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Mining - zeinstruktor - 05-02-2009

I mean, last beta, there were some places where mining was actually on par with trading proft... For example, Omega-49.

Now, it's got a 2x nerf in niobium drops there, to list one.

Must you force us to trade?

Mining - Grumblesaur - 05-02-2009

I do feel I need to agree. Mining was at least remotely interesting, not to mention it requires you to pay attention to what you're doing.

Mining - Unseelie - 05-02-2009

I dunno what you're talking about.
This version, right now, there's more than a few points where you can earn 230 cr/sec on the route for the miner+Xtraders, so long as your balance is right...That's -better- than trading.

O-49 was a bug, and it was horrid. Mining is supposed to be a group effort, while trading is a one person thing.

Mining - Grumblesaur - 05-02-2009

Traders leech the profit. Mining/Selling by oneself is more profitable.

Mining - Unseelie - 05-02-2009

It is, in fact, by design, not.

Imagine, you've a trader, running the runs, while the miner mines, constantly. The trader means that the miner is mining all the time, making much more free stuff, than if the miner had to jump up and fly to a base every time he made 2k or so.

My example, Niobium from the stokes field to Leipzeig, is a 14 minute run. it earns 250 cr/sec, and requires about 4 haulers. With that many haulers, the miner earns 250, constantly. Without any haulers, the route takes 17 or 18 minutes, because they have to fill up first, which means their profit is only actually 180 or 160 cr/sec.

Mining - Grumblesaur - 05-02-2009

' Wrote:It is, in fact, by design, not.

Imagine, you've a trader, running the runs, while the miner mines, constantly. The trader means that the miner is mining all the time, making much more free stuff, than if the miner had to jump up and fly to a base every time he made 2k or so.

My example, Niobium from the stokes field to Leipzeig, is a 14 minute run. it earns 250 cr/sec, and requires about 4 haulers. With that many haulers, the miner earns 250, constantly. Without any haulers, the route takes 17 or 18 minutes, because they have to fill up first, which means their profit is only actually 180 or 160 cr/sec.

We're talking short-range mining here.

Mining - Unseelie - 05-02-2009

Well then.
Short range mining isn't supposed to exist.

Mining is by design a team sport, and lowering the risk of it, by having profitable mining spots less than 20 or 30k from a base, is not what the team wanted when they set it up. Moreover, the numbers Igiss himself has layed out for profits this mod state that mining/trading profits should not exceed 40 million an hour. I've no idea why, but thats the limit which has been adhered to. 49 earned 100 million an hour. Obviously a bug.

Mining - Grumblesaur - 05-02-2009

' Wrote:Well then.
Short range mining isn't supposed to exist.

Mining is by design a team sport, and lowering the risk of it, by having profitable mining spots less than 20 or 30k from a base, is not what the team wanted when they set it up. Moreover, the numbers Igiss himself has layed out for profits this mod state that mining/trading profits should not exceed 40 million an hour. I've no idea why, but thats the limit which has been adhered to. 49 earned 100 million an hour. Obviously a bug.

It wasn't 100mil an hour. Zeinstruktor did the math, he got about 10mil in 17 minutes. That does not equal 100mil/hr.
And it's the same with every other situation. We can't always have two transports per miner. Usually we end up with a huge group of miners.

Besides, aren't mining stations set up to collect minerals? Isn't that WHY they're in fields?

Mining - Tenacity - 05-02-2009

I dont think mining should be a group thing. It's as idiotic as yelling "GET ESCORTS!" at every capship player out there.

This may be a multiplayer game but it certainly isnt an MMORPG, there are not an infinite number of player slots and too many people are forced to play relatively solo because of that. What's the point of mining when it takes 2-3 or more players to match what one player can make just by trading? there is none.

Mining needs to be on par with trading's profitability. In some areas it is, in some it isnt - unselie keeps using the 230-250 credits per second as an average, I make far more than that mining scrap at bornholme (where each unit of scrap sells for 500 credits, and you get 10-20 units per can shot), but that is the only place i've found where it even comes close to the same profit margins as trading does.

Mining - Unseelie - 05-02-2009

230-250 is my benchmark for my most excellent mining position. I can understand the point that we don't always have many players, as I struggle to keep my mining run operational for more than a single run, as I need 5-7 people. If you want one man mining routes, please suggest how to do it without breaking the system, and I'd gladly champion you to Dusty and Xoria.