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Holman's Heroes - Holman's Heroes - 01-02-2015

[Image: gpvaFnz.png]

History and Information

Holman Outpost was constructed in the late 600s after the formation of the Independent Miners Guild. Due to competition with BMM, the IMG decided to strike new claims deep in unexplored territory, and Tau-31 was selected for a mining outpost. Before long, water and oxygen miners descended from the base, collecting from the rich fields of pure oxygen and frozen water in the many crystals surrounding the base. These oxygen and water shipments went out to various IMG and Zoner bases deep in the Taus, as further and further the exploratory guild probed into deep space.

Eventually, contact with the Outcasts was established, and before long, piracy attempts were being made on hapless transports. The Guild Defense Force was formed, consisting mainly of miners-turned-fighters, using used civilian ships with guns bolted on that barely functioned. Yet, they were still somehow successful in dissuading pirates from striking IMG convoys, and before long, they had made a name for themselves - Holman’s Heroes, they were called, the finest of the Guild Patrolmen available.

However, times were rough on Holman. With the invasion of Gallia into the Taus, the IMG were hastily forced into a non-aggression pact while the Bretonian infrastructure crumbled around them. As this happened, it became harder to make profit out of water and oxygen from the base, and thus many workers were forced to be laid off. Eventually, it got to the point that Holman miners would leave their designated areas to go mine in Tau-23, Tau-29, or even Dublin, just to make the money they needed to support their families. As this grew worse and worse, some of the miners even headed down into the Omegas, where rich fields of Silver, Copper, and Cobalt resided, ready to be claimed. As more and more the population of Holman suffered under Gallic occupation, Holman’s Heroes decided to take action. Leading a convoy full of transports down through war-stricken Bretonia, they left behind their namesake home, and established themselves in the deep Omegas, hoping to strike a profit on the rich ore fields there, free from Gallic oppression.

However, the Rheinland corporations had other plans. The ruthless Daumann and Kruger miner executives would not stand for these miners taking up valuable real estate, and gave them an ultimatum to either stand down and be assimilated into their parent companies, or be evicted forcefully. Holman’s Heroes chose the second option, and took up arms against the ruthless corporations.

Today, Holman’s Heroes is a symbol for the true virtues of the Independent Miners Guild - fighting against the oppressive mining corporations and safeguarding the people of the Omegas from the crushing grasp of scrupulous executives. Rumour has it that some of the Heroes even still persist on Holman, taking down Outcasts in the hope of clearing out their home.



Independent Miners Guild
Colonial Republic


Red Hessians
Gallic Council


Deep Space Engineering
Kishiro Technologies
Samura Heavy Industries
Gas Miners Guild
All others not listed


Federal Republic of Rheinland
Kingdom of Gallia


Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Gallic Metal Service

At War

Kruger Minerals
Daumann Heavy Construction


  • Fight for oppressed miners throughout Sirius
  • Dismantle the horrid mining corporations, namely Daumann and Kruger
  • Generate profit to continue the campaign via mining and trade
  • Supporting the Molly and Hessian causes via Blood Diamond and Gold Ore trade
  • Take advantage of the vast water and oxygen fields surrounding Holman

Zone of Influence

  • Primary: Omega-3, Omega-7, Omega-11, Taus
  • Secondary: Dublin
  • Tertiary: Omega-9, Cambridge

Membership and Command

Guildmaster: 'The Guildmaster'
Deputy Guildmaster: Edgar Lewis
Members (WIP)
Hannes Galland
Edward Fairchild
Henry Dilmund

Auxiliary Information

RE: Holman's Heroes - Jack_Henderson - 01-02-2015

Good luck with your request.

Having 2 official IMG factions (one lawful, one more semi-/unlawful) makes the lore a lot more believable. The Guild is described as a loose organisation of different miners. Having a moderate "main body" (IMG|, keeping the standard IMG ID), and a more extreme group inside the Guild (HH, getting their own ID later) will be pretty cool.

I am looking forward to this and hope you can pull it off.


P.S: I have nothing to do with HH, it is not a "Jack-Conspirazeh!!! Meta!!!" faction, I am not even in their Skype channel and own no HH ship. Treat [HH] as the entity it is. An (extremer) part of the Guild.

RE: Holman's Heroes - Moberg - 01-02-2015

Looking forward to some possible Omega action at last, the IMG lacks active enemies to spice up gameplay a bit. I can also imagine lots of diplomatic issues arising with this, given that you would be using IMG assets as well as their bases as staging points. To protect corporate interests, Rheinland would most likely attempt to (Clear enough now?) remove your staging points away from their corps (i.e. annex Freistadt and perhaps even push to Aland).
In any case, this is quite the chance to finally have some movement in the Omegas and it could perhaps lead to the big Omega conflict I really long for since quite a while.

Because of these possibilities, I can only wish you best of luck. Have yet to see you ingame myself but it's promising from what I've heard.

RE: Holman's Heroes - Haste - 01-02-2015

(01-02-2015, 05:15 PM)LordVipex Wrote: To protect corporate interests, Rheinland would most likely remove your staging points away from their corps (i.e. annex Freistadt and perhaps even push to Aland).

On one hand, you want activity in the Omegas. On the other hand, you want to immediately remove staging points for one of the factions creating said activity (should it come to be) to ensure that this activity doesn't actually last.

While actions should have consequences, the quoted text feels almost like a veiled threat towards to group, intended to discourage them, to me. But perhaps I'm wrong.

RE: Holman's Heroes - Omi - 01-02-2015

(01-02-2015, 05:15 PM)LordVipex Wrote: To protect corporate interests, Rheinland would most likely TRY TO remove your staging points away from their corps (i.e. annex Freistadt and perhaps even push to Aland).


I mean, let's be real here - Rheinland isn't getting Freistadt or Aland in the foreseeable future, barring some gross miscarriage of intelligence taking place in the dev/admin sphere of things. Like Haste says, it'd probably be the quickest way to murder Omega activity.

RE: Holman's Heroes - Moberg - 01-02-2015

Haste/Omi, if I am not mistaken, the server is called "Discovery RP 24/7". I must be terribly mistaken to not consider outlining of possibilities of a faction a threat to them, apologies for that. By saying "possibilities", I implied that they are infact possibilities (i.e. factions will attempt to achieve that) and not the definite outcomes. Perhaps I should word it clearer next time.

If you wish to pursue seeing shadows in every corner, I'm available via PM. This is not the right thread for that.

RE: Holman's Heroes - Omi - 01-02-2015

Yes, perhaps you should word it clearer next time - either that or I'm missing the part where 'possibilities' factor into your original statement at all.

I wouldn't class an error (since we've just established it wasn't your intention to be so absolute, after all (: ) on your part as being exemplary of paranoia on mine. Any paranoia I have comes from sources far, far away from Rheinland, the Omegas, and whoever plays there - thanks very much.

RE: Holman's Heroes - Ryummel - 01-02-2015

(01-02-2015, 06:34 PM)Omicega Wrote: Yes, perhaps you should word it clearer next time - either that or I'm missing the part where 'possibilities' factor into your original statement at all.
I wouldn't class an error (since we've just established it wasn't your intention to be so absolute, after all (: ) on your part as being exemplary of paranoia on mine. Any paranoia I have comes from sources far, far away from Rheinland, the Omegas, and whoever plays there - thanks very much.
Do you even play? Get back to doto.

* Ryummel gets back to wot

RE: Holman's Heroes - Lythrilux - 01-02-2015

Leadership? Memberlist? Relevant Forum Material such as recruitment, faction status and comms?
For your sake it'd be useful to have that stuff on the officialdom request.

Other than that.... uh, I can't really say anything about HH currently. I haven't had any interactions, though I'm looking forward to them.

p.s using pokemon names for ships sucks

RE: Holman's Heroes - Holman's Heroes - 01-02-2015

(01-02-2015, 07:01 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Leadership? Memberlist? Relevant Forum Material such as recruitment, faction status and comms?
For your sake it'd be useful to have that stuff on the officialdom request.

Other than that.... uh, I can't really say anything about HH currently. I haven't had any interactions, though I'm looking forward to them.

p.s using pokemon names for ships sucks

We don't really have a leadership, the memberlist is being compiled using inRP names, recruitment is closed, faction status is basically this page, and comms have already been linked.

Thanks for the input, and we hope to see you in space.