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Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - Printable Version

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Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - Apollon - 07-03-2013

Now..When me nad my Friend were Moving Weapons to an Armoury, We open Trade Window...But i don't see any Weapons that he is Giving me.....and When I try to Tractor is Endless..What's the Problem

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - SummerMcLovin - 07-03-2013

The endless tractoring sounds like heavy lag, which might explain the trade problem as well.

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - Apollon - 07-03-2013

Hmm..not realy

Cuz both of us Have no lag.....

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - lIceColon - 07-03-2013

.I dunno why, but when I was rep-mining in colorado in my bwt/sally (ie. shooting xenos), at some point I just couldn't tractor in any more loot despite having more than 1000 free cargo space. the tractoring would just go on and on, I'd hafta go sell off the loot before I could tractor in more. why is that?

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - Maddox - 07-04-2013

I had exactly the same problem flying the AI cruiser. Turns out that the ship has so many lights that you're limited on what you can carry.

What're you flying and how may different items are in your hold?

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - Apollon - 07-04-2013

A Luxury Yacht...With Codenames

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - Zukeenee - 07-04-2013

There's your problem. You have too many things on your ship. I think the limit is 128 non-stackable items, but this also includes dumb things like light hardpoints and contrails. Once you hit that limit, you get this tractor beam problem, and you can't fit any more stuff in your cargo bay.

So depending on how big and "flashy" your ship is, you might want to limit your gun storage to 90-100 pieces per ship. Split up your codename storage. Having a small fleet of freighters with about 100 guns each works pretty well.

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - McDoogan - 07-05-2013

Aye. I had this problem on a smaller vessel. Turns out since I was collecting one of each commodity that I had hit this invisible limit. I transferred all of the commodities to a ship with no equipment and only a couple lights and VOILA... problem fixed.

Unfortunately I didn't figure out the solution until I had spent millions of credits trying to outfit the Gunboat I was piloting. The base would allow me to buy the weapons and it would even state "MOUNTED" yet the weapon was never transferred to my ship AND the base took my money.

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - Maddox - 07-05-2013

The amount of a comodity you have in your hold isnt impotant, it's the actual of number of different ones. Having 5000 units of a commodity counts as 1 item. Having 1 unit each of two commodities counts as 2 items. Guns and lights on he sihp also count.

RE: Endless Tractor and Problem with Moving Weapons and stuff - forex14 - 10-30-2013

Hello, I have the same problem it seems but in default configuration (only upgrade / change from stock is in fulfilled weapon slots) - no additional lights and such useless mess on a simple Order Bomber with 2 pieces of Nomad figther remains in cargo... and i had this issue on one another ship but that was full of cargo so I did not pay attention to that but now it makes sense that there is a related issue as I see.