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Reintroduced Barges! - Printable Version

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Reintroduced Barges! - Enkidu - 03-23-2019

There's now barges back in the game! Interesting!

I wonder how they'll work in the discovery of today. Any faction or player hoping to use a barge, and for what?

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - Madvillain - 03-23-2019

TBH needs one for Pepe.

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - Hubjump - 03-23-2019

I'm poor yet a great asset for factions who want competent capital fleet warfare. Hire me oorp and pay for my ships Wink

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - Loken - 03-23-2019

I long to return to the days of late 4.85 when there was a constant stream of power trading barges full of ore in Gallia to pirate arrest.

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - TheShooter36 - 03-23-2019

Oh yes, Barges. They do not have sellpoints yet by the way. But yeah, they are an interesting addition, hailing from an era of legacy of ancient discovery. heh. Gonna be a fun ride.

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - Kiith - 03-23-2019

After so many years, it has happened! Oh, what a time to be alive.

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - Enkidu - 03-23-2019

(03-23-2019, 05:28 PM)Madvillain Wrote: TBH needs one for Pepe.

It's the only way they can move his mighty bulk.

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - Kiith - 03-23-2019

Then they'd already need two

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - Jessitrescott - 03-23-2019

please make it player buyable.

RE: Reintroduced Barges! - Sarwar - 03-23-2019

Feeling like Barges will be RP centered.
You need Heavy RP to get one.