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Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Printable Version

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Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Blackstarr - 02-14-2014

I was planning on making a bounty board for [GC] but I was looking around the bounty section and noticed that only official factions were listed. Why cant Unofficials have bounty boards? Sad

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Remilia Scarlet - 02-14-2014

Unofficials can't post blanket bounties, only names. For which we have individual bounty boards.

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - aerelm - 02-14-2014

Quote:6. All blanket bounties must identify a target and set a total amount to be paid out, or a set expiration date. Blanket bounties may only be issued by official factions, or by others so long as it is sponsored by an official faction. Out-of-roleplay sponsorships will not be valid. An official faction can only sponsor one unofficial group blanket bounty at a time.

Blanket bounties (bounties on a whole ID, tag, cargo, etc) can only be posted/sponsored by official factions. Since currently the only official factions allied to GC are the Outcast factions, you can contact them and see if they're interested in sponsoring your board for you. If they're ok with it, then you'll be able to post a blanket board without being in violation of bounty rules.

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Blackstarr - 02-14-2014

What exactly means "Sponsored" do I just contact them and ask if i can post a board sponsored by them or do they have to put me through a process. I am kinda confused about the sponsor thing

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Govedo13 - 02-14-2014

It means that one official faction needs to post the bounty on your behalf or if you post it it needs some RP-agreement/proof that the said official faction "sponsor" you.
Actually aerelm explained it pretty good.
It should look like that:

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Haste - 02-14-2014

I'm fairly sure that it doesn't have to be sponsored in actual RP, just sponsored ooRP as a sort of "quality control". (Or: so there's a faction responsible if the board owner does something stupid.)

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Pancakes - 02-14-2014

(02-14-2014, 01:45 PM)aerelm Wrote:
Quote:6. All blanket bounties must identify a target and set a total amount to be paid out, or a set expiration date. Blanket bounties may only be issued by official factions, or by others so long as it is sponsored by an official faction. Out-of-roleplay sponsorships will not be valid. An official faction can only sponsor one unofficial group blanket bounty at a time.

Blanket bounties (bounties on a whole ID, tag, cargo, etc) can only be posted/sponsored by official factions. Since currently the only official factions allied to GC are the Outcast factions, you can contact them and see if they're interested in sponsoring your board for you. If they're ok with it, then you'll be able to post a blanket board without being in violation of bounty rules.

I always thought that the sponsorship mustn't contradict with the sponsiring faction's RP. Like, if it was the other way around, (GC official faction apknsoring indie OC), the board couldn't include blood dragons as a target.
Like, while its paid by someone else, for all matters that board belongs and should so act in according to the sponsoring faction.

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Blackstarr - 02-14-2014

What I meant was do i just post in the comms area contacting the 101st to get a sponsorship or do i contact the leader directly?

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Haste - 02-14-2014

I'd say the latter. It would actually be nice to have someone confirm if it's an inRP or ooRP deal. I always assumed it's ooRP - there is no sponsor within the roleplay environment, just someone to hold responsible outside it.

Also: You can contact Luke, the (uh, ex-)CL} leader, they could sponsor as well. Might want to wait until the whole leadership change is done there though.

RE: Official factions cant have bounty boards? - Pavel - 02-15-2014

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