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Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - Printable Version

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Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - Sasaki - 07-12-2009

Greetings! So this is my first shot at the Light Fighter for Renzu, the "Ki". I understand that Renzu is a Kusari company so I tried to give it a touch of the other Kusari ships but still a unique style that can flow across all 3 fighters. I'd say this is slightly larger than the Wyrm. This is my first attempt at a game model of any sort, so still trying to figure it all out, but I'd appreciate any suggestions. YOU will be flying it, how do you think it should look?

I'm not so great at textures, and I've never setup a model for use in Freelancer with the hit box, mount points, etc., so if someone else would like to do that just send me a message, otherwise I'll just force my way through the process;)If I understand correctly it's best to use textures that are already in the game, so... which one would suit it best? I'm not even sure where these ships fly!

Here's one prototype I threw together today, realizing after the fact that I don't have enough hard points. Anyway, rip it apart! I'll be posting updates in the next couple days.

(Is it ok to post the images directly in the thread? Or better to link to it?)

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - Jinx - 07-12-2009

i like the shape - and the details. - i guess the skin will give it a lot of substance. - remember to "unweld" it or it ll keep its strange smooth curves.

maybe the neck could use a few slight ripples.

and in freelancer - it ll loose a lot of the "volume" cause the freelancer engine does not create object shadows but only object shading.

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - schlurbi - 07-13-2009

Looks really awesome. Really Kusarish. What program do you use? I wanted to try a bit aswell ><

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - AJBeast - 07-13-2009

Thats ... epic ... Seriously. I bet it will look even better with a Kusari texture on it.

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - Sasaki - 07-13-2009

Thanks guys, much appreciated. I'm using 3ds Max, however, I would recommend you use GMAX which is free and has the ability to do everything I'm doing here, it's basically a slimmed down version designed for game content development.

So I went back and did a bit more today. Here are 2 versions of the light fighter, I'll let you decide, though I prefer the low-back version (maybe I'll use the general shape of the big one for the Renzu transport). I'm going to go ahead with the HF and VHF and come back to this after I get some more feedback and look at it fresh. It's only just over 600 polys now, so I potentially could add a good bit more detail, but I think the textures will take care of a lot of it.

And I think I have all the hardpoints I need.

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - Sasaki - 07-13-2009

Here's the link to download GMAX Gloucester: Have fun and take your time, it can be a little confusing at first if you're new to 3d:)

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - AdamantineFist - 07-13-2009

Ooo, me likes. Interesting design philosophy there, and I'm definitely hoping to see the continuation of this line. Personally, I find the lighter version looks more like an LF, whilst the heavier one could, with some further modifications, be turned into the HF.

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - darthbeck - 07-13-2009

this looks great.

also, could you make VHF version now so we can see what it would look like?

just asking for more awsomeness.

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - Ironwatsas - 07-13-2009

Well, personally there are a few things I don't like about it.

First off, the cockpit is huge compared to the rest of the ship. And the shape of it is a bit strange as well.

As well, Renzu ships are supposed to be less 'artsy' and designed for practicality and utilitarian purpose compared with other Kusari ships. Something origional, but akin to the Homeworld ship design philosiphy that current Renzu ships use, with just enough Kusari flair to identify them as such.

My suggestions are to re-design the cockpit, and maybe add a wing structure amidships. Somewhere with some weapon hardpoints. For the Ki atleast, the wings should be fairly short and possibly swept back, to give atleast the look of a fast racing ship.

Models for Renzu LF, HF and VHF Ships - Names - 07-13-2009

The cockpit seems a bit big and the wings at the back a bit thin.
still awsome though.