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So Where's Doc Holliday? - Printable Version

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So Where's Doc Holliday? - Doc Holliday - 05-26-2017

Heya, Gang. After receiving an email from an old friend, I figured I'd drop in. I haven't been here in awhile and I do miss this place but real life owns me. My last contact with anyone here was Hawk. I had the honor of meeting him , having dinner and doing some target shooting. He's a great person to know.

Why have I not returned? Real life got me. Work....and lots of it. I'm also a performer doing at least two theater productions a year. It's nice in that I have to pick what I want to do as directors come looking for me. Working for the military, I'm gone a lot and of course, my wife and son. By now, most of my stuff has been autowiped to include my beloved Med Force One. I miss my time here and I even have a lengthy post made for when I want to return. Basically, I will start back up with my strength, a good RP and go from there.

I'm just not sure when that will be. With annual training for the military in a few days, a fall theater production on the horizon, my wife on the mend after some surgery (I'm her caretaker until she's fully functional again) and my ailing father get a lot of my attention as well as he winds his way through Alzheimers.
So....if someone can keep a seat and a set of piano keys warm for me, I'll get back when I can. It'll be a challenge starting over no doubt.

God Bless
aka: Doc Holliday

RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - Sombs - 05-26-2017

This place is reserved for Doc Holiday. You can't have that place, it's only for him to cyber with corsair girls.

RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - nOmnomnOm - 05-26-2017

Own life, not the other way around.
Also, u didn't miss much. Sounds like ur life is the better option.

RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - Simon - 05-26-2017

Hey Doc,

I know the feeling of helping some one with Alzheimer's diseases. My grandmother is in the end stages and it truly is heartbreaking to see how the brain shrinks... even up to 30% in the end stages. I wish your father and wife all the best. I served two and half years in the Canadian Military until I tore my ACL. I know the burdens of military life but also its greatest accomplishments.

I hope to see you back in space some day, perhaps we can share a few stories as well.

Thank you for dropping in,

Nine (SImon)

RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - HassLHoFF™ - 05-26-2017

Funny, I just tried sending you a pm yesterday. Best whishes to your family and you my friend.

RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - sindroms - 05-26-2017


RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - Reddy - 05-26-2017

welcome back, you seem to have a very interesting life. hope you can squeeze disco in there too Smile

RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - moebus - 05-26-2017

Good to see you around. I wish you and your family will be alright.
I would enjoy to see Med Force one coming back but I know time may be hard to find.
Anyway, let me know if you need credits to rebuild it.

RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - Kaze - 05-26-2017

(05-26-2017, 01:41 PM)sindroms Wrote: Help.

*Cracks whip*
Back to work, you.

Nice to see you Doc. Don't worry, your place is safe.


RE: So Where's Doc Holliday? - Freeroamer - 05-26-2017

Hi Doc. Thanks for poking your head up again