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Full Version: RP balance < PvP balance
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We all know this topic.

"How come they get that X! They are Y, they are a Y faction, they could not possibly have such a X in RP!"
"Their enemies have them, so this is more about balance than RP."

Dear devs, could we finally confirm or deny this unwritten rule of Disco? Do we balance the game based on RP? Or do we balance it for the sake of balance?

Just a few examples. IMG having a battleship. Now it has been split off to the CR ID, but let's face it, it is still the IMG battleship. Why? Because Outcasts.

Red Hessians having a battleship. Same as IMG, it is because of Corsairs and RM.

Zoners. Fair enough, nomads. I think we have already made that point.

But what about LR and Mollies? Why don't they have a BS like the Hessians? They have to fight RM, LN, Xenos on one side, BAF, Gallics, Corsairs on the other side.

Why do GMG do not get ANY caps? They cannot ask help from Kusari, they cannot ask help from Rheinland, they are stuck in the Sigmas, getting ravaged by Corsairs, Outcasts and indie pirates. And they are just as wealthy as the IMG because of the gas trade.

Golden Cs and farmers not having ANY caps of their own, while even the indie pirates have access to gunboats.

Xenos, closest thing they have to a gunboat is the mining ship with a cap8 armor while Gaians and Hackers, who also have kill rights to specific factions trade ships, have gunboats.

Please, can we just agree that RP reasoning has little influence on pvp balance. Can every faction get a ''full'' shipline? Currently the only ones I can think of are the Zoners, if we regard their cruisers as a cruiser and BC, which the thing is not, and the Bounty Hunters, if we regard the regular ones and the Core as one.

Each faction, for them to be a free choice for a new player, should then have a Light fighter, VHF, SHF and or bomber, gunboat/gunship, cruiser/dessie, BC, a BS/Carrier/Dreadnought.

Right now we have a mix of all. Some factions who have ships they should not have, have them only because of PVP balance reasons. PVP balance > Lore. If that is the case, please make all factions equally diverse when it comes to ships.

I am sure many modders would love to throw some models your way, given the chance. Discuss.

EDIT: Also, yes, I understand this is impossible to implement to all factions, especially trading ones. But what we have now is not too fun either.

EDIT2: This thread is about the ships themselves, not the ID limitations. We know many of the examples can use the ship types mentioned, but I am talking about them not actually having ships of their own.
Caps are overrated. This is an argument both for and against your topic and its a known fact. Gather enough bombers and the cap is bye bye.
And the argument for PvP balance is: Users will migrate from that faction.
RP argument: You don't need players who migrate for ships.
Meh, I think about 50 factions too many have caps.

In my opinion, only large factions like the military should get caps. For the sake of balance, in so taking away caps from some of the unlawfuls, buff their bombers.
its really is mixed in terms of reasoning.

but usually its like that:

- is it possible within the lore/RP to have [insert ship class] for X faction?
- is it fair for a faction to have [insert ship class]?
- is a good model for [insert ship class] available?
- how many people do support the inclusion of[insert ship class]? - although that is not always a concern, because moods are not always representative. so it depends on key people to be for or against it. - don t ask who "key" people are, cause it changes from task to task.
- how should [insert ship class] be balanced?

reasoning inRP comes first. - reasoning based on fairness is equally important. balance is least on the list - cause all ships are balanced towards snubs anyway.

however - depending on lobbying and the aforementioned "key" people - it can happen that fairness is bended - so sometimes lore or supposed lore comes into effect more - sometimes balance - that is why some ships are simply better than others.

*key ppl are not necessarily those that are part of a faction - they are usually those that are most objective towards said faction or considered to be more read.

why do the LR not have a battleship?

no lobby, no reason, no models - probably.
Houses should have unrestricted caps (like it is now), anyone else should have to SRP them.
edit: nm - off topic .... - SRP capital ships won t happen - there is absolutely no reason to strip regular players from enjoying capital ships. no gameplay reason as well as no roleplay/lore reason.
(03-18-2013, 09:43 AM)Jinx Wrote: [ -> ]edit: nm - off topic .... - SRP capital ships won t happen - there is absolutely no reason to strip regular players from enjoying capital ships. no gameplay reason as well as no roleplay/lore reason.

Sure there is. The ratio of caps to snubs is way off. My idea would alleviate this problem.

It would also make seeing a cap ship a much more awesome sight due to their rarity.
no the ratio isnt off, ill have to go looking for a long time to have a proper cap fight without getting ganked by a couple of handfuls of bomburs. we need more vhfs and caps, less bombers.
How about we simply make it impossible for snubs and caps to harm each other. Let caps deal with caps, let snubs deal with snubs. They should not even be touching one another.
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