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Black and White, Alliances - Markam - 03-16-2009

disclaimer; this is my opinion, dont take it as fact, I dont think the facts are off, but I would be biased to myself.

the OC alliance; Hessians, Rogues, Mollys, GC, Hackers

the Corsair alliance; Order, Gaians, Farmers alliance, Hogosha

Whats wrong with this is, as mentioned countless times, it is black and white and an oversimplification of the political affairs in Freelancer.

Even going as far to include Houses in these 'blocks' of power. I for one cant stand it, and I hope for a day when these are mostly all gone.

all of my descriptions of the factions are are oversimplifications for the sake of space, covering only the basics of what is off about the alliances.

OC to start;

note; npc use of the dagger/sabre/stilleto does not count as OC infleunced, the shipline is neutral.

Hessians, they hate Cardi and have limited contact with Outcasts, only thing in common is hatred of corsairs. Hessians now have their own shipline and are the 3rd richest pirates in sirius, they have long desired to be removed from the OC alliance.

Mollys, they also hate cardi, and have their own shipline shared with the rogues (now more than ever). again, only thing in common is hatred of Corsairs, limited contact.

Rogues, this is difficult, as profit of the rogues may well be heavily linked to cardi, but they're very loose and I dont see them -all- being in love with outcasts and hooked on cardi. They do not hate corsairs, hell I would go as far as saying that Rogues would consider smuggling artifacts, they're criminals and money is money, despite obviously not coming into contact with corsairs anyway.

GC, they're heavy cardi usersi, that alliance makes somewhat sense, though im not well up on this.

Hackers, also described as hooked on cardi and being an outcast satallite and pawn, they do have their own shipline and factions such as HF I dont think fit the bill of outcast allies, but again, not well up on this difficult area.

now Corsairs;

Gaians, OK, i dont see it personally, gaians dont hate mollys and my personal gaian wouldnt give a crap about shooting a corsair on sight (much less use their guns or ships), if he felt that he was clogging up the air with those bulky ships they love. Gaians however are complicated and more thought is best put into this.

Farmers Alliance, I dont see it at all, I can see neutral, they're farmers and corsairs are sorta hungry, but it makes as much sense as corsairs being allied to KNF.

Hogosha, ok, smuggler partners giving access to the kusari market, not going to love corsairs hanging about in kusari -at all- however, and I'd go as far as saying more or less neutral, if not to make junkers happy, why would they force junkers to lean toward OC?

Order, thats an entire thread in itself, personally think it makes no sense but it'd take focus off the more reasonable alliances, should this be talked about in detail.

now 4,85 gave tons of factions their own shipline, and the potential of dynamic alliances and real forum RP, wouldnt we be better to get rid of these Black and White Red versus blue alliance's altogether?

Black and White, Alliances - Kuraine - 03-16-2009

I am inclined to try and get most of these alliances moved away from each other, but I can't see it happening for the foreseeable future. I definitely want the Order - Corsair alliance gone though.

Black and White, Alliances - Mastermind - 03-16-2009

I agree on lots of things there.

I've had a time (before the new mod release btw) that I saw a Corsair is New Berlin, New Tokyo, New York and not in New London (where they should be)

The OC - Corsair war shouldn't drag any other factions in it, it's like you make Junkers ally with Bretonia against the war on Kusari.

Black and White, Alliances - Derkylos - 03-16-2009

Hogosha are actually quite heavily involved with the Corsairs, being the major artifact distributor in Kusari and even down as far as the Kusari-Liberty borderworlds, they also receive strong military support from the Corsairs in the form of weaponry, etc. While they probably won't tolerate a Corsair pirating in Kusari, one "passing through" would seem ok, as long as they do not get into trouble with the authorities.

As for Junkers-Outcasts, there are several news items about Liberty Junkers getting close ties with the Outcasts, due to their mutual enmity with the Xenos, so that connection is already brewing.

Black and White, Alliances - swift - 03-16-2009

Well last time I checked, the main reason for the success of Junkers is their neutrality in the OC Corsair conflict.

Black and White, Alliances - Kambei - 03-16-2009

We leave aliance with outcasts when our goal will be done = When Hessians make from Crete their main base against Rheinland regime.

Quote from bestseller among worker class of Rheinland "Das Rheinland reis, die grossten aus allen" (Rise of Rheinland, greatest among of all):

Quote:Goals of Hessians for next 50 years.
- defeat Corsairs in omega systems
- make from Crete main base for shipyards
- begin masive production of capital ships as well as transport and support (fighters) ships
- use capital fleet for final strike against corrupted current Rheinland goverment and evert this criminal regime
- reunite Omega space with Rheinland into one huge house
- help to Outcasts build their own house if they leave their criminal activities

Well since Rheinland is now in war with Liberty, there is also posibility (if Rheinland win) put ex-Liberty space togeather with Rheinland rise same as omegas and create even bigger house.

All in all things are going fine for now... sairs are loosing omegas (they have now just 41, one pathetic base in 50 and single rock in 5) and their bases in Omicrons except Crete are OC catch of war. Rheinland is weakening his forces in war with Liberty. Plan is on right way to be completed maybe even sooner than in 50 years.

Black and White, Alliances - Primus Avatar - 03-16-2009

It may be oversimplification... but this is a game. And it was built primary for fun of shooting people and discovering freelancer lore. Not to pursue some political motives or fight diplomatic battles.

Black and White, Alliances - Cawdor - 03-16-2009

tbh - Hessians should shoot any outcast on sight for their relations with nomads.

Black and White, Alliances - Kambei - 03-16-2009

' Wrote:tbh - Hessians should shoot any outcast on sight for their relations ships to nomads.

they havent any... they just worship squshies and squishies ehm... ignore them or shoot their ships near their jumpholes in alpha:D

Black and White, Alliances - BaconSoda - 03-17-2009

Well, here we go:
' Wrote:Hessians, they hate Cardi and have limited contact with Outcasts, only thing in common is hatred of corsairs. Hessians now have their own shipline and are the 3rd richest pirates in sirius, they have long desired to be removed from the OC alliance.

Think World War Two. Why shun an ally against one of your biggest enemies because of idealistic problems? The Soviet Union and the Allies did this, and the Outcasts and the Hessians could do so against the Corsairs. As long as the respective technologies stay separate from each other, which the factions are currently doing a very good job of, I don't see any problems here.

' Wrote:Mollys, they also hate cardi, and have their own shipline shared with the rogues (now more than ever). again, only thing in common is hatred of Corsairs, limited contact.

See above.

' Wrote:Rogues, this is difficult, as profit of the rogues may well be heavily linked to cardi, but they're very loose and I dont see them -all- being in love with outcasts and hooked on cardi. They do not hate corsairs, hell I would go as far as saying that Rogues would consider smuggling artifacts, they're criminals and money is money, despite obviously not coming into contact with corsairs anyway.

I like to think that the Rogues are more of a back-door neutral to, well, everyone who isn't keen on shooting them. Not above doing anything with anyone, so to speak. If you'd look at Galileo, there is a Rogue wreck filled with artifacts because, hard as it is to believe, the Hackers and Rogues were the biggest smugglers of artifacts into Liberty before the war, and I don't believe them to be above smuggling them currently.

Furthermore, I also think that the only thing a run-of-the-mill Rogue would love more than money is cardimine. They are noted as being very dependent (more so than the Hackers) on cardimine, and making loads of money for the Outcasts in distributing and consuming cardimine in the amounts that they do. If anything, they would adore the Outcasts, and the Outcasts would look at them favorably in return.

' Wrote:GC, they're heavy cardi users, that alliance makes somewhat sense, though im not well up on this.

I've said it so many times and I never wanted to say it again, but, the GC are more connected to the Outcasts than any of their other connections. Of the Outcast relationships, this one is the strongest. The GC love the Outcasts, and are more addicted to cardimine than the Rogues, who I would guess is the second most addicted. Everything they do has something to do with cardimine. They absolutely adore the Outcasts, and everything about them.

The Outcasts, on the other hand, look nicely down at the GC. They think them a little naive, but take full advantage of the GC's adoration of the Outcasts. They let the GC distribute cardimine, and they don't have to lift a finger or risk anything in Kusari. If anything, the Outcasts are the closest allies the GC have and will ever have, but, that isn't so represented in the GC player faction...

' Wrote:Hackers, also described as hooked on cardi and being an outcast satallite and pawn, they do have their own shipline and factions such as HF I dont think fit the bill of outcast allies, but again, not well up on this difficult area.

This is one I am quite confused about. Aside from making minor profits on cardimine, the Hackers don't really need the Outcasts at all. With new ships and all, I would think they would separate, personally...

' Wrote:Gaians, OK, i dont see it personally, gaians dont hate mollys and my personal gaian wouldnt give a crap about shooting a corsair on sight (much less use their guns or ships), if he felt that he was clogging up the air with those bulky ships they love. Gaians however are complicated and more thought is best put into this.

The way the Gaians are portrayed in Discovery is a little different from the vanilla image, I think. Being viewed as more of a pirating faction which has lost most of its initial views and patriotism, the Gaians might look onto the alliance with the Corsairs as a way to stay alive and continue to fight for what they believe in, though, the newer members don't necessarily care about the original views, from what I understand.

' Wrote:Farmers Alliance, I dont see it at all, I can see neutral, they're farmers and corsairs are sorta hungry, but it makes as much sense as corsairs being allied to KNF.

This one is tricky. First point is that the FA has a significant amount of pressure form the Hogosha. If the Hogosha told the FA that the Corsairs were good friends, and that they could be trusted, the FA would agree. Furthermore, if you'd read news on Crete, it would come into light that the Corsairs are running the entire Tau war through the Hogosha to strike at Cali Base and destroy the lifeblood of the Outcasts. That may have something to do with it...

The deal between the FA and the Corsairs, though, is that the Corsairs be nice and stay out and the FA/Hogosha will take care of their interests in Kusari. The Hogosha smuggle artifacts, and the FA are the henchmen who fight away any competition.

On another note, the FA has enough support in Kusari to arrange for shipments of food to be traded off to the Corsairs. What they could get in return is questionable, but, all roads lead to currency in some form, which may be guns, money, or artifacts for our own collection or Samura.

' Wrote:Hogosha, ok, smuggler partners giving access to the kusari market, not going to love corsairs hanging about in kusari -at all- however, and I'd go as far as saying more or less neutral, if not to make junkers happy, why would they force junkers to lean toward OC?

This is why a deal was made for Corsairs to stay out since the Hogosha and FA already protect their interests. The Hogosha make money, the Corsairs make money. That's enough for both of them, I suppose.

As to the Junker thing, I could see why the Junkers could be angry at the 'Sairs for betraying them like that...

' Wrote:Order, thats an entire thread in itself, personally think it makes no sense but it'd take focus off the more reasonable alliances, should this be talked about in detail.

The idea that the Order shared technology with the 'Sairs is a gameplay issue than anything else. The Outcasts just have so many more potential allies, and so the Order, being so physically close to the Corsairs, decided that they would lean on them instead of anyone else. Whether that was a good idea or not, it's the history of Disco, and it can't just be forgotten. It's part of the RP in place here. We can't just let that go.

EDIT: Holy wall of text, Batman!