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Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Printable Version

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Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Hell Hunter - 10-06-2009
i cant believe that.. i log on.. (yesterday the DSupdate updated blah blah blah and mod the update 1)
i get kicked..straight away

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Hell Hunter - 10-06-2009

ok Now i can Log onto UK But not GC..Went on to my order bomber...Kicked again.. >< THis is

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Horon - 10-06-2009

' Wrote:ok Now i can Log onto UK But not GC..Went on to my order bomber...Kicked again.. >< THis is

It would seem your mod installation differs from the servers. Have you tried a fresh install?

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - reavengitair - 10-06-2009

Do not run off dsupdate.


Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Cannon - 10-06-2009

Yeah run Freelancer.exe directly or from a shortcut

In any case, your mod installation differs from that of the server. This causes all sorts of server stability problems.

To fix:
1. reinstall the mod
2. reinstall the mod and FL. <--- it'll work better if you reinstall FL first and then the mod.

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - lw'nafh - 10-06-2009

Quote:2. reinstall the mod and FL.

Um.... Might wanna switch the order.

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Horon - 10-06-2009

' Wrote:your mod installation differs from that of the server.


Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Cannon - 10-06-2009

' Wrote:Um.... Might wanna switch the order.
heh, yeah good idea.

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - TheMillers - 10-06-2009

' Wrote:ok Now i can Log onto UK But not GC..Went on to my order bomber...Kicked again.. >< THis is
IF you had a full cargo hold before the update, on that bomber, when you then log on again, the weapons from the bomber has been unmounted. That means your cargo hold contains the full amount you had before the update, AND the unmounted weapons. The capacity of the cargo + the now unmounted weapons is larger than what your cargo hold is. If you undock after having equipped the new bomber weapons, and didn't sell your cargo or the old weapons first, it will be picked up by the cheat detection, since cargo (as in cargo and the unmounted weapons) > Cargo hold space = Kick.

Sell your cargo or the old weapons before undccking, and all is good.

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Tommeh - 10-06-2009

Same thing happened to me,got message:you will be kicked,bad installation
and I got kicked,but I tried log in again,and it's ok problems.
Should I anyway reinstall FL and mod?