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Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Daumann Heavy Construction - 06-23-2013

Employee's Rest, one of the dozens of bars placed on the largest shipyard in Sirius is often visited by workers of the beating heart of Rheinland economy. Metal workers after shift, captains waiting for refuel of their ships before next travel to distant Houses, security division pilots celebrating succesful day and shot down pirate crafts, visitors from other companies and Houses, civilians, freelancers and Junkers, that all makes medium sized bar busy and loud place.

Positioned next to Docking Chamber 17, on deck E, Employee's Rest has a good view on planet New Berlin and tradelane crossroad before it, allowing lucky visitor to sometimes find free table next to window, with an option to look at next convoy departing from the docks or coming from abroad with goods and materials needed by always hungry omnivore beast which Daumann is. Samura Akegatas loaded up with platinum or optronics, GMG Kamomes full of tanks with refined gas to fuel Daumann ships, striking fear into pirate hearts Bowex convoys with gold, odd junker Salvager populated by entire families, freelancer freighter, countless types and numbers of vessels more ship commodities in and out.

Employee's Rest itself is pretty much standard bar for workers and spaceship pilots, without any unnecessary luxuries and amenities, simple hall filled up with tables and chars, bartender behind long bar with SynthFoods produced liquors and fast foods. It doesn't differ much from other similar places at Baltimore, Sheffield or Southampton, with TV at the wall broadcasting news about markets, war, pirates and local informations.

RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Moberg - 06-25-2013

A middle-aged man walks into the big hall, that's deep within the station. The noises that the partly unoiled machinery causes, a dissonant mess of sounds as if an unorganized orchestra would play different pieces with horrible quality instruments, echo through the halls that lie behind.
This place is a little more distant from the hard work that Andreas has to go through each day, while it is at the same time surrounded by it. This is the sanctum that provides relaxation for a lot of workers, and the same it does for him.
Andreas still wears his equipment from the recent flight, being the leader of a fighter wing in Dresden fighting hessians back. Those were easy prey, and Daumann got no losses this time, just some scratches. He took his helmet of though, and now he walks over towards the bartender and takes a seat right there.

"I'll take good old non-alcoholic synth beer, please. I still have to fly later."

While the bartender brings him his drink, he glances over the room, to see who's there. Shortly after, he turns towards his glass and starts drinking.

RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Pavel - 07-14-2013

Man in his late twenties stopped at the entrance to the bar and took a quick look at few gathered guests. Popular place of meetings was rather empty, as it still was over good 2 hours until current shift ends. Some security and transport division pilots and crew members alike were playing chess, sitting around the table under the wall. Two engineers who took brief break were busy discussing some technical issue on the other end of bar. Quiet music in the background gave the entire place cozy atmosphere.

Udo Meyer, 28-years old pilot of security division noticed lone person drinking at the bar; obviously waiting for someone. Young fighter stepped deeper into the bar and approached noticed previously person.

"Hey Andreas, that was a good fight! Next drink is on me. Bartender, two Miner's Rechargers with ice, shaken, not stirred. And a table close to the window." - Meyer said.

RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Pepe - 07-14-2013

Old Wurth enters the bar. He stops, searching for someone. Not finding him made him happy and unhappy in the same time. He mumbles:

Zhe damn bastard... He doesn't know for zhis place yet. If he'd know - he'd be under one of zhat tables arleady...

Wurth notices two young men from Security division. He nods to them with respect and seats alone. Waiter approaches, but Wurth told him he's waiting for someone and waiter left.

Wurth stares out, monitoring docking bay with his old eyes. Ships are docking in and out, one by one... He waits...


He waits more...

And than... a ship docks, one little ship. It's that old well known Arrastra, all bumped and scratched! Wurth jumps from his chair and waves to the pilot.

[Image: wuerth100_v-contentgross.jpg]

Hahahaha, I knew! I just knew! Zhere he is, damned crazy dirty .... JUUURGEEEN! HIER! Kommen hier, bitte! Hehehe... he was trinking somewhere already...

RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Moberg - 07-15-2013

Andreas casually glances over towards Udo and chuckles.
"They never saw that coming .. swift, efficient. But I think some navigational systems are malfunctioning."

He raises his glass, takes a sip, then turns to Udo. Leaning his side against the bar, he turns it around a bit and watches the beer waves in his glass getting weaker.

"Do you have any contacts in the hangars? My fighter might need an overhaul, and I don't want to change the fighter in the next time. And I foresee it, the maintenance will be delayed for weeks in which I have to fly something else."

He shakes his head in order to get the thought out of his head.

"If I would be up for all of this psychological stuff, I'd say that this ship has become an extension of my body .. but I'm not crazy."

He looks to Udo expectantly.


RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Pepe - 07-18-2013

Jurgen finally shows at the bar entrance, trying to focus his eyes on Rainholds. Seeing two Rainholds is usual for him and he was happy to see them. Rainhold gave him a grosse hug and they sat by the window.

Rainhold's pointing at Jurgen's ship: Hahaha, your ship looks specially awful today, mein freund! Seems like you already got zhe transfer to Omega Division, ja? Like some Rot Vikings were having zhe fun with you, ja? Hahahaha!

Despite his good mood, Jurgen didn't find that joke funny. He got something out from his pocket. It's Daumann Memo Form. Rainhold gets glasses and reads it. His face got changed. Oh, mein freund... You ARE transfered zhere! Mein Got...


They would talk more, but waitress came. They stared at her, hearing nothing of what she said. Jurgen was thinking about eight mugs of beer in her hands. Rainhold was thinking about ... well, sometimes he doesn't think at all. And that's exactly one of those moments.

[Image: 4248403.jpg]

How can i help you, meine Herren?...

RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Moberg - 08-06-2013

As the last drop of the beer gazed and finally launched into the big mans throat, relieving and warming his tired senses, Andreas turned to the bartender, and knocked on the table. "Another beer.", he calmly says.
He glanced over to Jurgen and Rainhold, both engaged in a seemingly not really heated conversation. Both seemed quite distracted by the waitress .. presented attributes. I bet she is used to staring.
While being sort of lost in that quick thought, he noticed that Udo is still sitting at the table, apparently busy with his own drink or wondering when Andreas would finally continue the conversation.

"Hey, Udo, do you have an idea why we don't use the ships we build anyway for our own security? I mean, I have some experience with the Wraith from my times, and I think using them would become more handy than an Eagle. We should totally ask our superiors about that, shouldn't we?"

His thoughts drifted back to the past. Ja, those were rough times. He still remembers the look on the melting and burning face of the red hessian, the antimatter torpedo eating through his ship faster than he could ever realize. He probably didn't even feel pain. "Join the military they said, it will be fun they said."

That slipped him. Must've sound random. Doesn't matter now anyway. He doesn't look up, so he can't read Udos face to see. Only looks into his own reflection at the surface of the attractive beer.
Seconds later, he put the glass back down, with a little more than the half of his beer vanished into his throat.

RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Pavel - 08-18-2013

Udo finished drinking his Miner's Recharger, while looking at Andreas.

"Gulp....Tasty, cold drink, there's nothing better after skirmish... Although that one wouldn't be bad, too" - Udo said, looking at the waitress.

"Just look at that old man sitting with the Drunkard of Munich, how he looks at her, ghehehe..."

"Udo, Wraith." - Andreas reminded co-worker.

"Ah, Wraith. Sorry, Miner's Recharger already flows in my veins. Sure I've got contact with hangar folks, and, as far as I kno..." - Udo takes the last sip, raising glass above his head - "...w the best pilots can request Wraith, no problem with that. I'll give you adress to guy who works in the Internal Armory Administration, tell him Udo sent you. Hmm, perhaps I should get Wraith myself, faster killing hessies means more bonuses for their heads, I'd save money for brand-new Arrow faster. By the way, will you fly more today? You drank your own non-alco *cough* beer, will you drink that Miner's Recharger?..." Udo gazed upon mug full of light brown liquid with hissing foam.


"Ja, exactly there, Rainhold. Nothing to celebrate, rather commemorate, my memory... - Jurgen Algein wasn't happy at all from his new assignment.

"At least there's bier - all eight mugs for me, bitte. Where was my credit card... Verflucht, I forgot it. Could you pay for me, Rainhold?" - Jurgen asked, with trembling hands.

RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Moberg - 08-27-2013

Andreas suspiciously glanced at Udos drink, what was apparently called 'Miners recharger'. Upon remembering that most of the miners are mining drunk anyway, it did not exactly surprise him to have this alcoholic brew so aptly named.

"I'll pass, thanks."

He already finished his patrol plan for today, but does not mention it. After all, he might need a legitimate sounding excuse not to drink this witch brew, which is probably coming directly out of Lucifers personal cave in hell.
He ordered another beer, this time a normal though. Time to grant oneself something good every once in a while.

"So, a contact in the 'Internal Armory Administration'. I can get a Wraith that way? Elaborate."

RE: Employee's Rest - bar at The Ring - Pavel - 09-12-2013

"It's easy, Andreas." - Udo muttered.
"You go to the Internal Armory Administration, deck G, room 518. Find Hans Schnoor, you;ll have to submit official request anyway, but he'll be the one forwarding it. It's mostly up to him does the pilot hear ja or nein. He knows how to manipulate superiors, use for his own advantage their good and bad mood, he'll properly prepare folks officially responsible for such decisions, especially some Rheinwehr administration girl assigned for that department as Military's representative. You know how it is, those Militars rarely are around to do their job, but have clitoris covered in a sand any time someone else flies "their" ships, including even Polizei.

"Their" ships, ghehehe, good one...

Normally Schnoor would tax you for such service, but he owns me a favor or two. Tell him "everything will be fine", he'll understand I sent you.

Oh, and tell that Rheinwehr girl Udo remembers, give her my NeurNet adress - here Udo gave Andreas small piece of paper with some written note on it - in case she makes problems about that Wraith, I'll ensure during the next meeting she stops being an obstacle. She'll be even happy from that convincing, hue...Was that Elsa, or Erika..I don't remember, I was drunk after the patrol, and it was" *zzz-zzz...*

Andreas stood up and looked at snoring Udo, sleeping drunk leaning on a wall. Unfinished second "Recharger" was still on the table.

"Maybe it's worth trying, I'm curious how does it taste..." - Andreas thought and decided to...