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Full Version: Spazzy's Video Tutorial series
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Been working on the scripts for these for a while. Now that I have more time, I am starting to put them together slowly.
All tutorial videos are made to be as short as possible to allow easier replacement in the case of them becoming outdated. First two videos are made for people who are only getting ready to hit Disco, the third and up are for the ones who have already flown around a little and wish to broaden their knowledge.

All tutorials will be updated as time goes on and as I make them.

Episode 1 - Installing Disco

Episode 2 - Configuring Disco

Misc: Double bribes
Episode 3 - The ID System
Episode 4 - What Ship do I want?
Episode 5 - Banking System
Episode 6 - Server Commands
Episode 7 - What are Factions
Episode 8 - Pirates and Pirating
Episode 9 - Mining System
Episode 10 - Sanctions
Episode 11 - POBs


Note: The episodes are not required to build on the previous ones.
Note: If any admins wish to add to the list, PM me in private or over Skype.

Will make this thread a bit more easy to read later.


Old/Outdated videos

How to host a Discovery server (Outdated)
Mining Tutorial (Outdated)
General Purpose Tutorial (Outdated)
After a bit of considering, I scrapped an already made video concerning actually making a first character. Topics like naming conventions and such were transferred to the next one as a simple note in the intro.
The reason for this was that the videos are mainly watched by either people who are considering installing disco (first two videos) and people, who are already playing but want to know more.
The episode about a new character's creation seemed redundant because Freelancer is not a game which you can play while watching a video, unlike, for example, Dwarf Fortress.

If you have any suggestions, please direct them to the PM box or this thread.
Bumped with a rather cheap, short tutorial.
Next one up is about navigation through Cassini (By popular demand)
Then it is off to the ID system.

The fourth has been modified to include: ZOI, IFFs and Ship Types.