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RP Rules. - Supern0va - 04-08-2009

I have a question. Do you have to say engage when you are about to fight somebody even though the person you are in a group with and flying next to already said engaging? This happened while I was on my LNS-Colorado char and the guy started whining after we killed him and said I broke a rule. Also is taking someones sheild down technically engaging? He invaded Liberty space btw..

RP Rules. - swift - 04-08-2009

Personally, I'd tell you never to say 'engaging', but to be in RP and try to think of something more creative, and not just yelling 'engaging' before pew pewing the hell out of something.

RP Rules. - Supern0va - 04-08-2009

So you don't have to say engaging?

RP Rules. - swift - 04-08-2009

You can't just go and say 'engaging' and then attack someone.

That is not enough RP before an engagement.

So talk a bit, won't kill you.

RP Rules. - Jinx - 04-08-2009

no - you don t need to say engaging... but like it was stated, you should make it clear that you ARE engaging.

so you re not just charging in with guns blazing - but you just calm down a little, take your trigger finger from the right mouse button, place it on the keyboard and have a nice little chitchat with the other people. - reasonable enemies ( even if they re at war ) share a few lines with you.

of course, you ll meet some that will take that as a weakness and exploit it - but thats still no reason not to do it. - some encounters do not need a word though. - there have been encounters when two ships were just silently standing opposite each other - "staring each other down" - everyone waiting for the other one to make the first move - quite a tense situation. that is enough sometimes, aswell - if the RP of it is clear.

in RP it can be detrimental to go into a fight babbling like a stand up comedian, too. - after all, you re about to kill, not to talk them to death.

RP Rules. - Weedalot - 04-08-2009

that is true. You must RP a bit at the least a full RP sentence

RP Rules. - Supern0va - 04-08-2009

What if a pirate has invaded your space (Liberty) and you are in a group with someone and they say Engage? Do you have to say it to?

RP Rules. - johnpeter - 04-08-2009


RP Rules. - MrHeadphones - 04-08-2009

well, if a group member engages with a notice, I think you should still give an engagement notice before you attack as well, although remember to keep a sense of "fair play". nobody likes their lone bomber to be swarmed by 3 gunboats. Just because a group member is engaging doesn't mean you have to engage too.

RP Rules. - Prototype - 04-08-2009

..actually... the word had to be written like this:


...just ask members of one specific faction....

Sorry for Outoftopic, i tried to resist but failed...gimme the banhammer!