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Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Stories and Biographies (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +--- Thread: Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room (/showthread.php?tid=2940) Pages:
Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Denelo - 05-25-2007 A Large Train flew down towards Superiority Tower on Planet Manhattan, landing on the roof. Several armed guards walked through a door and over to the Train as a man in his mid-40s stepped down from the cockpit. "The middle pod on the bottom." Said the pilot. Two of the guards took off one of the pods, and they all wordlessly walk back into the Tower. The Pilot sighed and climbed back into the Train, taking off back to the stars. Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Reaver Company Inc. - 05-25-2007 With a suprizing speed and efficiency, the corporate soldiers ushered the pod inside the safety of Superiority Tower. The single fighter following, despite complaints from Traffic Controll lobbed a missile towards to roof and proceeded to try and escape atmo. The pilot, however, looked down in dismay as the spectacular fireball cleared to reveal a shimmering energy shield. The target was unharmed. The pilot, however, could not say the same thing. The instant the missile launched, lock-on warnings blazed all around him. The automated turrets of Superiority Tower woke in their cradles, made quick self-check runs, then turned and spat vengeance at the intruder. No less then 6 missiles screamed ahead, and deadly pulses of energy clove the sky in their eagerness to reach the interloper. To say the least, the unlucky pilot of the hit-craft never got a chance to scream before the weapons found him and tore him from the material plane. The people below knew nothing of the attack, for nothing of the hit-man remained; the ship was atomized. As for the turrets, they went back to sleep. Oddly enough, they did it seemingly with an air of exasperation that they had been woken up in the first place. It was hard to place emotions with machines, but there was just something about these; like a feeling. The soldiers carrying the float-bed chuckled amongst them selfs for a bit before carrying on. It was stupid of that agent to try. Even the bums on the street could have told him that you didn't EVER mess with SiN Tech. ***** Down an elevator and into a lush hallway, the 4 bruisers carried the bed. When they arrived at a big blue door marked; 'SURGICAL WARD' 'Authorized Personell Only' they were met by a doctor. He was young, or appeared so, and he seemed friendly enough. "Ah, good sir! I am your head surgeon, Dr.Vic. I trust you'll find our accommodations to be quite excellent, and our defense system up to any desired standards?" Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Denelo - 05-25-2007 The man on the float bed was burned so badly he was unrecognizable. His left arm had been completely burned off, and his right was badly crushed. His face was burnt nearly to the bone up to his eyes, and there was a small but complex device with several probes attached to his head on the float bed with him. When he spoke, his mouth didn't move, but the device spoke for him in a very robotic voice: "Hello Dr. Vic, it's good to meet you. Yes, the accommodations are excellent, and the defense systems are far better than I could have imagined. It's time I introduced myself. I am Denelo Mori, an officer in the Hellfire Legion. These wounds are due to physical trauma cause by hot, flying metal, open flames, fusion leakages, and crushed pods. All in all, a large ship explosion." His eyes, one of the few part remaining with working muscles, glanced around the room. "I believe I am ready, so if you don't mind, I would like to begin as soon as possible." Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Reaver Company Inc. - 05-27-2007 Vic just smiled. "Sir, we are not in the business of limiting our clients based on who they are. We sell to anyone who can afford our goods. Now, right this way and we can get started." They entered the surgical ward, a long and wide hallway with little depressions in the floor on the sides filled with various complex looking pieces of medical equipment. Some were occupied, very obviously so; underneath a shimmering bubble, there were people in various stages of surgery. Doctors in slick green smocks, gloves, hats and masks worked diligently to perform the assigned operations their clients requested. One such person had their whole body opened up and the doctors were removing the skeleton. The troopers, lead by Vic, took the bed to one of these depressions. They maneuvered the bed in and set it down on a frame, then left. Vic spoke up. "This is where you'll be staying for a while. It's going to take a bit for us to grow your new body, plus make all the genetic changes you requested. The suit is already under way, as are the prosthetic eyes. So, while we wait for the body to grow we'll prepare you for the transplant." The doctor seemed a little uncomfortable for a second. "For that part... well, we'll basically be removing your brain and putting it in a jar for a while. I know it sounds messy and horrific, but you'll be wired into a VR system so you won't get bored. If you have any doubts, we've done this operation many times in the past and have a 100% success rate." It was obvious the man was trying to calm any fears their client might have. No need to scare off a potential source of income. And, considering the paycheck of these surgeons related directly with how they performed, they were under considerable pressure to make sure everything went smoothly. Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Denelo - 05-27-2007 "Thank you Dr. Vic. Do not worry, if I was afraid, I would never have asked for such a complex job in the first place. I am thinking of it as a vacation and... learning experience." He glanced around the room. "Interesting. I see you do this even more than is commonly known. I know I have heard of SiN Tech's success rate, and that is why I choose you for this. Because remember, if it fails and causes fatal damage..." He let the sentence trail off ominously. "But I doubt that will happen. After all, you, as in SiN Tech that is, are known throughout Sirius for your expertise. Now... I am ready to begin when you are." Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Reaver Company Inc. - 05-27-2007 Vic beamed a large smile, revealing very white and straight teeth. The canines, oddly enough, were slightly elongated and looked functional. "Excellent! We'll get you set up right away!" In the days that followed, several doctors and surgeons entered and left the bay each time something new happening. The first day was just taking tissue samples and so on, plus cleaning the body and various scans. On the second and third days, Denelos' brain was removed and placed, like Vic said, in what amounted to a glass jar. It was significantly more advanced then that, however. The solution kept the brain hydrated and fed with nutrients, while an extensive array of wires and connectors plugged said brain into a computer console. Free connection to the outside world via the neural net, plus a VR world that encompassed whatever the players could think of. It was quite beautiful, and huge beyond belief. It was nigh impossible to be board. On the fourth day, they plugged in the prosthetic eyes that Denelo would be receiving. Now the client was looking at the medical bay from the eyes set atop the immersion tank. Vic was there, running Denelo through the different operations of what would be his eyes. "Installation is easy; we just plug these into specific neural clusters in your brain and you'll be set. Electrical impulses from your brain give commands to these new optics, and with a little practice you'll be able to look around, switch modes, zoom, and even know when to blink so that they don't stand out, if that's what you wish." The doctor then activated a holographic panel, displaying several different styles for what would be Denelos' new eyes. "Cosmetics are easy enough to change as well. The looks and style are unimportant, and can be changed. The hardware and sensors that go into these is small enough to fit into a variety of different chassis, so to speak, and thus we can offer a wide range of models." Vic could even move the prosthetics so Denelo could see himself. Or what little there was left of him. A vocoder hooked up to one of those wires in his brain gave his the ability of speech. "Weird, isn't it?" Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Denelo - 05-27-2007 "Very. This has been a most interesting experience so far. I have been hearing some reports over the Neural Net. I sounds like the moment I leave, everything falls apart on the cruiser I command. The higher command has handled it though, so there's no need to rush. By the way, you were right. I'm not bored in the least. In fact, I've been practicing my fighter piloting. These accommodations are quite excellent. I see you value your paying customers quite a bit. By the way... exactly how much will this cost? I am sure it will be worth the money, but I would like my bank account to be prepared for the likely considerable dent." Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Reaver Company Inc. - 05-30-2007 Vic sat on the bed in the center of the bay. "To be honest, this kind of work is going to be fairly expensive. The payment itself can be payed in several different ways, ranging from services to equipment, although credits are perfectly acceptable. A single lump sum at the end of the operation would be nice, but we understand if you need time to gather funds." Denelo noticed that Vic never actually answered the question. If he had eyebrows, Denelo would have raised one of them. The silence that followed, however, voiced his concerns just fine. Vic fidgeted for a moment, coughed, and then answered. "The total cost would be about 75 million credits." Figuring the now brain-in-a-jar would start to sputter, Vic held up a hand. "The operation is expensive, yes. All of our operations are expensive, but this is by far one of the most. The reason is that the majority of our operations aren't quite so extensive. We're replacing a whole body here, not just bits and pieces." Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Denelo - 05-30-2007 "75 million? Well, that isn't a problem. Yes, I know you think I'm stunned. I actually expected more when you said it would be expensive. I have several contacts, and it is easy for me to earn that much in only a couple of days." He paused for a moment, then continued. "However, on a different subject, is there any way that I could communicate with the outside world? I would like to check up on the Legion, as I have the feeling something's going to happen, given the... current situation." Superiority Tower Top Security Sugery Room - Reaver Company Inc. - 05-31-2007 "But of course, sir. I'll inform security to let you send and receive outside messages. Mind you, we'll have to limit it to text and holographs. Security reasons and what-not. Can't afford to let any viruses or whatnot in." Vic smiled. It was not long before Denelo received a ping from the neural link. Access to the outside world was gained. The question of "Did he really want to see the outside world?" yet remained to be answered. (OOC: My apologies for the short post. My normal plethora of ideas seems to have abandoned me) |