ARCHIVED: Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Catbert - 03-30-2019
INCOMING TRANSMISSION ![[Image: mnqXpqz.png]](
Sender: Adelaide Gauthier, Commandant des Révélateurs
Recipients: All personnel of Escadron XXII
Message Type: Video + Subtitles
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Servants of le Roi! This channel has been established to better coordinate our efforts, not only on the Bretonian front, but beyond. It will serve for all our internal communications, orders, announcements, mission reports, et cetera. Nobody outside the battlegroup has access to this frequency. Granting access to any specific message in this channel to any third party is the prerogative of the Escadron command.
The encryption tools and standard communication protocols are attached. Report any events of significance, or any knowledge collected to this channel. The King commands it. Remember, his word is law.
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RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Catbert - 04-02-2019
INCOMING TRANSMISSION ![[Image: mnqXpqz.png]](
Sender: Adelaide Gauthier, Commandant des Révélateurs
Recipients: All personnel of Escadron XXII
Message Type: Video + Subtitles
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Servants of le Roi! As our forces continue their deployment at our Leeds Forward HQ, many of us are wondering what we're doing on this on this smog-clogged world, and why we continue this war far away from home. Know that I understand your sentiment and share it. A few years ago, I too would've preferred to focus on securing Gallic borders and the Core Worlds.
Once our forces arrive, I will hold a briefing explaining our purpose in this foreign land in full detail. But until then, here are the standing orders:
- Assist la Marine Royale Gauloise. They have the strengh and numbers to be the sword, the shield, and the hammer of le Roi. We can't match their numbers, but we can be His Majesty's eyes, ears, voice, dagger, or whatever else he requires us to be.
- Secure Leeds for our own needs. The planet is the only fledging bastion of civilization in Bretonian space. This is where we'll be spending the coming months, spreading the word of the King and our ways among the populace. Retrieval of any data from our ships lost on Leeds in the offensive is a priority.
- Make your presence known. Prove yourselves on the battlefields, if that's what you're best suited for. Spread our doctrine if you feel that your breath won't be wasted by doing so. Prove that we deserve to rank among the King's finest.
- Remain discreet where it counts. Don't draw the unwanted attention of our enemies, for they are many. Regroup with other Gallic forces if you are outnumbered. Once our main forces arrive, we'll have more freedom in our operations, but until then we're at a disadvantage.
- Survive to see another day. Oui, the mission comes first and survival comes second. But if you perish, you won't be there when le Roi needs you again. Ships can be easily replaced, and trained soldiers not so much.
The King commands it. Remember, his word is law. Until the promised briefing, that would be all.
RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Catbert - 04-07-2019
INCOMING TRANSMISSION ![[Image: mnqXpqz.png]](
Sender: Adelaide Gauthier, Commandant
Recipients: Capitaines des Révélateurs
Message Type: Text
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Yesterday's operation was deemed successful by our superiors. Capitaine Coste is to prepare a full report on our insertion, surveillance, diversion, and extraction from Liberty. I shall forward that report to the command la Marine Royale, so that they can order future analysis. There is no need to withhold any information we gathered. We'll expect reciprocity from la Marine in that matter.
Our subsequent sortie into the Poole system detected heithened activity, but not the battlegroups that we tracked in Liberty. Dispatch more scouts to Cambridge and Poole. If the Fairmont and Whitefield did reach Bretonia after all, we must be the first to know and notify our fleets.
The King commands it.
RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Catbert - 04-08-2019
INCOMING TRANSMISSION ![[Image: mnqXpqz.png]](
Sender: Adelaide Gauthier, Commandant
Recipients: Capitaines des Révélateurs
Message Type: After-Action Report
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Here is the the mission report submitted by Capitaine Coste. She is currently busy overseeing the science team's efforts to analyze the remaining data we retrieved from our sortie into Liberty. I'm making it available to all ranking personnel, and will forward it to la Marine afterwards.
Emeline Coste Wrote:
On April 6th 742 A.S. Escadron XXII joined forces with la Marine in California. We went to observe the massive fleet movements that the Carcassone scanners had picked up. The initial plan was to perform long-range scanning and analysis of Libertonian fleet. Planet Mojave was picked as the contact site; it was the choke point the Libertonians would have to inevitably pass. However, the fleet movement of that scale had stirred up the entire Libertonian underworld. These lowlifes gathered considerable amount of firepower, so we had to change plans at the last minute.
I stayed behind and at range to monitor the Libertonian fleet movements, while the rest of our forces retreated into the ice asteroid field. As the Libertonians approached and turned towards Ontario jump gate, I disrupted the lanes in front of them. That gave our task force the much-needed time to take positions in Ontario. We lacked the numbers to stop the Libertonians, so the plan was to perform hit-and-run strikes on the trade lanes. We would delay their movement and acquire the much needed scans in the process.
The presence of large numbers of hostiles distracted the Navy from us, so the plan worked. Our task force had ample time to move to Alberta and meet the Libertonians there. We converged with the MRG near the destination, but apparently, we weren't the only ones here. The so-called "Lane Hackers" have arrived in numbers. Escadron XXII had to preserve the gathered data, so we received orders to withdraw from the AO. The MRG forces arrived to the final RV point shortly afterwards.
While at the RV point, we picked up lots of strange readings in the system. Apparently, the jump sequence didn't go quite as planned. The energy readings spiked for a few seconds. If it was the jump, then I have never seen the readings of such magnitude from any other jump gate. We intercepted bits of encrypted comms, but not enough to fully figure out what happened here. Our scientists are still analyzing what little data we could gather. Either way, when the readings faded, there was nothing else for us to do in the system, so we proceeded to extraction area.
The Whitefield and Fairmont were pretty standard vessels for their class, in terms of equipment and weaponry. Their only outstanding quality was superior shielding and additional hull plating. If it hadn't been for their battlegroups, I believe it could've been possible to isolate and destroy them. Unfortunately, the opportunity didn't present itself, and their shielding held remarkably well.
However, we also had an opportunity to get a few unique scans of other vessels that made an appearance in Liberty to interfere with the battlegroup movement. I believe that the "organic vessels" will be of particular interest of our research staff. They haven't fully gone through all that data yet. However, even as raw data, this information should be useful to la Marine.
Our sortie to Liberty was more than just fruitful. The attached evidence is only about a half of what we recovered. Further analysis of weaponry, technology, and especially "organic vessels" may be required. I am certain that research of that data will prove fruitful to our war efforts. As our scientists make progress, we may be able to provide additional information and conclusions.
RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Catbert - 05-05-2019
INCOMING TRANSMISSION ![[Image: mnqXpqz.png]](
Sender: Adelaide Gauthier, Commandant
Recipients: Ranking personnel des Révélateurs
Message Type: Text
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Subject: A Minor Nuisance from Crete
We believed that the Corsairs were wise enough to see the bigger picture and choose the right side. Apparently, we were wrong, at least about some of them. The Journal Officiel already listed the Brotherhood vessels (TBH) as personae non gratae in Gallic territory. The exact reason is unknown to me, but it doesn't matter. That alone wouldn't have warranted our notice. However, their continued interference in our Bretonian operations has done just that. There is a particular individual I'm talking about: pilot of the vessel Black.Sails[TBH].
We first encountered that individual in Cambridge on 27 April, 742 A.G.S., when we were attacked by a small Coalition task force. The pilot in question eventually joined forces with the Gaians and the Coalition against us. When we dispatched most of the enemies, the pilot engaged cloaking device and disappeared from the battlefield.
The second encounter took place on May 4, 742 A.G.S., when I personally assisted la Marine with their operation in Cambridge. As usual, we were faced with Bretonians, until the arrival of the Gaians and the mentioned Corsair. They were so quick to join forces with the BAF that one would think they have sworn fealty to Queen Carina. Unfortunately, I couldn't witness the outcome of that encounter, as I was distracted by a Bretonian commander who challenged me to single combat. Winning that battle brought my ship to the brink of destruction, and I was forced to withdraw from the AO.
Here are the relevant recordings before the initiation of hostilities:
[27.04.2019 15:41:54] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: The Cretan has questions for you apparently.
[27.04.2019 15:41:54] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: At any rate, we've managed to turn your cruiser around.
[27.04.2019 15:41:59] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: Oh, is that so?
[27.04.2019 15:42:01] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: I'll allow him to ask them before the clash.
[27.04.2019 15:42:13] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: Very well, I have time to kill.
[27.04.2019 15:42:25] Black.Sails[TBH]: *coughs*
[27.04.2019 15:42:32] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: What is it?
[27.04.2019 15:42:48] Black.Sails[TBH]: So whats the deal with TBH being persona non grata in Gallia.
[27.04.2019 15:43:17] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: So we meet again.
[27.04.2019 15:43:23] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: It seems we do.
[27.04.2019 15:43:23] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: Oh, that? I heard the news, we all did.
[27.04.2019 15:43:29] Black.Sails[TBH]: I mean... Normally I walk into a bar and turn heads... but the last time I did I was diffrent
[27.04.2019 15:43:42] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: Do you finally insist to end what we began ealier.
[27.04.2019 15:43:46] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: But to be honest, I am not aware of the details.
[27.04.2019 15:43:57] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: I've been mostly preoccupied here.
[27.04.2019 15:44:00] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: It's not as if Gallia will turn back and live peaceful lives. Is there another option?
[27.04.2019 15:44:07] Black.Sails[TBH]: *shurgs* Just curious.
[27.04.2019 15:44:21] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: Peace is what we're fighting for, monsieur.
[27.04.2019 15:44:24] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: You wished to remove our presence "forcefully".
[27.04.2019 15:44:30] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: People are just short-sighted to see that.
[27.04.2019 15:44:30] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: You faced the consequences.
[27.04.2019 15:44:36] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: I've seen your peace.
[27.04.2019 15:44:39] Black.Sails[TBH]: I'm here for the show so.... *grabs popcorn*
[27.04.2019 15:44:42] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: You have not.
[27.04.2019 15:44:51] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: Peace is a commodity long lost.
[27.04.2019 15:45:02] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: Then you don't have a clue if you're truly fighting for it or not.
[27.04.2019 15:45:07] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: All you know, is what you're told.
[27.04.2019 15:45:13] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: It was gone in Gallia well before the Council's folly.
[27.04.2019 15:45:14] Black.Sails[TBH]: *nods* Gaian, it is a pleasure.
[27.04.2019 15:45:26] GG-W-Cazadora: Hello.
[27.04.2019 15:45:29] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: Your peace is oppression.
[27.04.2019 15:45:46] Black.Sails[TBH]: A wise man once said "Peace is a lie"
[27.04.2019 15:45:50] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: And you would learn that from whom? Le Counseil?
[27.04.2019 15:46:00] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: I don't give a damn for the Council.
[27.04.2019 15:46:03] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: I'm tired of your speeches monsieur Keller.
[27.04.2019 15:46:04] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: You and them are likely no better.
[27.04.2019 15:46:38] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: You either leave Cambridge for once or I will remove your presence.
[27.04.2019 15:46:42] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: Well, sadly, I'll have to save the lecture on the nature of Gallia for another time.
[27.04.2019 15:46:43] GG-W-Cazadora: Oh.
[27.04.2019 15:46:44] GG-W-Cazadora: Oh wait.
[27.04.2019 15:46:51] GG-W-Cazadora: Are they really ordering people around? Here?
[27.04.2019 15:47:07] GG-W-Cazadora: I feel like someone's got hit with a rock to the head.
[27.04.2019 15:47:08] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: It appears that Monsieur Josselyne intends to finish what he started. A noble trait.
[27.04.2019 15:47:26] Black.Sails[TBH]: *laughs* Its not wise to order around Gaians in there space.
[27.04.2019 15:47:41] \*/~Adelaide.Gauthier: And I don't really have time to explain it in detail. Feel free to inquire later.
[27.04.2019 15:47:42] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: I wasn't talking to the Gaian.
[27.04.2019 15:47:48] SCRA|Hans.Metzger: Feldmarschall, I've arrived.
[27.04.2019 15:47:51] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: Hans, weapons ready.
[27.04.2019 15:47:56] SCRA|Hans.Metzger: Verstanden.
[27.04.2019 15:48:00] SCRA|Hans.Metzger: Powering up.
[27.04.2019 15:48:00] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: On my mark.
[27.04.2019 15:48:00] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: Good.
[27.04.2019 15:48:02] \*/~Guy.Josselyne: Then you die.
[27.04.2019 15:48:05] SCRA|Lukas.Keller: Mark.
[04.05.2019 18:55:06] Black.Sails[TBH]: What do we have here?
[04.05.2019 18:55:15] Gaia's.Wrath: It would seem Gauls have come to Cambridge..
[04.05.2019 18:55:20] GG-W-Camellia: What do my eyes spot here?
[04.05.2019 18:55:21] Gaia's.Wrath: I'm afraid the Gaians will not allow this.
[04.05.2019 18:55:37] Black.Sails[TBH]: Tisk Tisk... And by that neighter will I.
[04.05.2019 18:55:38] GG-W-Camellia: The Gauls so far from home? Such a pity
[04.05.2019 18:56:00] Gaia's.Wrath: But then again the Armed Forces have it somewhat covered.. Gaia's Wrath will stand by, other forces may engage.
[04.05.2019 18:56:44] Gaia's.Wrath: Captain do not engage that Corsair!
[04.05.2019 18:56:48] Gaia's.Wrath: He is here to help us with the Gauls.
[04.05.2019 18:56:58] HMS-Endeavour: Oh my mistake
[04.05.2019 18:57:11] MRG|Rupert.Davies: A Corsair traitor? How shameful!
[04.05.2019 18:57:24] Gaia's.Wrath: He knows what is best!
[04.05.2019 18:57:31] BRF|HMS-Polaris: I could use some help!
[04.05.2019 18:57:32] Gaia's.Wrath: Gallia's destruction!
[04.05.2019 18:58:42] BAF|Cdr.Martin.Beck: what do we have here
[04.05.2019 18:58:55] BAF|Cdr.Martin.Beck: muitiple hostiles
[04.05.2019 18:59:03] BAF|Cdr.Martin.Beck: powering up weapons
[04.05.2019 18:59:09] Gaia's.Wrath: Pilot stay away from the Corsair, he is here to help.
[04.05.2019 19:04:47] Death: MRG|Rupert.Davies was put out of action by BAF|Cdr.Martin.Beck (Gun).
[04.05.2019 19:04:51] MRG|Rupert.Davies: Oh bugger...
[04.05.2019 19:05:04] Black.Sails[TBH]: That was my kill you lousy tea sipper
![[Image: w4xzEnm.jpg]](
P.S. Despite interference, both operations in Cambridge were ultimately successful for les Révélateurs, in large part due to the assistance de la Marine. The lists of destroyed and disabled hostile vessels are of no relevance in this report. For future encounters with the Brotherhood, assume that their intentions are hostile, until proven otherwise.
RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Kanzler Niemann - 05-08-2019
Sender: Guy Josselyne, Lieutenant
Recipients: Ranking personnel des Révélateurs
Message Type: Text
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Today I joined the Royal Navy in a joint recon mission in Roussillon, however, it didn't take long for us to stumble across some Crayterians and their company. We engaged combat and managed to take one of them down very quickly, the battle spread a bit around Perpignan Spaceport. The Crayterians suffered heavy losses as their backup arrived with a familiar face among them. Alice Marie, a former General in the Gallic Royal Navy under the command of Grand Maréchal Grant LeRoux. It is very unfortunate that she decided to take that way, however, I engaged combat with her but did not manage to destroy her ship. I will upload all evidence now. This is all for now.
RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Decktare - 06-10-2019
Sender: Emeline Coste, Capitaine
Recipients: Adelaide Gauthier, Commandant
Message Type: Video
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Bonjour, Commandant.
I have three news regarding our activities.
First, the construction of our research base is carried out fairly quickly thanks to the support of the Gallic Metal Service. They work efficiently. A security system test will be conducted around the base very soon. Everything is under my control. I will make a log in which I will describe all the results of this construction.
Secondly, our anti-terrorist operation is being carried out successfully and our undercover agents report on several destroyed Maquis merchant ships. They will also investigate how the Maquis obtain the ore. I will get information soon.
Thirdly, my team of scientists reports on a finished project called "DMR", a dark matter reactor. Personally, I’ll need permission from you to research the dark matter cloud in Alberta system. The study includes a flight for obtaining data by the computational method, and a flight for obtaining samples for further tests.
In general, that's all, waiting for your answer.
RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Catbert - 06-16-2019
INCOMING TRANSMISSION ![[Image: mnqXpqz.png]](
Sender: Adelaide Gauthier, Commandant des Révélateurs
Recipients: Emeline Coste, Capitaine
Message Type: Video
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Good job, Capitaine. I trust you as the supervisor of that project to make the right decisions. This facility doesn't affect much in the grand scheme of things, but it could give us the technological edge and serve as a training ground for project "Parole". Keep me posted on how things go with the construction and defenses.
I'm glad to hear the news about intercepted traitor vessels. The origin of the ore warrants investigation indeed. At best, it could've been stolen from some of our corporate transport. At worst, we're dealing with Maquis sympathizers in the Gallic Metal Service. If it's the latter, project "Parole" and your facility might become all the more important than we think.
Expedition to Alberta has been authorized. Personally, I'd go with a small strike team, maybe a corvette or two. But you're in charge of it, so I'll let you determine the best approach. I'm looking forward to the outcome of this one.
RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Catbert - 06-30-2019
Sender: Unidentified source, GRIS-22
Recipients: Le Professeur
Message Type: Text
Encryption Strength: Absolute
I have received your instructions. Although unexpected (especially given that so little time has passed), the instructions will be carried out to the letter: - Commandant Adelaide Gauthier shall be recalled to Le Monarque for debriefing and reassignment. Her status as Commandant des Révélateurs shall be revoked, but she will not be stripped of her military rank. Given the amount of time and resources that went into Gauthier's training and conditioning, I understand your decision to deploy her away from the frontlines. Her minor nobility, prior clearance level and experiences may help her in the role you have planned for her.
- Capitaine Emeline Coste shall be promoted to Commandant and be put in charge des Révélateurs. Albeit somewhat of a dark horse, she possesses the same qualities as Gauthier, some in greater amounts. Matching Gauthier in terms of loyalty, Emeline Coste is a definite step up in organization and combat tactics. Admittedly, she favors a more direct approach and is a slight step down in terms of communication, diplomacy, and finesse, but those qualities won't help in our current situation.
- Ex-Commandant Damien Germain should be ready for duty soon enough. If he's deemed fit after evaluation, he'll be reinstated as Capitaine to assist Commandant Coste. If not, other people will be chosen to assist her in commanding Escadron XXII. Utmost loyalty and obedience remain his defining traits. If reinstated, Damien could be used to keep Emeline's more independent approach in check.
Commandant Coste shall be informed of the further steps and the induction speech personally when the time comes.
As per your request, I'm also attaching my own intermediate summary of project "Parole". It will also serve as the summary of Gauthier's term. The project continues steadily, and has been a moderate success this far, not living up to our expectations in some areas and surpassing them in other ones:
- [Success] Reorganization of Escadron XXII – whatever assets that were left of the battlegroup after the failed Germain's blitz have been prepared for deployment. Preparations were made for additional construction. Command structure has been reestablished, and all the necessary paperwork has been handled.
- [Success] Cooperation with other military branches – communication was established with several officials de la Marine Royale. It resulted in several joint operations and a massive training session: the Orleanais war games. This can be attributed to Gauthier's skills as a negotiator; one more reason for her future Ile-de-France assignment.
- [Success] Recon and combat – the central frequency covers most of the operations, albeit not in as much detail as you might expect. Nonetheless, the mission reports should speak for themselves.
- [Success] Side operations – there is more to project "Parole" than just Escadron XXII ops. Thanks to the efforts of Commandant Gauthier, the more subtle aspects of our work haven't been discovered so far. Only those informed directly by us know about them. I understand that secrecy regarding our work behind the scenes continues to be paramount, at least until project "Parole" is completed and implemented widely.
- [Failure] Induction of new ranking officers – one of the most important aspects of project "Parole" continues to be the most difficult. So far, we've had just a few candidates. All of them showed promise, but few of them reached the point where they could be inducted and granted access to the true nature of our work. So far, the number of is limited to Coste, Gauthier, and Germain (to an extent). Given that induction itself is pretty selective, one of Coste's objectives will be to get more people for high-level pre-induction evaluations.
Project "Parole" works, we know that much. It will be up to you and Commandant Coste how we're going to scale it and capitalize on it.
RE: \*/~Fréquence Centrale des Révélateurs - Catbert - 08-17-2019
Sender: Le Professeur, GRIS-22
Recipients: Emeline Coste, Commandant des Révélateurs
Message Type: Voice
Encryption Strength: Absolute
Commandant Coste,
As you know, the Tau supply artery has been cut off by the Crayterians. That forced us to go all out with the New London blitz. In the meantime, the Council has a straight path to Ile-de-France, and the reinforcements from other systems haven't arrived yet. The situation looks grim: it could go either way, but we need to prepare for the worst. Here is what you shall do:
First of all, dispatch Le Monarque to New Paris. Load it with enough supplies for long-term autonomous operation. Le Monarque will evacuate all our essential personnel, primarily from Ile du Palais. Non-essential personnel in other districts can be let go; they don't possess information about our work. But make sure to leave no evidence for the Council to find.
Secondly, prepare to abandon our Forward HQ on Leeds. You may have noticed the Triumph-class destroyers in orbit. If our blitz in New London fails, and Leeds is surrounded, la Marine might go for "scorched earth". Should that occur, ensure that our capital vessels have enough room for essential personnel in case of emergency evacuation.
Regardless of what happens to New London, Leeds, and New Paris, Escadron XXII must be prepared to regroup with other GRIS-22 assets and Royalist forces. War won or war lost, we can't let our efforts and achievements go to waste.
The King commands it.