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[Trade Event]Overstock Sale - Printable Version

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[Trade Event]Overstock Sale - SlappyTheRoach - 08-16-2022

Overstock Sale
Trade Event


Beaumont Base has found that the scrap coming out of the Dallas Debris Field in Texas is very ample, thy have had their miners gather a lot of scrap from there to the point they have found themselves in an abundance of scrap. This is more than they can hold and are now overstocked. To combat the over stock of scrap they have manufactured it into Steel Coiled Sheets and have bulk packed them to 100 units per order. This is only viable to the corporations for their sheer size in numerous transport ships to ship them off.

Planet Sprague has heard of this, they are in dire need for this product that the Beaumont has manufactured and are paying top credit for this product. They have put the word out they are willing to make a deal to anyone that can bring them the Steel Coiled Sheets.
Though this message they have sent out has caught the attention of the local pirates along this route, they have need of this as well. Both Ithaca Base and Torshavn Space Port have put the word out they will pay a good fair price for any of this product liberated and taken to them.

There has now been reports of pirates attacking the convoy’s and loading up their own transports back to the Ithaca and Torshavn. It is recommended to bring your own protection while moving this cargo as it is very sought after by the pirates.

The Junkers have kindly hinted that there is some ore nearby Omega-3 that can be brought back to make some credits so you do not fly empty on the trip back. .

Final days of the sale are coming, all stock is nearly gone. Plant Sprague is still in need of the Steel Coiled Sheets, they have updated their price and will be giving a person bonus to all that deliver the cargo.

(This is effective after the next Server restart, the prices for the other sell locations are updated as well, Will extend the event for the weekend then it is all wrapped up, thanks for participating in this event)

Event Duration:

16/08/2022 After daily restart, to 20/08/2022 22/08/2022 (depending how it goes, the weekend)

Rule Changes:

No Jump Drives are allowed to be used when participating in this event.

Buy and Sell Prices:
Purchase At:
  • Beaumont Base, Texas: 181,200 per unit

Sell at:
  • Planet Sprague, Omega-3: 770,640 per unit (220,660 bonus)


  • Ithaca Station, Omega-7: 619,780 910,200 per unit
  • Torshavn Space Port, Cambridge: 794,660 1,072,220 per unit

Purchase At:
  • Planet Sprague, Omega 3

Sell at:
  • Planet Houston, Texas

  • Barrow Base


This event is a testing ground for more to come, any feedback will be welcomed. This intention is to spur activity in the regions.
Do note if you are caught cheating with jump drives in this event, and we will be watching. Your ship will be sent to the void along with your credits. Please keep this fair on everyone participating.

Credit for helping @Jayenbee, @Zentor

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - Nika - 08-16-2022

Sounds exciting. The prices, though... what's the commodity to cargo space rate?

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - SlappyTheRoach - 08-16-2022

1 unit takes 100 cargo space as per post.

Edit: we will see how it turns out, go from there and adapt it as needed.

Also just a wall art I quickly chucked together, don't mind that haha

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - Nika - 08-16-2022

Oh, okay. Guess someone has to actually pay attention to full description.

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - LuckyOne - 08-16-2022

JDing Bustards incoming in 3...2...1.

It happened before. It will happen again. Unless the admins finally stop doing the same kind of mistakes for every trade event.

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - HanCloudstone - 08-16-2022

These are some thicc commodities. Maybe I will take part, too.
How many people set up jumptrading Bustards, though?

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - SlappyTheRoach - 08-16-2022

If they do, they will be found and consequences will happen.

I want this to be a fun event for all, lawful and pirates

Do try to keep this fair.

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - Aingar - 08-16-2022

Not sure how JDing bustards are a problem here, idk what JD cargo limit is exactly, but I'm assuming it's around 800, so let's go with that number.
Profit per unit is 770640-181200 = 599440
A single ship can hold 8 of those since it takes up 100 cargo each.
That gives us a whooping 4.8mln profit per jump per ship.

I'm not seeing the problem here honestly, unless I'm missing something big.

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - SlappyTheRoach - 08-16-2022

Have added a rule change for participants in this event that Jump Drives are not allowed.

That will eliminate any problems.

So all go out there and have fun. Hopefully all goes well and more and better ones to come.

RE: [Trade Event]Overstock Sale - Greylock - 08-16-2022

Yeah, not worth it to jumptrade. You're looking at about 7 mil profit after the price of jump batteries IF you have a full 1800 space on a bustard, which most people don't due to weapons and such.