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Infinity - CliffG - 01-20-2009

I dont know if anyones followed the development of this game but it looks extremely interesting and if you are into RP...cause i know how nearly impossible it is to find a game with RP, it seems from the forums that the majority of the players plan to RP, so i wouldnt doubt there will be RP servers. However its still in development...hasnt even entered alpha testing stages, meaning it has a few years to go still probably. They do have a small mini game that is sort of a basic Red Team vs Blue Team scenario with a few of the ships that will be in the final game. I just downloaded it so i can see what the combat is like. It appears the game will have a next gen(or more considering how old freelancer is), feel to it. Im not trying to recruit people and pull them away or anything like that. Infinity still has a way to go before even a closed beta comes up. But it looks promising for a future game.

Infinity - Jamez - 01-20-2009

' Wrote:I dont know if anyones followed the development of this game but it looks extremely interesting and if you are into RP...cause i know how nearly impossible it is to find a game with RP, it seems from the forums that the majority of the players plan to RP, so i wouldnt doubt there will be RP servers. However its still in development...hasnt even entered alpha testing stages, meaning it has a few years to go still probably. They do have a small mini game that is sort of a basic Red Team vs Blue Team scenario with a few of the ships that will be in the final game. I just downloaded it so i can see what the combat is like. It appears the game will have a next gen(or more considering how old freelancer is), feel to it. Im not trying to recruit people and pull them away or anything like that. Infinity still has a way to go before even a closed beta comes up. But it looks promising for a future game.

If they actually pull that off, it will be amazing. I played the little combat demo, it was pretty good actually. I just wish they would hurry up with development of the the game, before the engine gets old before they even release it(S.T.A.L.K.E.R anyone?).

Infinity - CliffG - 01-20-2009

' Wrote:If they actually pull that off, it will be amazing. I played the little combat demo, it was pretty good actually. I just wish they would hurry up with development of the the game, before the engine gets old before they even release it(S.T.A.L.K.E.R anyone?).

Yeah i actually stumbled across it yesterday, and could have sworn i had seen it over a year ago. It doesnt seem like they've made much progress, however ive never made a game so i wouldnt know. Im just crossing my fingers and hoping they do start some sort of public testing soon, or like you will be aging before its release.

Infinity - SimonBlack - 01-22-2009

Appearantly they're still working on it, but suck. It takes 1,5 - 2 years for a gaming studio (thats 100 - 200 people for you) to make a game.

Infinity - CliffG - 01-22-2009

' Wrote:

Appearantly they're still working on it, but suck. It takes 1,5 - 2 years for a gaming studio (thats 100 - 200 people for you) to make a game.

I dont think they have nearly that many people working on it sadly. On the Status tab of the journal it shows a rough estimate in percents of how much they think is done in each category.....they arent even close, it looks like at least another 2 years before any closed beta starts up =/.

Infinity - SimonBlack - 01-22-2009

Cant seem to launch the mini-fight thing. Cannot connect to server? Might be doing something wrong.

Infinity - swift - 01-22-2009

Yep I heard of this a couple of months ago. It looks very promising, this might be the next Freelancer, if it goes right.
I mean it could accomplish all the things Freelancer engine did not, but God knows when it will be released..
Shame it will be just an MMO, I always like singleplayer campaigns.

Infinity - Coin - 01-22-2009

' Wrote:Yep I heard of this a couple of months ago. It looks very promising, this might be the next Freelancer, if it goes right.
I mean it could accomplish all the things Freelancer engine did not, but God knows when it will be released..
Shame it will be just an MMO, I always like singleplayer campaigns.
Quote:Will I be able to play off-line, or is this game only online ?
Although we are currently developing Infinity as an MMO, we plan to release a special version to play and train off-line. Most of the features will be fully available in that version, but it'll play more as a sand-box game without the story.

Infinity FAQ

Infinity - CliffG - 01-22-2009

Edit: quoted the wrong person, this is @ the guy that couldnt connect

I believe you have to change the server to that one, as thats the only one that was up and running when i tried it. You may have to register too for it, cant exactly remember where.

However i wouldnt try to hard to play that mini game. Imagine a Freelancer with only 10 ships 1 system and being stuck with your starter weapons for each ship, with your graphics all set to minimum, fighting only 1 faction, in an arcade round 1 round 2 round 3 win/lose and reset game.

I think that their dev's just put out that mini game to prove they actually had a foundation to work from for their community. It will probably be another year and a half or so before they put out anything entertaining for people to play with =/.

There was a topic about missiles here on the forums, my fighter got almost one shotted by a basic starter missile in the mini game O_O not to count they sit there and fly around for like 5 minutes until getting shot down or hitting you, hopefully they work on that, as that IS a little overpowered. Extra damage between your shield and hull carries over rather then a 10000000 dmg shot hitting a shield thats at 2% not doing anything to the hull. Thats one thing i like.

Infinity - ian - 01-25-2009

they also made that protype to test out their combat system (hence "Infitiy: Combat prototype")

myself i love that prototype, god knows how big the HUGE ships like the Flameberg will be like next to one of our fighters haha especially since the new fleet render picture shows even the battleships are being dwarfed by them

Fleet Render - All + Large ships (Kraken is the current Battleships used in the prototype)
Medium sized ships
Small/Fighter ships (the "Intercepter" is a Viper and the "Gladius" is a Raider, both from BSG)

they are using real phsyics and metric systems and half the fighter fights are pretty damn good despite the bad ping rate:D

i myself just love mining for enough points to fly my beloved Carrier:D

also CliffG, there will not be anymore updates to the prototype and from what i know they have already fixed everything that was wrong in the prototype:) was fun being chased through the mazes of the asteroids from a missile and another fighter many hiding and ambush spots

i have been following that game ever since it was announced with the first seamless planet landing and it has grown MASSIVELY tis a shame the lead programmer wants to be the only programmer otherwise i would probably be in beta by now...kudos to him though as the less people working for him is the more money he gets and i can see the guy earning millions:)