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The Seraphim | Recruitment - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Unofficial Factions and Groups (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=67) +--- Thread: The Seraphim | Recruitment (/showthread.php?tid=137442) Pages:
The Seraphim | Recruitment - The Seraphim - 03-26-2016 ![]() ![]() The Seraphim is looking for involved, motivated and hard-working people to participate to humanitarian projects. Especially we are in need of: Traders Tasks: provide supplies and transport people where needed according to the Seraphim humanitarian mission board. Diplomats Tasks: contact third parties to propose collaborations around humanitarian projects, inquire and ask for authorization to relevant authorities regarding transport of commodities and right of passage in controlled space Project managers Tasks: develop and/or manage scientific or humanitarian projects endorsed by the Zoner Consensus. We currently lack of human resources to conduct all the projects we aim to achieve. Therefore, if you are a great project manager and wants to explore new horizons you should consider to join us. What we have to offer: a great working ambiance, descent wages and the satisfaction to work for noble causes. Unlike many other organizations we don't order our members to accomplish duties. Instead, the members decide the plans of action together and dispatch the tasks on a voluntary basis. While we are very open to new candidates regardless of their history, origins or religions, we expect our members to follow a strict line of conduct* in line with the Seraphim values. This means, for instance that if you are looking for credits, power or fight opportunities then you would be better to not apply because it could only lead to mutual disappointment. To apply to any position fill the following form: 1. What is your name? 2. What is your age? 3. Who are you? Please provide us a description about yourself and your history. 4. Why do you want to join? 5. What function are you interested in? 6. Why should we recruit you? 7. Please provide us a direct contact. After checking your information, we will evaluate your application and you will receive an answer as soon as possible (possibly one week after you sent your transmission). If your application is accepted, then you will be welcomed as a Seraphim candidate for a probation period of two weeks. During this period you will be evaluated by the Seraphim and a decision regarding your full membership will be made at the end of the probation period. Respectfully The Seraphim *The line of conduct rules the way we behave: including the space where we fly, the people with whom we deal, the technologies we use, and the commodities we transport. RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - moebus - 05-25-2017 To: People neutral or friendly to zoners From: Dankien Moebus Topic: Recruitment and collaboration Dear all, if you feel useless and want to be part of something helpful for the community, then contact us. We have plans for you. After supervising the reconstruction of Freeport 11, The Seraphim are going to provide help to Rheinlanders in Munich System. You might know that dark matter is slowly but certainly contaminating this system. We have already made a sanitary survey. People living on planet Nuremberg are strongly affected: disease, famine and death are becoming more frequent everyday. The Seraphim cannot stand idly by while this happens. All people of good will are welcome to join or to collaborate. Cheers, Dankien Moebus ![]() RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - TheSK - 06-10-2017 - = Incoming Transmission = -
To apply to any position fill the following form: 1. What is your name? Aelar Nailo 2. What is your age? 36 years of age 3. Who are you? Please provide us a description about yourself and your history. Born of a Bretonian Father and Kusarian Mother, I have spent most of my life on the move, as my mother was a mechanic on one of those huge Nephilim Class Colony ships until it's unfortunate demise, planetary sized natural disaster vs Colony Ship doesn't bode well for a single ship. Since that time I move around a lot, mainly in my Serenity class transport, hauling goods from place to place, looking for work in between jobs, though jobs come my way fairly rarely. 4. Why do you want to join? Truth be told, I wouldn't be here if OSI wasn't so lazy.. I put in an application with them and it took 8 days to get a reply, which I had to request, and after being accepted I was never brought into the fold, and now I'm tired of waiting, I can't keep going with the little amount of credits I have left, I need a job. 5. What function are you interested in? Transport Captain, though it would be nice to get some combat and command training as I am a fan of those Fearless class Destroyers. 6. Please provide us a direct contact. You can contact me via the neural net via "TheSK" and on a S.K.Y.P.3 frequency of "billy_calton" (no quotes of course) my name on the S.K.Y.P.3 frequency should read TheBilly|TheSK. I hope my answers have met your requirements, however, should you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to contact me here, on the neural net, or via S.K.Y.P.3 at your leisure. Nailo, out. - = Transmission Terminated = -
RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - Rusty Wing - 06-11-2017 To: The Seraphim From: Adrien Chevalier Topic: Recruitment The Seraphim. You are my chance to get redemption of the soul. All the necessary information will be below. ![]() (Photo from gallic royal fleet dossier) What is your name: My name is Adrien Chevalier. I'm the son of Jonathan Chevalier and Émilie Chevalier. What is your age: 30 years old. I was born in 794 A.S. Who are you? Please provide us a description about yourself and your history: The story of my life. Introduction. Childhood. 794 A.S - 812 A.S It is necessary to tell at once. I was born in Gallia. We really lived in isolation for a long time. We were embittered. We craved for conquests. However, my family... They were honest and kind people. It was hard to make money, so many of us could not afford a good education. But we grew up as good and kind people. In total, I had three brothers and two sisters. Basically they went to the army. It was well-paid job for everyone. Since then, I have not seen any of them. I graduated from high school, after it I finished a military medical school. Service in the military forces of Gallia. The siege of the Leeds. 812 A.S - 823 A.S ![]() I managed, in addition, to finish the flight school. Therefore, I can fly on transport ships or fighters. However, I had problems even with my colleagues. They did not approve of my pacifism. They believed that I was not worthy of my rank. I was enlisted as a field surgeon in a detachment that maintained order on the planet Leeds. I was deeply surprised by all the cruelty that we showed. The city was on fire. Innocent people were dying. We constantly fought. I wanted to stop this madness. I just wanted to help... (Adrien during the fight with rebel forces) Tribunal. Escape from Leeds. 823-824 A.S I wanted to help. I could not stay away. My status quo was broken. We had plenty of medications, while many people suffered from diseases. I helped them without any payment. Moreover, I even had a couple of times to help the soldiers of Bretonia. I was spotter during it. All this showed that I was a traitor. The tribunal sentenced me to be shot. I did not feel afraid. I was fighting for what is right. However, my help did not remain unrequited. One of the residents, who was saved by me, helped me escape. We boarded on the zoners and left Leeds. Why do you want to join?: I want to get redemption of my soul. I want to correct my mistakes. Stop killing. I'm a pacifist and I want to help. I understand that I will never be able to correct myself before the people I killed. I can only try. Try to the end of my life. What function are you interested in?: I'm can be a captain of transport ship, but... I'm a doctor. I can participate in the development of medicines and vaccines and provide medical care. Please provide us a direct contact.: SKYP3 protocol - live:rusty.wing.personal.charact RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - moebus - 06-12-2017 To: The Seraphim Recruitment Chanel From: Dankien Moebus Topic: Recruitment and collaboration Dear Aelar Nailo and Adrien Chevalier Thank you for showing your interest to the Seraphim, we will come back to you soon to discuss your application. Best regards, Dankien Moebus ![]() RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - The Seraphim - 06-17-2017 ![]() ![]() To: Aelar Nailo
From: The Seraphim Location: Newport Dear Aelar Nailo, The Seraphim have discussed your application and reached the conclusion that we don't feel ready yet to take you as a recruit. You seem to be a nice person but we feel that the Seraphim won't be able to give you satisfaction. Indeed we expect our members to be very autonomous and able to find what to do without being coached. Moreover, we are looking for people dedicated to our cause. Your motivation seems to be credits related but our members are volunteers. Of course, we try to provide funds to compensate regular fees but we cannot truly pay for a decent wage like OSI or house corporations. For these reasons, we prefer to decline your application. What we propose instead is that we work in collaboration for a time to know better each other and possibly reevaluate the situation later. We are preparing a humanitarian campaign in Munich system. You are welcome to join when it will start (possibly in two weeks from now). All the best, The Seraphim RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - The Seraphim - 06-17-2017 ![]() ![]() To: Adrien Chevalier
From: The Seraphim Location: Newport Dear Adrien Chevalier, It is the first time that we are contacted by someone from Gallia. You might know that a Gallic spies infiltrated the zoner community in the past before the invasion of Sirius by the Gallic forces. Nevertheless, we have nothing to hide and your biography is truly interesting. We can feel your motivation and experience so we are willing to recruit you. Being a doctor will be a great advantage for our next campaign in Munich system. This system is being contaminated by dark matter which causes serious adverse effects on human beings and ecosystems. Your medical expertise will be more than useful. We will contact you for the administrative registration as a Seraphim recruit and to talk about the details of the recruitment process. Congratulations, we are impatient to meet you, The Seraphim RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - TheSK - 06-18-2017 - = Incoming Transmission = -
The Seraphim, I'm afraid that without your acceptance, I will not be able to stay in the area any longer than a few days. I will be forced to seek employment else where, even if it is not official and in some cases probably not legal, I wont know for sure until I get out there and start searching again. Though I was denied, I do appreciate your consideration and swift replies. Perhaps when I am on more stable ground I will return and apply again, who can say. I do have an old friend I can turn to for work, even if it is menial labor, so if you change your mind or if anything comes to mind, you can always contact me in the previously mentioned neural net account and S.K.Y.P.E frequencies but also, there is a good chance you'll be able to find me in and around Freeport 10. Have a nice day. Nailo, out. - = Transmission Terminated = -
RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - Cursetantine - 06-29-2017 To: The Seraphim From: Paul Andrew McAvoy Topic: Application The Seraphim, Your efforts throughout Sirius is legendary. I wish to be a part of that. You will find the info you require attached to this transmission: 1. What is your name? Paul Andrew McAvoy 2. What is your age? 38 3. Who are you? Please provide us a description about yourself and your history. I was born in Cambridge, in 786 A.S. My father worked for Interspace Commerce and my mother as a planetary mining surveyor. I graduated as a chemistry engineer with a Planetform Inc. scholarship and quickly assigned to an autonomous terraforming project on Atka, although the project was ultimately canceled due to insufficient funds and interest and since I wasn't officially working for Planetform, I was unemployed at the age of 22. I enlisted to the Armed Forces as an engineer, though my particular skillset allowed me to move on to logistics department. I captained the transport "Hauntzer" for 17 years. Last year, our convoy got ambushed by Gallic forces on a refugee rescue mission in Leeds, Hauntzer suffered heavy damage while I lost my right lower leg in the flames and got it replaced by an artificial one. Although that wasn't a problem for me to keep flying my craft, I was forced to retire from the Armed Forces with a good amount of money. Since then I traveled Sirius and did freelance business. 4. Why do you want to join? I traveled Sirius after my retirement, saw a lot of things and met a lot of people. I was amazed by your efforts in Omicron Delta, which I also offered my services, transporting goods. Freelancing is fun, but I am searching for a cause to dedicate myself. Seraphim is where I can do the most good. I also am a scientist, on the other hand, and would like to stay close to people who are also interested in it. 5. What function are you interested in? Trading is all I did my whole life and that's what I'm good at. Though I would love to offer my skills in scientific projects as well. 6. Why should we recruit you? I am a scholar and a good pilot. I don't like bragging, but an average pilot would lose "Hauntzer" while I managed to keep her together. I am a practical and reasonable person, no interest in violence whatsoever. 7. Please provide us a direct contact. My S.K.Y.P.3 protocol is "ardareloader" . You can contact me from there. Best regards, Paul McAvoy RE: The Seraphim | Recruitment - The Seraphim - 07-03-2017 ![]() ![]() To: Paul Andrew McAvoy
From: The Seraphim Location: Newport Dear Paul Andrew McAvoy, Thank you for your message. We have reviewed your application and we are pleased to welcome you as a recruit of the Seraphim. Your involvement in our cause in the past has already shown us your professional skills. We also enjoy your motivation and are happy to work together again. As a recruit, you will be on a probation period at the end of which you will hopefully become an official member of the Seraphim. We will discuss it directly with you. Congratulations and welcome. Best regards, The Seraphim |