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Affiliate: Omer Darche - Printable Version

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Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 04-02-2019

Your name: Omer Darche. "Vatan".
Supporting Personnel: Julia Grant.
Your desired callsign: Darche.
Age: 37.
Origin: Planet Nevers, Burgundy, Gallia.
Area of skills/expertise/experience: Communications, Piloting (Fighter, freighter, transport), Xeno-technology. Former Royal Police officer.
Vessel(s): 1x Lynx, responder "Omer.Darche". 1x Lynx and 1x Cougar with wiped responders. 1x DL Transport "Backdrift". 1x Retrofit-Transport "Echoplex". "Vatan".
Past Contact with Auxesia: Comm-1 Comm-2. Vessel-to-vessel communication.
Why do you wish to help us?: Discussed previously.

RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Vendetta - 04-02-2019

[Image: UMPXT6B.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID:Keeper Leviathan
TOPIC: Response


Authorized. Welcome aboard.

We're still discussing what you offered, but I'll keep you informed now that there's little occupying my time.

- Keeper Leviathan


RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 04-12-2019

Freeport 11, Omicron Delta System
11, avril, 742 A.G.S

Sender: Omer Darche, Pollux.
Recipient: Auxesia Network, Auxesia.
Topic: Information Update.

We are glad to have this contract settled. I have given a small update to the given documents to include logistical vessels and an additional name that may come up, just to nip possible issues in the rear and to avoid confusion.

Omer Darche

Transmission End

RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Kauket - 04-19-2019

[Image: ph8SC9s.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Revenant


One of our agents have come to discover two new depot and mining installations in the Planet Knossos atmosphere. I would like to extend an invitation for the Vagrants to possibly assist us in dismantling and raiding these stations. I should note that we intend to get the The Collective in on this party.

The stations, "Major Outpost" is located roughly ten clicks above the structure, while the other installation, "Romeo's Hideout" is directly in the core of the structure. We do not know who owns these stations, but we do know that we need to remove them as soon as possble.


RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 04-19-2019

The Ring, New Berlin System
19, avril, 742 A.G.S

Sender: Omer Darche, Pollux.
Recipient: Auxesia Network, Auxesia.
Topic: Installations.

This is discouraging news. I shall inform my superior, and it shall send forth this information. I doubt there will be any issue with the others included in this operation.

See you in space, if you come yourself.

Omer Darche

Transmission End

RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Kauket - 04-20-2019

[Image: ph8SC9s.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Revenant



That was amusingly simple. We expected at least some average resistance from the structure itself, but it appeared to have improper architecture. Either way, the operations should lessen now. Perhaps it will serve as a reminder to those who dare to harvest the site, or perhaps they'll just be back with more ferocity.

Until then, we can only keep an eye out.


RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 04-28-2019

Newport Station, Sigma-13
28, avril, 742 A.G.S

Sender: Omer Darche, Pollux.
Recipient: Auxesia Network, Auxesia.
Topic: Unioners.

Those mouth breathing idiots who can't even read an I.D. display made a mess in Sigma-13 following some cultist incursion. After I helped your people in Texas, they seemed to have wanted revenge. Worked with some Crimson aligned gunboat and freelancer. A group of them tried to jump me, however I was able to get back to Helgoland easily. The Guild and oddly enough a Synth security ship came to clear them out. What's funny is the Synth ship took most of them out. It's funny actually. An escort for paste ships was about to take them out.

Regardless, count me into this war for sure.

Omer Darche

Transmission End

RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Kauket - 04-28-2019

[Image: ph8SC9s.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Revenant



They don't exactly have a very good business deal with freelancers, now do they? Regardless, good work on surviving their ambush. In any case, should a full on war break out, I'm sure we can compensate you with monetary goods, or even some scientific data.


RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Kauket - 05-06-2019

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: tbarrave.png]

Hello. I hope everything is well for you, things aren't quite well with us. Well. That's a lie, we're going to be fine.

I would like to pass on that the Vatan should lay low, the Bretonians have erratically and illogically initiated hostilities with us, starting by closing the borders, and in response, we closed our borders. Then they decided to try and break the blockade, working with the Gaians - both attempting to bring war vessels.

I do not know why they are acting like this, but with their close ties to the Gaian Guard now confirmed, we can only speculate that their little green friends were manipulating them. It makes sense from our previous communications. I would appreciate if you were on the look out for us.

Additionally, the Atum appears to have relocated into Crayter space. You may find that there is less pressure in the Inverness system, well... was.

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Omer Darche - Miaou - 05-07-2019

Freeport 2, Bering
6, peut, 742 A.G.S

Sender: Omer Darche, Pollux.
Recipient: Auxesia Network, Auxesia.
Topic: Bretonia, Atum.

This is most troubling news, however with how the Bretonian militant government has been operating it is understandable or foreseeable. As for your suggestion we will not be following it and instead doing the opposite. The Independent Worlds are important to the Cardamine trade as well as other operations and having Bretonia, or any major house, attempting to enforce their will is undesired. If anything, expect more from us, including the Light.

As for the Atum and it's battlegroup. When you say Crayter space, do you mean into the deeper Taus? If possible, we want to know where it went exactly. It's position matters. If it is indeed out of the way, then it's without worry. However if it still threatens the operations in the surrounding systems there must be action.

Omer Darche

Transmission End