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Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - Printable Version

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Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - kacijon - 02-23-2009


So I am calling All Liner Captains To register...

In The Liner Net wich Will look like That:

All liners Write A short Biography of Liner and then send Me PM or post it here..

Luxury Liners:

Queen of space" is a Luxury Liner built in 815 A.S. by Baltimore shipyard, for Orbital Spa & Cruise. Now she is ship of Trader Alliance of Sirius (or [TAoS] for short). "Queen of space" is used on cruise traffic from New Tokyo to New Berlin. Her commander is Captain Alex Johnson.

Name: "Queen of space"
Owner: Trader Alliance of Sirius
Port of Registry: Curacao, Cortez
Route: Shinjuku station - The Ring
Status: in service
Crew: Captain Alex Johnson, 120 crew members.

The Luxury Liner Raymaster was stationed in New York in 816 A.S. Currently it is docked at Manhattan awaiting certain equipment. Afterwards it will be stationed within New York to provide visiting pilots special equipment to buy at a reasonable price and may travel to Pennsylvania.

Name: Raymaster
Owner and Operator: Captain Landon O'Riley
Status: On hold
Crew: 50 Members
ID/IFF: Junkers

LL Rhodes is a Luxury Liner built in 816 A.S. by Baltimore shipyard, New York, for Orbital Spa & Cruise. She's currently used on cruise traffic from Manhattan to Heaven's Gate in Tohoku and occasionally Munich and Newcastle. Her current commander is Captain Goddard Quinn.

Name: 816 A.S. onwards: Luxury Liner Rhodes
Owner and Operator: 816 A.S. onwards: Orbital Spa & Cruise
Port of Registry: 816 A.S. onwards: Curacao, Cortez
Route(s): ManhattanHeaven's Gate, Tohoku
ManhattanMunich (on occasions)
ManhattanNewcastle (on occasions)
Identification: Luxury.Liner"Rhodes"
Status: In service
Crew: Captain Goddard Quinn, 150 crew members.

This is Captain Neo Oliver of the Orbital Spa & Cruise: Luxury-Liner-CORONA. The Corona is our finest top class ship like the others around Sirius space. Our Goal is to transport passengers to Lawful Houses and transport military equipment. Our primary routes are mainly New York, New Berlin, New London, and last but not least New Tokyo Systems.

Luxury Liner: CORONA
Captain/Commander: Neo Oliver
ID/Affiliation: Orbital Spa & Cruise
No. of Crew: 60

Luxury_Liner_SunShine Piloted By Captain Le. Flexter And his Crew. Crew Number is 150.
This Liner Is keeping out of the Kusari Systems. It is flying In the Liberty, Rheinland, Bretonia And Borderworlds.
Tag:Interspace commerce

Wlater Hastings here Commander of the Orbital Spa and Cruise Liner Emerald Sunset. OSC's pride for traveling to Rheinland.
Commissioned in 816A.S and has served ever since. Primary routes include New York to Munich and New London to Munich.

Name: OSC-Emerald.Sunset
Or Known As Also: OSC-Oktoberfest (Name for the Week Celebrating Octoberfest 817A.S in Munich)
Captian/commander: Walter Hastings
ID: Registered to Orbital Spa and Cruise
IFF: Orbital Spa and Cruise
Crew: 250

Piloted by Captain Wallis and Wallis Familiy members.
Crew count: 50

The Wallis family have been wealthy members of the Bretonian Empire for a long time. The familys money repeatedly replenished by clever investment and bussness dealings. Long story short, the Wallis family became a rather large target for Bretonia's criminal element and had to pretty much leave thier home for fear of being killed or kidnapped for ransoms. Packing up all thier assests and cutting themselfs off from other people.Gary Wallis, the youngest of the Wallis family used their riches to broker the purchace of a Luxury Liner from Orbital Spar and Cruise. While this was an ideal place for the Walis familiy to live in relative security, it did cut them off from the rest of the empire and ultimatly the ability to make more money. As such, in order to cover overheads and generate income for the Family, The Glacier Bay runs a sort of luxury inter-system ferry service for the most wealthy of Sirius's citizens.

Tag: OS&C

Ship Name: Olympus
Call Sign: OSC|LuxuryLiner.Olympus
Class: Luxury Liner
Captain: Linus Alexander Bessenger
First Mate: Gregor Amsel
Crew: 500 (300/200 on shifts)
Max Passengers: 1300
IFF/ID: Orbital Spa and Cruise

The Olympus was designed with long distance cruises through the beautiful border worlds and house systems. With thicker armour, a larger storage area, and with a fully functioning, 100 strong security force on board, we are able to offer these longer cruises with all the luxury and security expected from Spa and Cruise vessels.

Ship Name: Aerith
Class: Luxury Liner
Captain: Takara Hakase
First Mate: Mitsuru Takahata
Crew: Minimal; 10 Full; 100
Max Passengers: 4200
IFF/ID: Orbital Spa and Cruise (OSC)

The Aerith is a privately owned ship, commissioned by the Orbital Trade Group to Captain Takara Hakase. The ship order was made to Planet Curacao in 414 AS and completed in 415 AS. The Aerith's maiden voyage was from Planet Manhattan to Luxury Liner Hawaii. In 418 AS, the Aerith had an altercation with Outcasts on a return trip from Sigma-17. She received battle damage but made it to Planet Dever and unloaded passengers and the crew arranged for them to be transported to their final destinations. The Aerith docked with Baltimore Shipyard for repairs. While under repairs, it was decided to go ahead with a renovation as well. Currently the Aerith is in orbit around Manhattan undergoing diagnostic tests. It is schedueld to leave for New London to pick up the remainder of the crew within the week

Class: Luxury Liner
Name: "Batavia"
ID: Trader
Captain: O'reihn Saltberg
Crew: 76

Currently shipping to and from planet Baden Baden, under short term contract
with Spa and cruise. The Batavia is a freelance luxury liner,
which can be hired by corporations and militaries for personnel shipping.

Name: [IND]-[Malarlo]-Store-E

Class: Luxury Liner
Arnament: Classified
Armor: Light, single plated with extra titanium casings.
Crew: 40

Royal Liners:

Ship Name: NorthenStar
Class: Royal Liner Liner
Captain: Aidar Dent
Crew: 117
IFF/ID: Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing (BMM)

The Royal Liner "NorthenStar" is stationed at Southampton Shipyard,awayting for an Armor Upgrade and a new paint.
The ship can be seen transporting VIPs around sirius.

Ship's name: The Dionysus, PanGalactic Travel Company
Callsign: PanGal|PGL-Dionysus.III
Class: Luxury Liner
Captain: William Dashwood
Crew: 10 permanent senior crew members, many more temporary workers, interns and so on performing line duties.
IFF/ID: Orbital Spa & Cruise

The crew is largely made up of former staff from the Bretonian National Archive and tries to reflect their scholarly leanings in their cruises. We fly for the PanGalactic Travel Company, the largest Orbital Spa & Cruise affiliate in Sirius. We provide luxury tours, cruises and passenger transport services between all the major planets of the four houses, the Orbital Spa and Cruise planets Curacao and Baden-Baden, the Luxury Liners Hawaii and Shetland and the Augsburg Orbital Colony. We are also available for hire for singular or prolonged use by VIPs who require our services exclusively, and have been recently repatriating refugees from the beseiged planets Harris and Leeds as part of a humanitarian effort.

Name:Royal Liner PGL Magestic
Callsign: PanGal|PGL-Majestic[HQ]
very short description: In addition, we also operate... *shuffles papers*. This ship serves as our corporate headquarters

Name: Royal.Liner-Cape.Town

Class: Private Royal Liner
Captain: Ronny O'Shea
Crew: 150
Capacity: 250 Rooms, 50 VIP lounges.
Serves as: Recreational facility, Equipment dealer and Museum.
Commissioned in: 815 A.S.

Name: [IND]-[Malarlo]-Store-B

Class: Bretonian Royal liner
Arnament: Classified
Armor: Advanced, double plated with strengthened equipment.
Crew: 27

Name: [IND]-[Malarlo]-Store-C

Class: Bretonian Royal Liner
Arnament: Classified
Armor: Heavy, triple plated with extra titanium casings.
Crew: 41

Prison Liners:

Name: [IND]-[Malarlo]-Store-A

Class: Prison Liner
Arnament: Classified.
Armor: Advanced, triple plated.
Crew: 32

We are here to register our Liner. A Decommissioned Libertonian Prison Liner now serving as a Oribital trading bazaar at Freeport 2 in Bering System.
Engines put down to 10% power only and Shielding at Maximum Strength.
Originaly the NY.Flea.Market

Name: Sirius.Flea.Market
Crew: 250
Capacity: 750
Identification: Zoner
IFF: Zoner

== Pilot Name : Captain Ty ==
== Ship Name : Guantanamo ==
== Callsign : Guantanamo(Cap.Ty)[NGS] ==
== Tag : Liberty Navy ==
== ID : Liberty Navy ==
== Crew : Classified ==
== Prisoner Capacity : Classified ==
== Location : Classified ==
== Armorment : Classified ==

The Guantanamo is the Liberty National Gaurd's Prison, Armory and Bank.
All other information is classified.

== Pilot Name : Commander Mitchel ==
== Ship Name : Taga ==
== Callsign : Taga(Cmdr.Mitchel) ==
== Tag : Order ==
== ID : Order ==
== Crew : Fully Robotised ==
== Prisoner Capacity : 3000 ==
== Location : Order Controlled Space ==
== Armorment : Lvl 4 Transport Turrets, Advanced Gravitron Shield, Armour Upgrade Mk VIII ==

Since recieving command of the Taga, I have developed an amazingly effective interogation technique. The Taga is run by myself, and crewed by a fully-automated ship-wide robotics system. There are specialy designed rooms aboard the ship to allow for safe storage of nomad biomass, and for the nullification of their abilities for experimenting. The Taga flys with Order forces to allow the quick removal of key targets from battle sites ready for interogation without the risk of them being re-captured.

Kusari Liners:

[TAZ]Waverly's.Wonder, formerly the "Bafflin'.Queen
Crew Count: Unkown
Their mission is simple, the support of the Church of Eris Esoteric, Pueblo Bonito, through the transport of "pilgrims" from Liberty to the Temple (currently shuttled via Nago), and the supply of Bafflin's prime "Scrubbies" on the return to Liberty. Boring, but crucial to Her Holy Work.

TAG:Zoner Guard

Far Horizons: Other details Unkown

Odyssey: Other details Unkown

Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - Darkard - 02-23-2009


Piloted by Captain Wallis and Wallis Familiy members.
Crew count: 50

The Wallis family have been wealthy members of the Bretonian Empire for a long time. The familys money repeatedly replenished by clever investment and bussness dealings. Long story short, the Wallis family became a rather large target for Bretonia's criminal element and had to pretty much leave thier home for fear of being killed or kidnapped for ransoms. Packing up all thier assests and cutting themselfs off from other people.
Gary Wallis, the youngest of the Wallis family used their riches to broker the purchace of a Luxury Liner from Orbital Spar and Cruise. While this was an ideal place for the Walis familiy to live in relative security, it did cut them off from the rest of the empire and ultimatly the ability to make more money. As such, in order to cover overheads and generate income for the Family, The Glacier Bay runs a sort of luxury inter-system ferry service for the most wealthy of Sirius's citizens.

Tag: OS&C

Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - Reverend Del - 02-23-2009

---Incoming Transmission---

Encryption: Priority level Alpha one. Anti-Hacker protocols engaged.

Location: Scrambled

Comm ID: Ca.....Jos.....Cannot get an accurate reading.

Good day,

The Liberty One feels no need to register. It's capabilities and exact details are known to only a few within the LSF and this is how it will stay. Any attempt to pry further information will result in terrorist charges proceeding against you.

That is all.

---Communication ended---

Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - kacijon - 02-23-2009

Darkand I added you as royal liner becose I think there is. tell me if it is normal one....

you must add Ship type too...

Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - Darkard - 02-23-2009

Its just a Regular Lux Liner. Sorry about that

Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - Malaclypse 666 - 02-23-2009

Comm ID: Reginald Asmodeus Waverly
CEO, Waverly LLC, Pueblo Bonito, Port Canaria, Belfast, Freeport 6

How droll.

Well lads, here she is, the "[TAZ]Waverly's.Wonder", formerly the "Bafflin'.Queen", (Until I got tired of hearing 'Hello, Madam!'),

Our mission is simple, the support of the Church of Eris Esoteric, Pueblo Bonito, through the transport of "pilgrims" from Liberty to the Temple (currently shuttled via Nago), and the supply of Bafflin's prime "Scrubbies" on the return to Liberty. Boring, but crucial to Her Holy Work.

Kusari Liner
Zoner/Zoner Guard


Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - kacijon - 02-23-2009

Ok I have registered you....

I am not sure under what shall I register Del...

Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - Jimothy - 02-23-2009

-- Sender ID : Captain Ty, Liberty National Gaurd --
-- Sender Location : Liberty Naval Prison Liner Guantanamo at classified location --
-- Encryption Level : Maximum --
-- To : Liner Net --

== Pilot Name : Captain Ty ==
== Ship Name : Guantanamo ==
== Callsign : Guantanamo(Cap.Ty)[NGS] ==
== Tag : Liberty Navy ==
== ID : Liberty Navy ==
== Crew : Classified ==
== Prisoner Capacity : Classified ==
== Location : Classified ==
== Armorment : Classified ==

The Guantanamo is the Liberty National Gaurd's Prison, Armory and Bank.
All other information is classified.

-- End Transmission --

Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - Jimothy - 02-23-2009

-- Sender ID : Commander Mitchel --
-- Sender Location : Prison Liner Taga High Orbit Of Planet Toledo --
-- Encryption Level : High --
-- To : Liner Net --

== Pilot Name : Commander Mitchel ==
== Ship Name : Taga ==
== Callsign : Taga(Cmdr.Mitchel) ==
== Tag : Order ==
== ID : Order ==
== Crew : Fully Robotised ==
== Prisoner Capacity : 3000 ==
== Location : Order Controlled Space ==
== Armorment : Lvl 4 Transport Turrets, Advanced Gravitron Shield, Armour Upgrade Mk VIII ==

Since recieving command of the Taga, I have developed an amazingly effective interogation technique. The Taga is run by myself, and crewed by a fully-automated ship-wide robotics system. There are specialy designed rooms aboard the ship to allow for safe storage of nomad biomass, and for the nullification of their abilities for experimenting. The Taga flys with Order forces to allow the quick removal of key targets from battle sites ready for interogation without the risk of them being re-captured.

-- End Transmission --

Luxury And Other Liners Register.... - Beta - 02-23-2009

Transmission from: Luxury Liner - Batavia.
Sending to: Liner Net.

Class: Luxury Liner
Name: "Batavia"
ID: Trader
Captain: O'reihn Saltberg
Crew: 76

Currently shipping to and from planet Baden Baden, under short term contract with Spa and cruise. The Batavia is a freelance luxury liner, which can be hired by corporations and militaries for personnel shipping.

With kind regards,

Captain Saltberg
Luxury Liner - Batavia

End transmission.