BS, playing my character Isabelle (50% of the time for each lets say)
Due to vanilla game, maybe, but I don't like caps... I never tried bombers yet, but fighters are my ships.
more details down there...
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