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Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Printable Version

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Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Soul Reaper - 07-05-2010

Right, so after my own experiences and all, and this probably happened to lots of you.

The Story: (A simple example, there are many more, I'd give a story on my CR experience, but you're probably bored of that by now)

You're an outcast bomber. In liberty. California System.
You got some friends too, bombers as well.
You're hunting down this Liberty LABC that so happens to get in your way.
The LABC is almost dead.
You're about to add a LABC to your list of kills. :)
But then..
The LABC docks on Riverside and you don't get to add s*** to your list of kills. :(

And then it hits you..Riverside..''COME ON MAN!!, it's a small arse wipe of a station, it CAN'T possibly maintain a ship as big as itself, even if it can, it'd be outside the station, not inside, ffffuuuuu''

Something like that has probably happened to you.

The solution ?

Remove mooring points from small stations like that. It should be something easy to do, at least I think it should be, since I don't know much.

But, of course people will start saying ''Yeah but, what about our transports, we gotta make moneyz u know, and small bases offer lots o' da' moneyz''

So I'll answer before that happens, what can be done, is actually mooring, not the fake mooring going on at the moment, I mean actually entering the station/planet when you should be sitting in space transferring the goods with some tractor beam to the station.

So, the solution would be even better, don't remove mooring, just make it un-dockable, some list can open to you when you moor, you know, the list of buying/selling commodities, (cept regens, or else you'd just moor and get regens on your battleship)

Also, if this happens, you'd moor, but you'd also be vulnerable in space, so no more docking with your battleship on a station that's half the size of your ship.

This would be hard to implement I can imagine, but...if it doesn't work, the first one I explained might.

Thoughts ? (I gotta eat breakfast in a bit so I'll be here in 10 minutes to answer any question of it, or clarify details if I can)

Edit: People..don't get the idea that this idea is just to get your blue message, it also makes it more realistic and in-RP, a dreadnought docking on a little base isn't get it.


Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Geeky - 07-05-2010


Removing mooring points would also remove the possibility of transports docking there.

Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Soul Reaper - 07-05-2010

Did you even read what I wrote ?

Quote:But, of course people will start saying ''Yeah but, what about our transports, we gotta make moneyz u know, and small bases offer lots o' da' moneyz''

So I'll answer before that happens, what can be done, is actually mooring, not the fake mooring going on at the moment, I mean actually entering the station/planet when you should be sitting in space transferring the goods with some tractor beam to the station.

So, the solution would be even better, don't remove mooring, just make it un-dockable, some list can open to you when you moor, you know, the list of buying/selling commodities, (cept regens, or else you'd just moor and get regens on your battleship)

You wont be able to 'dock' your big advanced technically it's half the length of the station (just an example, big transports wouldn't be able to fit in those small docking holes)

So, like I said, you'd moor, and have a list open for the trading

And I'm not saying this goes for all bases, big shipyards and planets or bases that have the stuff to actually maintain your ship, would have dock able mooring points.

Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Bauer - 07-05-2010

I don't like this idea.

Firstly, since this is looking for realism, you shouldn't be able to get within like 5k of a hostile base, since you'd be wtfpwn'd by patrols. You would get annihilated before you could even get that kill.

Secondly, the way I see it is that the base has super strong shields. When a cap docks, inRP the base is extending its shield over the cap.

Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Soul Reaper - 07-05-2010

' Wrote:I don't like this idea.

Firstly, since this is looking for realism, you shouldn't be able to get within like 5k of a hostile base, since you'd be wtfpwn'd by patrols. You would get annihilated before you could even get that kill.

Secondly, the way I see it is that the base has super strong shields. When a cap docks, inRP the base is extending its shield over the cap.

First..well, maybe so, but like I said, it's a small base, doesn't have much defense..even so, what about freeports, or any other faction neutral to you or the capital ?

Second..I don't think it works that way...I mean the extension of a shield.

Edit: On that we have some freelancer how-things-work lore or something...we probably don't, but it could be useful <.<

Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Laowai - 07-05-2010

' Wrote:The LABC docks on Riverside and you don't get to add s*** to your list of kills. :(

Not even going into the technical aspects of this - not speaking as an Admin here but as a player - This sentence tells me everything that is wrong with this idea.

Role Play Server.

Your list of kills does not matter - unless you are hunting a bounty, which should have been posted, conducted and pursued via Role Play anyway.

Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Soul Reaper - 07-05-2010

Nah, that wasn't* meant in a serious way, it's more into giving realism into the game, not getting the blue message.

what I said there in the example, just a 'funny' way of putting things.

Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - Irra - 07-05-2010

Realism is not real here.. you can't make one thing real and leave others as they are.. make all real (lots of work) or leave it as it is.. its good this way.

Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - n00bl3t - 07-05-2010

' Wrote:You're an outcast bomber. In liberty. California System.
You got some friends too, bombers as well.
You're hunting down this Liberty LABC that so happens to get in your way.
The LABC is almost dead.
You're about to add a LABC to your list of kills. :)
But then..
The LABC docks on Riverside and you don't get to add s*** to your list of kills. :(

Edit: People..don't get the idea that this idea is just to get your blue message, it also makes it more realistic and in-RP, a dreadnought docking on a little base isn't get it.


Sure thing.

No, for the reasons stated in previous threads and this one.

Removal of Mooring points for some bases? - kingvaillant - 07-05-2010

S-o-u-n-n-d i-n s-p-a-c-e

Also, this is -nearly- impossible to do. It could be do-able in very very very very very very long term and with the help of 100 Cannon's clones, but not a single dev would do it. This requires to edit station hardpoints, ini files and create FL hook goodies. No thanks

This is an Arcade FPS Space ships game with bits of RP added to it.

It could never get as real as the reality. Otherwise:
-Planet orbitting the sun
-Ship combat that implies being always in EK and drifting
-No sounds
-Mass issues during takeoffs
-Fuel plugin
-heatsinks for ships
-the list would never end.

If you want to try it, be our guest, but the Dev team won't invest time into the idea.