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New model to criticize - Printable Version

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New model to criticize - RmJ - 07-08-2009

[Image: front-1.png]
[Image: Sideprotofang.png]

[Image: top.png]

[Image: prospective1.png]

[Image: wire.png]

Yes no? tell me what you like and don't like about it,

New model to criticize - dr lameos - 07-08-2009

' Wrote:I have been doin the box build method for awhile and it's okey but really heavy in the poly count and is rather hard to clean...

So i decided to use a basic shape to be a guide line while constructing every point one by one and building the faces all in one mesh. It saves tons of memory. BUT for some reason my program keeps freezing. I know many use milkshake for modeling but i don't...

So trouble shooting it will most likely would be futile.

I think I am going to use milkshape...shake whatever from now on just wanna know if i can get a version for free...or ish...more to the yes i'm a cheap give it to me for free.
*ps i've been up 2 days soooooooo excuse my laziness for not using the search

i'm going to sleep now....

i want to finish my racer model i promise you it will be the best out of my models yet :D
There's not a free version as far as I know, there's only trials... though google 'milkshape serial crack' and you may find what you're looking for;)

My advice though, use metaseq, seems more straightforward to me than milk anyhow, and is freeware.

New model to criticize - RmJ - 07-08-2009

Quote:My advice though, use metaseq, seems more straightforward to me than milk anyhow, and is freeware.

Will check it out after my nap ....fakj./'fa

New model to criticize - Linkus - 07-08-2009

Use Metaseq
Or Wings3D

Milkshape has been described as 'Horrible' 'Horrific' and in general just terrible for modelling.
Most would only use it here for texturing and/or exporting/importing models.

New model to criticize - frozen - 07-08-2009

avoid using milkshape to build models. adding on to the points linkus has already brought up, its a nightmare. i could build a ship out of clay better than crafting a model in milkshape x.x

Metasuq, 3dsmax, wings3d, all good programs to use for building models.

New model to criticize - Turkish - 07-09-2009

If you're going to bother with a <t-word> or <c-word>.. Just use what Gurjiv and I use..

New model to criticize - Xing - 07-09-2009

I always start my ships from a box. (A couple starts from a cylinders, but they are exceptional cases)
I actually find it's the most economic way to model. Assuming you only use one cube and extrude from it. Because some people think they can build stuffs by just adding up a maximal amount of boxes together... that's not really the way to do it.

New model to criticize - Turkish - 07-10-2009

Interesting FL models are actually multi-component meshes by nature, until we decided to combine them. So your single mesh style is foreign to FL.

Its quite possible to model from as many different boxes as you want so long as they all match edges and are exported together. I find plane or poly modeling to be my favourite style personally though.

Keep in mind that no one style will always work for every situation, be ready and willing to be modular.

New model to criticize - RmJ - 07-15-2009


New model to criticize - Heartless - 07-15-2009

that actually looks pretty cool. I'd fly it.