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Sig Needed - Printable Version

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Sig Needed - wilwerin2 - 09-12-2010

So yeah, i would need a signature for my Otcast, she's a woman, she don't care about spirits, and try to get out of cardi addiction,
ah and fly a Switchblade, that's pretty much all

I have 0 imagination as you have noticed, so i got no idea at all about how it should look like, just make me propositions please.

Good Luck.

Sig Needed - Dart - 09-12-2010


Sig Needed - wilwerin2 - 09-12-2010

Ah right the name, Catherina Araceli, memeber of XTF

Sig Needed - Crusader4 - 09-12-2010

Edited one of my old ones, i though you might like it.

[Image: catherina.png]

Sig Needed - wilwerin2 - 09-12-2010

nice work
It looks nice , but i see somme ugly pixels on the Blade, and am not totally convicted about the character on the side.

Ah and i give it a week.

Sig Needed - Crusader4 - 09-13-2010

K, i will fix it up a bit.

edit : [Image: catherina.png]

A bit better now?

Sig Needed - Bain.J - 09-13-2010

time to try beat the uber pr0 1337 dude crusader again Dx

Sig Needed - jxie93 - 09-13-2010

Edit: Ah I forgot I don't enter competitions anymore. Nevermind this.

I now only work on request.

Sig Needed - wilwerin2 - 09-13-2010


So about the character, i don't want it to be a chick, sommething more class, and just the face and shoulders will do, no need to put the whole body.

would this one fit in ?

Otherwise, somme effect on the text could add somme fancy look to it

and if you could put a "XTF" somwhere in it, small one, just in a corner or sommething like.

Genrally I like it, it's just a matter of colors, i think it's a bit dark.

Sig Needed - Evan_ - 09-13-2010

I did that on the train. Wanted to see how it looks here.

[Image: patapon.png]

Yeah, it's a chick, but look in those eyes... And consider the text a placeholder only.