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Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - Printable Version

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Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - msgerbs - 04-15-2009

Right now the guns on the armored transport are simply too close together and too large to look right. In addition, the belly guns are at odd angles that I highly doubt were part of the design. This makes the firing arcs very asymmetrical, and make it look strange. Is it possible this could get updated?

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 04-15-2009

Sounds like you use Transport turrets, no? Why not use Small Transport Turrets?

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - msgerbs - 04-15-2009

What do you mean "small transport turrets"? I was told the type 3 is the best, so I used those.

And smaller guns still won't fix the weird belly placement, or else I probably wouldn't have posted.

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 04-15-2009

eh, for example at Newark in York you can find some other Transport turrets. Those have a smaller model, which would fit better with the small AT.

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - msgerbs - 04-15-2009

What are the names? And are they are strong? Like I said, the size issue doesn't bother me so much as the odd placement of the belly turrets.

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - Cellulanus - 04-15-2009

I think the armoured transport should be reclassified as a freighter and treated as such.

After all, all of the NPC ones use fighter turrets, and thats all that model was meant to use.

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - eyvind - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:What do you mean "small transport turrets"?
Small Transport Turrets are identical to standard Transport Turrets, just with smaller models.

' Wrote:I was told the type 3 is the best, so I used those.
As a general rule, don't listen to people who tell you something or other is best. The issue is generally too complex for such absolutism. Type 3s have the highest damage output, but also has several disadvantages over the other Types such as lower durability, lower projectile speed, and higher energy consumption.

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - msgerbs - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:I think the armoured transport should be reclassified as a freighter and treated as such.

After all, all of the NPC ones use fighter turrets, and thats all that model was meant to use.
And the NPC ones die like flies.

If you class it as a freighter, then what happens to the "armored" part? Nobody's paying 3.8mil for a freighter.

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - Cellulanus - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:And the NPC ones die like flies.

If you class it as a freighter, then what happens to the "armored" part? Nobody's paying 3.8mil for a freighter.

Freighter shield, major hull boost, class 5 turrets.

Simple as that.

Redo Armored Transport model/gun placement? - msgerbs - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:Freighter shield, major hull boost, class 5 turrets.

Simple as that.
I heartily disagree. In a world where even transport can die in seconds, how is somethnig with a freighter shield and guns supposed to survive?

I'm curious why you think it shouldn't be a transport. it's like it's a full-bore transport with 2200 cargo for 3.8mil, you're basically paying for the massive defensive ability. You take that away and it loses its uniqueness, and its usefulness.