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Apologies to the Xenos - Printable Version

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Apologies to the Xenos - stewcool - 09-20-2008

**Incoming Transmission**
**FROM: Tenabras Order Guard Battleship**

"Sorry for the recent attack on your xeno ship piloted by Viper
until recently I sort of just ignored the xenos all together.
Not seeing them as a threat at all. But do to my recent
alliance I saw them as a threat and engaged. Now I did
not blow up the xeno ship. Though he made need some
more tape for it now. I do request full pardon from these
actions and I will not engage xenos again. Only
targets I will engage now are Outcast, Rogues, and Random

*Transmission terminated*

Apologies to the Xenos - Primus Avatar - 09-20-2008

you speak as if you were the ship itself.....shouldn't you be RPing a battleship's Captain/Admiral?


"We apologize for the recent attack on your xeno ship piloted by Viper
Until recently, we sort of just ignored the xenos all together.
Not seeing them as a threat at all. But do to my recent
alliance I saw them as a threat and we engaged. Now, my
not blow up the xeno ship. Though he made need some
more tape for it now. I do request full pardon from these
actions and we will not engage xenos again. Only
targets we will engage now are Outcast, Rogues, and Random

Apologies to the Xenos - Etaphreven - 09-20-2008

Maybe he meant it as a half-RP post. It's not in the RP forum, so it doesn't need to be fully RP.:P

Apologies to the Xenos - stewcool - 09-20-2008

Yeh thats it.

Apologies to the Xenos - Primus Avatar - 09-20-2008

well you sure fooled me.:P

Apologies to the Xenos - Linkero - 09-20-2008

the way I look at it is its fine to say "I" because after all it is the captain that gives the orders. So, he(the captain) should take full responibilities. I know if i was staff on a BS I would do whatever the captain said instead of loosing my job and benefits.

Apologies to the Xenos - stewcool - 09-21-2008

My crew has benefits?

Apologies to the Xenos - Primus Avatar - 09-21-2008

obviously not if you tend to forget their existence.

Apologies to the Xenos - Chucc - 09-21-2008

you fly a battleship? and you ewaste your energy banks on a Xenos ship? You must have been the richest most spoiled brat the Order EVER produced! Heh...

Apologies to the Xenos - 13CentKiller - 09-21-2008

Apology Status:


I have no affiliation/character/knowlege of this event. I'm not responsible for change of outcome.