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Konnichiwa, Disco! - Printable Version

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Konnichiwa, Disco! - JayDee Kasane - 12-03-2018

Hello, everyone! I am going to play this good mod with all of you from this day on!
I have logged a few times already but decided to say "Hi" to the community via forums.

Oh, and no, I have not been part of this community before.

Especially not between 2011-2016.

Never was part of any of the official factions such as SCRA| or [TBH] either. No sir.

Almost certain that I don't know anyone from this community.

And I never knew anyone by the name "JayDee", shall you by some chance ask me. Never knew the guy when I looked in a mirror everyday I woke up to wash my face and play Discovery Freelancer.

So yea, hello ladies and gentlemen! I hope we'll all have some fun in this definitely not dying slow and painful death game!

RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - Megaera - 12-03-2018


Have fun and let me know if you need anything

RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - Durandal - 12-03-2018

Welcome back, dude.

RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - Minh - 12-03-2018

You may reconsider changing the signature. It may give some people dizzyness due to weird angle shifts used.

Other than that, hello!

RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - DarkTails - 12-03-2018


RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - Emperor Tekagi - 12-03-2018

Well, hello there. Welcome back to hell.
Also hi from Lady Red in case she overlooks this.

RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - Banned player t202085 - 12-03-2018

Welcome back, things are different but still very enjoyable if you don't take it to seriously

RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - Lanakov - 12-03-2018

Ooooooooh boi. Welcome back, you hot piece of Murican garbage.

Yes, this is meant to elicit a reaction. Comrade. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - Mephistoles - 12-03-2018

What's a JayDee?

RE: Konnichiwa, Disco! - Spectre - 12-03-2018

Welcome back. Have fun and nuke Gauls, mate.