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Smeagle Court Case - Printable Version

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Smeagle Court Case - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-02-2010

Smeagle sat on the cold floor of his high-security prison cell. The room consisted of nothing but stone walls and five guns on the ceiling aiming at him. He had been still since he got their, thinking of how he got there in the first place. The only thing he remembered was floating around in Kusari, then, nothing.

The door swung open, and two guards stormed inside to grab the prisoner. They stood him up, and abruptly shoved him out the room and into the halls. The guards escorted him to another room close by and pushed him inside. The room contained everything a standard prisoner should wear, and more. Smeagle was then outfitted with shackles and hand-cuffs.

"Yawn. Same procedure every time."


The guard punched Smeagle in his stomach, making him fall to the floor for a minute. The other guard smiled, and kicked him out of the room. Smeagle stood, chuckled a bit, then proceeded to follow one of the guards with the other in the back. The leading guard approached a decorative door, and slowly opened it. Light shined through from the large court room, and along with the cameras flashing made Smeagle squint his eyes for a moment. He was continuously being shoved by the guard in the back until Smeagle arrived at his chair in the court room. The cannibal sat down, then looked around for any familiar faces. In the corner of the court room, in the back, a man in a wheel chair stared at the prisoner while smoking a cigar, placing it down rarely.

Smeagle Court Case - TehNoizeBox - 10-02-2010

Detective Devin Travors walked into the court house. He was dressed up in sharp looking suit, and his hair was combed back and had some gel in it. He took off his sunglasses as he entered the building and proceeded to the front desk. He looked at the woman and asked:

"I'm looking for court room number B-7, which way do I go?"

The secretary looked up and smiled.

"Down that way and make your first left, sir."


Devin grinned and proceeded towards the court room, he stopped right outside the door and took a deep breath.

"Here we go..."

He opened the doors, and the flash of the cameras turned to him. He walked straight down the aisle way and found his seat, adjacent to the cannibal that would be the subject of today's case. He sat down, and glanced over at Smeagle, then he looked at the paperwork that lay infront of him.

Smeagle Court Case - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-02-2010

The judge banged his gavel on the large podium he sat behind.

"Well it looks like everyone is here. Clerk, state the charges."

The clerk rises from his seat.

"Smeagle is charged with, Murder in the first, second, and third degree, Attempted murder, Attempted genocide, Manslaughter, Torture murder, Spree killing, Child murder, Assassination, Mass murder, Perverting the course of justice, Perjury, Arson, Blackmail, Burglary, Theft, Extortion, Mayhem, Kidnapping, Assault, Battery, Sexual Assault, Attempt, Conspiracy, Crime of Passion, Lynching, Tyrannicide, Faked Death, Refusal to cooperate with both Liberty Navy and Police, Cannibalism, and.. dear god.. Attempted Deicide?!"

Smeagle laughs a little, then clears his throat.

"Heh.. If i may say something here.. Judgey, I'd like to know how exactly I so called, "attempted" Deicide and Genocide.. Hmm? You can't prove either of those! Heh."

Smeagle Court Case - TehNoizeBox - 10-02-2010

Devin wasn't suprised at the amount of charges Smeagle was receiving. He thought to himself 'This is going to take some time...'

The judge looked at Devin and the lawyer next to him.

"Does the Plaintiff have an opening statement?"

Devin leaned back in his chair.

"No, your honor."

The judged looked over towards Smeagle.

"Does the defense have an opening statement?"

Smeagle Court Case - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-02-2010


The judge shrugged.

"Hmm.. What's my opening statement.. Eh.. Oh ya! I'm innocent, you're wrong, blame Chief Myers, I should be let free, and where's my lawyer!?"

The man beside Smeagle smacked his palm against his face.

"Oh.. "

The court room got silent for a moment, while everyone sighed.


Smeagle stood from his seat, and began walking away.

"What the hell is he doing?"

The cannibal continued walking down the pathway between the two audiences, while whistling.


The guards tackled Smeagle, and brought him back to his seat, this time handcuffed to the chair.

"It was worth a shot."

Smeagle Court Case - TehNoizeBox - 10-03-2010

Devin sighed.

"Your honor, I'd like to request that the evidence of said crimes be presented on the TV."

He pauses.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on the count of murder in the first degree, I'd like to give you this evidence. Exhibit A!"

A video of Smeagle destroying a person's ship and tractoring the lifepod in appears. There was no audio.

"Have I made my case yet?"

Devin grinned and looked at the cannibal.

Smeagle Court Case - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-03-2010

Smeagle looked back at Devin, and smiled the evil smile he always smiles.. The smile that strikes it's viewer with pure insanity and madness.. The smile that he smiles at the dead, at his victims, at fools.

"Is that it? Devin? Come now, show them the REAL material. Show them.. Who i am. Go ahead, do it!"

Devin looked at the judge, and received the nod. The detective pointed to the TV.

"Exhibit B!.. But be warned, for those of you with weak stomachs, i suggest you don't watch this.."

The screen showed Smeagle gruesomely tearing apart limbs of civilians, taken bites out of their arms and legs, then throwing them around. All the while, Smeagle continued to hold that evil, cold, smirk at Devin. The audience looked at the screen, Smeagle stared at Devin, and the man in the corner continued to smile at the killer, still smoking his cigar, and thought to himself for a moment.

This is going exactly as planned.. Exactly.. As.. Planned..

Smeagle Court Case - TehNoizeBox - 10-03-2010

The crowd and the jury grimaced and great disgust. What they had seen would scar them for a while.

"I'm sorry you had to see such a graphic piece of evidence, ladies and gentlemen. But this helps prove our case against Smeagle."

One woman from the crowd yelled out "Just lock him up already! That sick bastard!"
Several people in the crowd began yelling in agreement.

The judge banged his gavel.

"Order in the court!"

The chaos didn't stop until one of the guards fired his sidearm straight up into the air. The room fell deathly silent.

Smeagle Court Case - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-03-2010

The judge sighed, scratched his chin, then spoke.

"Detective, do you have any more evidence to fit the charges?"

Smeagle laughed a little, then took a sip of water and relaxed.

Smeagle Court Case - TehNoizeBox - 10-03-2010

Devin thought about how he was going to answer that for a moment.

"That depends, would you like to see the corpses with chunks ripped out that Smeagle calls dinner? I've got plenty of photos and video tapes showing evidence against him."

Devin looked at his lawyer and nodded, the lawyer opened the suitcase and took out a manila filing folder and handed it to Devin. Devin handed it to the Judge.

"There's evidence in there"

Devin walked back to his table and grabbed a bottle of Quantum-Cola, and took a sip of it.