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Quick question - kikatsu - 10-10-2008

Ok so this is basically what happened

I was In Chugoku just on my way to Kyushu and minding my own buisness, and a trader comes through the sigma 13 JH. I flew over and scanned him, indie trader, diamond run... The usual. So I told him that he was tresspassing in blood dragon space, and that I should kill him; however I told him that I would let him live if he payed a 4 million dollar fine for tresspassing. Being outcast I was defending the secrecy of the base... and of course I want to atleast get something out of it and not just kill him. We argue over the price, settling on 2 million. He leaves, but I tell him that if he tresspasses again I will kill him. So I fly my merry way to Kyushu for half an hour or so. Comming back through Hokkiado I see the trader again, flying towards the Chugoku JH. I tell him he is ok UNLESS he enters Chugoku again, then I would kill him. So I continue flying, jump to Chugoku and there he is right behind me! I tell him that if he pays 2 million and turns right around he can live. He refuses and I am convinently hit with an Ion storm. Getting back maybe 2 minutes later hes gone. I jump to sigma to start my actual pirating and a few minutes later he jumps in from berlin. I told him that if he gives me 3 million now he can trade with out being bothered by me, as long as he doesnt enter Chugoku. He starts saying how he will call the admins for me taxing him so much... where he only payed the first 2 million tresspassing fee. We argue for a bit, I take out his shields but dont damage his hull, some wilde did that for me; when I notice 2 corsair gunboats sneak up and attack me (I was fighting the wilde at the moment). So they seem to save him and when I check the chat list to see who is in sigma, I see the trader in Chugoku again! This time i just leave him be, sick of his antics and log out.

My question is that I had assumed that what I had done was perfectly in the server rules, so...was it?

Quick question - SigCorps - 10-10-2008

From all the discussion I have seen here in the forums on basically the same situation and most of those had been visited by Admins...what you did was well within the rules. If a trader pays a tax and it does not guarantee passage for a set amount of time..then you can tax him again and again if he continues to cross your path. As for his shouting about calling the admins that would be rules lawyering and could get him in trouble.

Quick question - Orin - 10-10-2008

Don't worry, you're fine.

What we have here is just another rule lawyering powertrader running a totally ooRP route through terrorist territory. You were nice to give him those chances.

And as for taxing, you can full well tax more than once on the same trader.

Quick question - jpo - 10-10-2008

Quote:What we have here is just another rule lawyering powertrader running a totally ooRP route through terrorist territory.

Point blank, you dont know what role play is if you think a route can be OORP.

as far as the OP is concerned, the only server rule you broke is weak roleplay by being an outcast pirate in kyushu.

Quick question - Orin - 10-10-2008

Last time I checked, lawful merchants didn't run convoys through Jihad war bases.

But I haven't checked in awhile, so maybe you're right. [/sarcasm]

Quick question - gekerd - 10-10-2008

people do rare things to gain money fast (I thought there where a lot of people getting cocain from jihad war teritories)

Quick question - Nightmouse - 10-10-2008

You've been way too nice:laugh:
When I'm playing my BD and i see someone trespassing, I ask them to drop their entire cargo, tractor in all I can and then shoot the rest in front of their eyes.
Result: they lose the cash for buying the goods, they lose their profit and they waste a lot of time, since i usually keep them busy for a while by hitting their hull pretty hard.

Quick question - Orin - 10-10-2008

Yes Gekerd, but you wouldn't call someone trafficking coke a lawful merchant. You would call him a smuggler if anything.

Smuggling through dangerous revolutionary territory? Sure. A lawful merchant running legal goods through the same? No, sorry. That's not in RP, unless you're RPing a man with a deathwish.

Quick question - ryoken - 10-10-2008

Oh he is lucky. As soon as he starting the " i am getting an admin crap" i would have just killed him. You were more then in your right's to pirate him again,and rule lawyer's tick me off.

Quick question - Nightmouse - 10-10-2008

' Wrote:Oh he is lucky. As soon as he starting the " i am getting an admin crap" i would have just killed him. You were more then in your right's to pirate him again,and rule lawyer's tick me off.
That, and explosions look nice with Chugoku's background:P