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RP Information and how to protect it - Printable Version

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RP Information and how to protect it - Shryke - 10-06-2010

Without getting into a pointless and unnecessary wall of text, I'll sum it up into a sentence. Or two. Maybe three.

How can we protect sensitive, secret knowledge from contaminating other players? Us, as players, having access to information that our characters cannot possibly know creates an inherent bias which leads to characters behaving improperly and accusations of the dreaded M-word being tossed around.

First off, you might ask "is there a need for this?" A perfectly valid question, and I firmly believe the answer is yes. Reading through the communication channel thread gives you god-like information that will inevitably spill over onto your characters. I've done so myself, we all have. The temptation is strong and nearly impossible to resist. It's kind of like reading the beginning and end of a book. The middle part, which should be the best part, becomes irrelevant.

Secondly, you might ask "how are going to accomplish this?" This is the kicker which I can't really come up with a proper answer to. Right now, the only thing I could think of is to limit access on the boards but that would just create a monstrous workload for forum mods, so it isn't really feasible. Hence, I am putting the following questions to the, ahem, community.

Do you agree that this is necessary, and please explain why. Also, any implementation ideas.

Trolls and +1ers need not reply. This is Sirius business.

RP Information and how to protect it - Alex. - 10-06-2010

So you want to hide pretty much everything from... Pretty much everyone?

[19:59:12] Shryke: But hey, if you disagree go ahead and post.
Put simply then.


[20:02:08] Alex: There's a different between slightly limiting freedom of info and outright getting rid of it
[20:02:29] Shryke: Then explain on the forum so we can have a proper discussion

RP Information and how to protect it - Not Espi - 10-06-2010

skype, google docs.

RP Information and how to protect it - Shryke - 10-06-2010

People that should know the information obviously should have access to it. And of course, the powers that be (admins and devs).

RP Information and how to protect it - Primitive - 10-06-2010

If people wanted secret stuff they would have their own forum/ or skype deals.

But if you do it secretly there is no justification why something happened if it's not on forums.

It's like putting a bounty on someones head without he knowing it. Which in RP makes sense, and OORP by rules and fair game wise doesn't.

But I still love you man, cause Alex don't

RP Information and how to protect it - AceJoker - 10-07-2010

I will quote something that i wrote in another thread with a similar topic...

Quote:I will quote something that my very first game-master told me:

"As a player you have godlike knowlegde. You know everything. In order to play your char like he/she would do in his/her world,
there is one simple trick to do that: JUST PLAY DUMB! Do the opposite of your godlike knowledge.
As you in your life don't know whats behind a corner, play your char like he don't knows
whats behind a corner. Sometimes you will run right into problems. But this is the point when the fun starts.
It's really hard to act like this, but not impossible..."

RP Information and how to protect it - Shagohad - 10-08-2010

I have a solution: Never post or tell it on the forums or in game. Just don't tell anybody. Other than that, ignore them. I can count on my fingers and toes how many times some one lectured my Phantom about how he works for aliens.

RP Information and how to protect it - Not Espi - 10-08-2010

' Wrote:I have a solution: Never post or tell it on the forums or in game. Just don't tell anybody. Other than that, ignore them. I can count on my fingers and toes how many times some one lectured my Phantom about how he works for aliens.

yeah b/c you kill them before they can send the rant :rtfm:


RP Information and how to protect it - Doc Holliday - 10-08-2010

' Wrote:skype, google docs.
Problem is there, Vlko, is that people who multi-clan and are in different Skype chats often take it from one chat to another so that's not fullproof. I would say the same of google docs. So long as people are allowed to play both sides of things, there's not a lot people can do.

Quote: I have a solution: Never post or tell it on the forums or in game. Just don't tell anybody.
And then you get accused of metagaming. If pressed, you will have to furnish proof of RP with something.

RP Information and how to protect it - Zelot - 10-08-2010

I think it all get much less complex when you realize this isnt a competitive game. Or at least it shouldnt be.