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Are Clan Guys Rude? - Printable Version

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Are Clan Guys Rude? - Cousin Ned - 06-13-2007

Hi, I am a clan member myself, in the Bs|. I have noticed that sometimes we come off as condescending or mean towards those who break the rules. Even the most minor infractions have been heavily criticized by clannies. And so I made this poll to see if clan guys should readjust their behavior. I think that we are too rough on others. Please say what you voted for and why.

Are Clan Guys Rude? - Qunitinius~Verginix - 06-13-2007

Before I vote, I need you to make whatyou said a little mroe clear. Are you refering to ALL clans or just Bs|

Verginix Out

Are Clan Guys Rude? - klladude - 06-13-2007

Yes without aiming for getting my name on someones hitlist, I also think that Bs needs to lighten up. Its a game for gods sake!

EDIT: Wee! Now I can get on Disco homepage with my handheld!

Are Clan Guys Rude? - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-13-2007

*Cough* ... Generally referred to as a 'Faction' here, as in the NPC variety, and not a Clan. Thats a bit of an
outdated title these days.
Dealing with others should be done in your roleplay character's traits in game, being a RP server. Anything
OOC should be polite and helpful anyway. Breaking the rules should be pointed out however, the console
messages makes it very clear, that violations will not be tolerated, and ignorance of them is not an excuse.


Are Clan Guys Rude? - Cousin Ned - 06-13-2007

I'm sorry, I did not mean my clan specifically, but the actions of some of my peers have inspired me to make this poll to see if this kind of behavior has become commonplace. I agree that the RP of the guild in question should determine his attitude towards others but Police, Corporate and similar factions should behave nicely to others, when maybe pirates would not.

Are Clan Guys Rude? - BestFlyerHere - 06-13-2007

I find that my HF members are generally kind, and open to each other's ideas, with a bit of fun and joking around mixed in. However, I'm not in Bs, so I'm just gonna have to go with "They're fine as they are."

However, there's one exception. Kess, our Hellfire Legion girl, is very rude. So the question should be "Are Clan People Rude?" O.o

Just kidding, Kess. DON'T HIT ME!!!!!!!

Are Clan Guys Rude? - Hyperwave22 - 06-13-2007

I rarely encounter Bs|, so I can not say if they are rude or not for sure. However, generally, I find that some clans can come off as condescending, but it is generally within their role-play. While they are pretty good about it most of the time, there are always those that ARE condescending OOC, not just coming off as it while in character.

Tell me if that post made any sense, I'm not quite sure it did.


Are Clan Guys Rude? - dude42 - 06-13-2007

Yes I also have been brunt to some flames and unproved allogations from clanners OOC:
in the forum.

They can be like a feeding frenzy at times and fueled by things they herd rather than the rules or the truth.
I run a clan but always try to be pollite or at least civil while I am in or out of character

Are Clan Guys Rude? - fwolf - 06-13-2007

I had a rheinland lawful character, called Hessel, and he was bullied by the RM clan two times. In the first he was with rheinland federal police ID and tag, and in the second he was with rheinland military ID and tag. He was stopped for a scan, and the RM bullies took a lot of time for the scan, trying to take my pattience off. Hessel had joined the Wild after the Enclave story, but since we, non-veterans, cannot use Wild ID and tag, his ship was decomissioned.
This is just a example of how the clans behaviour is. They think they own the ID, the tag, the npcs. I was always against system-buying (but not base-buying), because it can cause problems like people going above server rules, while they are at their systems. Needless to say, I voted in the first option, but I think the clans dont need a "serving" attitude, they just need to pay more attention to other roleplayers. If a player is not accepted in the clan and is always near to give assistance with his character, why bully him?
Fact is that we have a big wall in this "community", in one side the veterans, in other side the regulars and the newbies. Some clans are very arrogant, and dont hail non-clan players, even if they are hailed first - one of the facts that put into check what people call "RP" here and made me bring back the idea of the Cartel.

Are Clan Guys Rude? - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-13-2007

F-Wolf please point out anyone, 'veteran' or otherwise, using a Wild tag and ID. Same as a Nomad one, not
As for the original cartel, it was their rather rude and arrogant attitude when it came to 'roleplay', or the marked
lack of it, that made them a little unpopular in the first place. Your ideas and mine will continue to differ on the
subject. But their concept of using any damn ship that was the best available so they could win, was one of the
reasons the words 'PvP whores' came about.
This is still the roleplay server, and plenty of people put in a great deal of work to make sure their factions are
in line with everyone else, not being autonomous pirate bullies because the hardware is available.
The rest of this thread should be dealt with on a case by case basis, and if there is elitism out of character, it
should be stopped, thats not in the spirit of the game. Then again, this is the roleplay server, and continually
having to be out of character, because someone hasn't bothered to check faction status threads is also a
little annoying. Two way street ...
Stay in your faction characters as much as you can is the object of the exercise, and the Bs| are very protective
of their territory, if that comes over as harsh and condescending, they are roleplaying.
