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Buccaneers NPC faction - Capt. Henry Morgan - 08-21-2009

The suggestions come up more than once, from people within the Buccaneers, as well as people outside it. I've been putting it off until we're more established, but in light of how much I'm hearing it, I think now's the time to open this up for discussion.

We're thinking of the Buccaneers being made into an NPC faction, along with a base or two. No more than two, though. We don't want bases all over, since we're rather new in-RP, as well.

Right now, we're using the Freelancer tag with the generic Pirate ID, which is working well enough for our needs right now. We've got some rather sketchy RP as to where we're docking, though, since the Junkers wouldn't likely want a group of pirates basing off of one of their bases. We RP around that by saying that our flagship, the Leviathan is actually our mobile base of operations, but that's an imperfect solution at best. No matter how we handle the docking issue, though, it'll be always an imperfect solution.

Our own bases would really simplify things, I think, since we don't fit into any of the vanilla molds. This has been done before for the SCRA and CR, so we were thinking that this might be done for us as well. Of course, on the other hand, we do recognize that we're still rather new as a faction, while those two were very firmly established when they got NPC'd.

Basically, we thought we'd open this thread, and get the feel for the community's thoughts on this, and whether or not it's a realistic possibility.

Buccaneers NPC faction - Tomtomrawr - 08-21-2009

At first I would of said no, but the fact that the Buccaneers have been a massive part in the history of Bretonia (in the history of the Armed Forces written on the wiki) makes me say yes. They were very powerful back then, and I think they should have some of that power back.

Yes to NPCs, one base, no guard system for the moment. The NPCs should only be near the base for the moment though.

Buccaneers NPC faction - Sprolf - 08-21-2009

It only stands to reason that there would be a group of pirates in Bretonia who had no ideals, and are basically a Bretonian group of Rogues. Generic pirates, as it were.

The Mollies have been pushed into this role a bit, but they don't fit.

The Buccaneers as an NPC faction are a logical and needed part of RP on this server.

Buccaneers NPC faction - Cyberanson - 08-21-2009

A contra for me would be, that the Buccaneers are more or less unorganized pirates. (As far as I understand.) So they would need some easy-to-get base, like those, which were mentioned before: the abandoned bases.

What I would not like to see, would be Buccaneer NPCs swarming in Bretonia, that would be annoying.
But a decent addition would be really good I think.

Buccaneers NPC faction - swift - 08-21-2009

While I think it's certainly a good addition to everything, I don't believe that enough time has passed for such a thing to happen.
Before adding an NPC faction to the mod, it needs to be certain that a faction is there to stay, and such factions need to fill the shoes they're given well.

I am not against the general concept, but I do believe that the Buccaneers should work more and longer for that to happen.

Buccaneers NPC faction - Capt. Henry Morgan - 08-21-2009

' Wrote:A contra for me would be, that the Buccaneers are more or less unorganized pirates. (As far as I understand.) So they would need some easy-to-get base, like those, which were mentioned before: the abandoned bases.

What I would not like to see, would be Buccaneer NPCs swarming in Bretonia, that would be annoying.
But a decent addition would be really good I think.
If we do get NPC's, I'd like to see them stick to the more lawless areas of Leeds, mostly. I would prefer them to be rare at best, since we're supposed to be rather new.

' Wrote:I am not against the general concept, but I do believe that the Buccaneers should work more and longer for that to happen.
That was my general feeling on the issue, but as I said, the suggestions come up enough that I felt compelled to at least bring the topic up. We don't have plans on going anywhere any time soon, but we do recognize our newness.

Buccaneers NPC faction - jammi - 08-21-2009

Ventenna, we've already hijacked a Prisoner Liner - if that could be made dockable, I'd be happy. No need for brand new base construction (although fully implementing the autoupdater to represent construction projects would be interesting). Certainly no need for ironclads - it's far easier just to dig into a rock somewhere.

As for Buccaneer NPCs swarming, varied lowbie NPCs would be amusing. Maybe a wing consisting of a Hawk, Dagger and Startracker?

Besides, any new NPCs wouldn't be turning up for a long time anyway, seeing as .86 is skulking somewhere over the distant horizon. We'd have plenty of time to prove ourselves between now and it's release.

Buccaneers NPC faction - Cyberanson - 08-21-2009

Aye, the arguments of both of your were good. I was thinking of some lone or at least groups of two Buccaneers flying around in the vast asteroid fields of Bretonia. Sabres would also fit well.

And yes, the thing with a dockable Prison Liner would be awesome. I would second that.

Buccaneers NPC faction - hack - 08-21-2009

I would think that there is a few abandoned bases around that unsurly types would take over, so why not?

Buccaneers NPC faction - Zeltak - 08-21-2009

I saw the Buccaneers as a disorganized bunch of pirates but still in some ways had connections with one another. That's why I would see them more like Liberty Rogues but still not that powerful. I believe having their own base would be alright but having their own NPC's might be a too much.

Personal opinion.