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I got told by a n00b! - Printable Version

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I got told by a n00b! - BestFlyerHere - 07-11-2007

[RHM]Tuvok attempted to pirate in Omicron Theta. AW refused to let this happen, and was attacked by said player. AW called for help from their allies, HF, and I came to assist as [HF]-Aaron.

I attacked the pirate, and he informed me that he would report me because I was a lane Hacker and I was attacking a person with no tag, a Dragon GB, and an Outcast tag. He told me that it was out of RP, and tried to lecture me on the fact that we were on an RP server. I told him about the AW-HF alliance, and he told me that he would PM the admins with his currently nonexistent forum account.

[Image: screen225.jpg]

[Image: screen226.jpg]

I hate pricks like this, can I within the rules tell them to shove it and go on my way?

I got told by a n00b! - ghostcat - 07-11-2007

XD Looks like somebody scanned the ID and thought that was the be-all and end all. Nobody ever hangs out in the forums first.

I got told by a n00b! - octavius - 07-11-2007

I'm no admin but from a fellow players point of view, so long as there isn't text in the AW ID that specificly sates "cannot ally with unlawful forces" I wouldn't have a problem with it.

However a Lane Hacker attacking an Outcast is perplexing.

I got told by a n00b! - ghostcat - 07-11-2007

' Wrote:I'm no admin but from a fellow players point of view, so long as there isn't text in the AW ID that specificly sates "cannot ally with unlawful forces" I wouldn't have a problem with it.

However a Lane Hacker attacking an Outcast is perplexing.

:Phe was defending the no-hostility treaty, besides he's a PIRATE they aren't known to always follow one set of rules.

I got told by a n00b! - TankTarget - 07-11-2007

*pulls out flamethrower*

LOOK bud, HF/Aw is one of the longest standing alliances in DISCOVERY EVER.

BEFORE THEIR ID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AW is our ally asked for help, we gave it to him, we are AW's allies. We helped them, if you didn't want to get destroyed or shot maybe you should have paid the damned fine!


EDIT: Thank you Ghost, but HF are not pirates.... However it was a matter us protecting an ally that asked for help...

I got told by a n00b! - octavius - 07-11-2007

' Wrote::Phe was defending the no-hostility treaty, besides he's a PIRATE they aren't known to always follow one set of rules.

In that case, I honestly see no issue here.:)

I got told by a n00b! - ghostcat - 07-11-2007

Ah, sorry about that, I guess i should proof-read my posts more.
Should say (uhhh, unlawful mercs?) aren't known to follow one set of rules:P

I got told by a n00b! - Malaclypse 666 - 07-11-2007

Laugin' my everlovin' butt off here..

Not sure why.. could be hunger and too much coffee.

Now.. if someone could explain why the RP-less "UOG" PvP-floozies are farming out to every one on the server.. (ahem.. NovaPG?), I'd really have my jollies for the day...

Goddess, glad I'm a "real" Zoner.


I got told by a n00b! - Korrd - 07-11-2007

He has found a bug non the less. AW ID should state that we are allowed to join both sides, as we have joined lawfuls and not lawfuls in the past.

I got told by a n00b! - onca - 07-11-2007

BFH, my man, I'm gonna play devil's advocate here. There's no question you are in the right, but your comments to the guy were not exactly helpful. Like you said, "alliances overrule RP", when actually alliances are part of RP. I know what you meant, but that poor bugger is probably scratching his head thinking "WTF???!!! Sounds like they are making up the rules as they go along!!"

Anyway maybe it's just me......