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Armor Upgrades - sampankaj001 - 11-08-2010
Its previous topic started by Bloodl1ke............

Quote:So... Lately I've been thinking - due to the fact everyone has an AU8 fights between fighters can take around half an hour and it's a pain when the fight is so slow that reinforcements never stop pouring in. Sure it's fun to be in the battle for longer time, but sometimes it lowers the thrill for me, knowing it'll just be one LOOONG fight of doing 3-4 different moves and sloooowly killing off the hull, or getting my hull worn off the same way...

So, do we really need Armor upgradezors?

P.S. I know removing them will need some balance, maybe making the mini razor a bit less dangerous, or making it slower, idk...


' Wrote:Don't know the answer of this question whether we need armor or not?

But, As we see in RL

Armored Vehicles/Ships are heavy, lack in manoeuvrings.....
In opposite to that Armor-less Vehicles are fast & very agile....
Same principle must be applied in FL too...

A CAU-8 armored GB must lack in agility as armor increases its weight, If you say its fits in cargo but it must loose cargo+Agility, Maneuvering......

In a fight an armored GB have chances of survival due to heavy armor, but what about the Armor-less GB (Is it useless?)

Now you can find all GB & above ship are using at-least CAU 6 & above...

So does we need armor?


So does we need armor?

Armor Upgrades - Korny - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:I'm all for decreasing the amount of bots, ye ye.

Keep armor, decrease bots/bats and there you go.

Armor Upgrades - sampankaj001 - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:I agree with Mejor if its possible to add that "feature" the devs should go for it, what i mean is, more armor = less agility..

Refer this,
more armor = less agility, in simple

Its not the question about the Bat/Bots, You cant decrease the bat on the ship which have higher armor upgrade...

Edit :- Means if you add Armor UAU 1 - you will loose agility by say 2%
UAU 2 - 4%
like that.......

Armor Upgrades - SMGSterlin - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:[sarcasm]I hope there is a 5.0x AU for fighters in 4.86!!

As well as a 10.0x CAU for cap ships! : ))))[/sarcasm]

+1... Wow that feels weird to me now.. O_o

Armor Upgrades - Strichev - 11-08-2010

No matter how, fighter fights should be shortened.

Should AU be restricted? It's odd to see a freelancer flying around with the same armour as military vessels.

Armor Upgrades - Diomedes - 11-08-2010

I quite like the idea of keeping armour upgrades but adding a maneuverability hit. This would make armour a balancing act and choice, rather than simply being most effective for the most paid out.

As for restricting it, given the context of the Freelancer world I think freelancers and mercenaries are restricted enough in their equipment choices. Having to stick to certain ship lines fits well in RP, but if you lived in a world where getting shot at was pretty much expected, you wouldn't settle for substandard equipment. Moreover, the corporations who could make money off selling high end gear wouldn't miss the opportunity either. That, and private firms or freelance mercenaries are often better equipped than national militaries in real life as their spending is accountable only to bottom line, not public dollars.

Mostly though, I think the best part of Discovery is the choice. There is no one best fighter or transport etc. So why should there be one best armour upgrade for all craft in all situations?

Armor Upgrades - jakub963 - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:There is no one best fighter

Sabre... :crazy:[/joke]
I am for the "balance addinational armor with agility loss" thing.

Armor Upgrades - Backo - 11-08-2010

Personally I like this idea for armor upgrades affecting speed. It sounds pretty interesting, but it would still mean you'll need an armor upgrade, or you'll die to the first razor that meets your hull. So the speed per armor upgrade should be a lot higher, in my opinion atleast. That way armorless targets will have the edge by being faster, while armored ones will be a brick - hard to crack.

The bat/bot decrease is also a nice way to make fights shorter, maybe cut them down to 50%?


Armor Upgrades - Papar - 11-08-2010

I too think that fighter fights should be shortened (sometimes I don't use my fighters just for this reason).
However, removing Armor upgrades would require rebalancing of the mod in many ways. (e.g A nuclear mine would kill a fighter in 1 hit, which is not cool, and one shot of a battleship turret would bring it near-death). So removing armor upgrades is a bad idea. Somehow reducing the time of fighter fights is a good one.

Armor Upgrades - Hard Gay - 11-08-2010

Quote:Armored Vehicles/Ships are heavy, lack in manoeuvrings.....
In opposite to that Armor-less Vehicles are fast & very agile....
Same principle must be applied in FL too...
>>Implying that there is gravity in space

Moving on I shall share my thoughts.

The fact that the length of a fight between 2 capital ships isn't even a fraction of what it is for 2 fighters is what annoys me.
Taking away armour upgrades you'd likely feel would change this however I for one feel it would only partly fix the problem.

The issue is that people can far too easily shield run to lengthen the battle.
Some suggestions I'd have at resolving this
  • Bring back the entering cruise = fleeing rule
  • Decease the energy it takes to fire guns
  • & removing the armour upgrades for fighters
In my opinion I would say that decreasing the amount of energy it requires to fire normal guns(Not mini razors, SNACs etc) will have a larger impact on balancing out this issue rather than removing armour upgrades.

Quote:There is no one best fighter or transport etc.
So why should there be one best armour upgrade for all craft in all situations?

Interesting... not sure what more I could add to that other than saying I agree.