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Full Version: Rude Players
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There isn't anything you can do about rudeness, is there...? I mean, I could feel the nastiness behind the words, but it doesn't seem like any rules were broken.

So anyway, I bumped into this dread today, and here's how it went......


Player1: "Nice item you have in your cargo hold there, [NAME CENSORED TO PROTECT PLAYER'S PRIVACY]"

Player2: "shut up idiot"

Item in question:

[Image: 8440406807_f24e524fcd_n.jpg]

Rudeness can be reported for 0.0 and sometimes even is punished.

Hey, your name sounds remotely offensive, Starsunder. Let me check if I can report you.

Seriously though, rude? really? what are you a 6-years-old?
So he was rude to you, deal with it. Not every second thing in the game should be reported.
Hey, dont be rude here, please
(02-03-2013, 04:24 PM)Savvy ? Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, dont be rude here, please

well its a matter of mutural respect. to make replies here like Pancakes did its just to create anger wich has nothing to add. My suggestion. don't post.. if there is not something really to add.
whenever someone shows that degree of disrespect towards me , i just ignore it and actually feel sad for them.
Their lives must be really pathetic if they have to resort to offending strangers in a videogame to feel good about themselves.
I agree with pancakes. Just get over it to be honest. Unless they're continously harassing you e.g:
You: *Generic 'I've just killed you' message*
Other Player: You [noun], why do have to be such a [noun]!
Other Player: You're an idiot! Fool! Why do you have to be so stupid!
Etc. etc. for like, 5 consecutive minutes.

When they do that, you can report them.
"Nice item you have in your cargo" when the item is a sanction notice can easily be interpreted "I'm so happy you got sanctioned and would like to take this oportunity to tell you about it and make fun of you".

You posting this on the forum adds to that impression.

Just saying...
If you feel you're being maliciously harassed, report it. If not, ignore it. Given the direction this thread is going, I'm going to issue a lock as well.