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Public noticement - Captain - 01-26-2011

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night(*)

Since yesterday am I back in Holland, I've been on sea for over 2 months
and I missed some disco on the forums and missed all ingame action.

however there is still something bugging me from what I noticed from PM's and the forum.
so I will say it here in big bold letters and in a clear color.

between mollys and bretonia,

the "Molly Republic" had it (sorta). the Molly Council never made any kind of armistance with bretonia officials
now you think why arent you shooting them then? to explain that you need to know the idea behind the council,(note: this have been developed/in development since UoG)

The Molly Council,(MC)

The MC is leaded and directed by leaders from various molly clans,
each molly clan leader either share a base or have their own base.
general politics like things that would need all clans are done by the council (tech share)
any other "politics" or private made deals are for each own clan leader.

the [MS]. decided to not shoot baf in favor of themselves, so basically a mutual no shooting each other.

Known clans

[MS]. Molly Separatists - Arranmore (dublin) - Active/semi active
[Garda] Garda - Dublin - Active/semi active
[LT] La Tene - Newcastle - on hold/inactive
|CF Clan Feegle - Lisburn rock - Vanished.


this said, the Mollys are not one and have actualy never been one group (exception of in the beginning when they had one base). so people are welcome to start their own Molly clan, gather people and make your own diplo-stuff.
however I'd like to know about it aswell, so that we (me, myself and the rerst of the MC) can add you to the list
which I shall make soon.

I hope you understand what I meaned with this noticement,

~ Mike,

for the TL:DR lads read the big bold text + rest.

Public noticement - AeternusDoleo - 01-26-2011

Thanks. That clears things up. How's relations handled between the clans though? Clan A shooting BAF while clan B doesn't, but BAF retaliating on both could be messy.

Public noticement - Eichann Rush - 01-26-2011


Public noticement - Linkus - 01-27-2011

If anyone wants to remake the MR, you'll have to string together a bunch of fiercely independent peoples and from a more ooc side, ensure you don't only focus on Dublin, ad every large Molly faction has done.

La tene has not got as much love as it deserves of late due to time issues but that should be piking up soon again, anyone interested in La Tene or the Mollys in general are welcome to contact me or Mike.

Public noticement - Panzer - 01-27-2011

Indepenence is a state of mind. The trick is in just hitting the leaders and turning "important" issues into cosmetics.

I for one would love a single guy wit whom I could talk stuff over knowing what THEY do affects every molly on the server. Player, NPC, small, base and ship alike.

Public noticement - Zelot - 01-27-2011

' Wrote:Indepenence is a state of mind. The trick is in just hitting the leaders and turning "important" issues into cosmetics.

I for one would love a single guy wit whom I could talk stuff over knowing what THEY do affects every molly on the server. Player, NPC, small, base and ship alike.

Yes, we know you like the idea of one person controlling the entire NPC faction. You have made this clear so many times I cant even begin to count.

What I would like is to be able to play my indy molly and try to pirate some BMM miners without some Guarda telling me I am not allowed to because they paid the Guarda for some kinda mining license.

Public noticement - Diabolicus - 01-27-2011

' Wrote:Yes, we know you like the idea of one person controlling the entire NPC faction. You have made this clear so many times I cant even begin to count.

What I would like is to be able to play my indy molly and try to pirate some BMM miners without some Guarda telling me I am not allowed to because they paid the Guarda for some kinda mining license.

As if you had never shot an allied pirate because he's pirating the guy you just pirated.

I know I did, very, very often.

Public noticement - Zukeenee - 01-27-2011

' Wrote:As if you had never shot an allied pirate because he's pirating the guy you just pirated.

I know I did, very, very often.
What, people do that? Goodness, that would never even cross my mind. If the person I just pirated is getting pirated by a friend of mine, well, it's not my problem. I got what I came for, so why do I care?

Of course, I've never really focused on playing pirate-characters, because I can't bring myself to flat-out rob an honest, hard-working trader, anyway. So maybe the whole thing is just too alien to me.

EDIT: A single comma can make all the difference.

Public noticement - Zelot - 01-27-2011

' Wrote:As if you had never shot an allied pirate because he's pirating the guy you just pirated.

I know I did, very, very often.

The Mollies and BMM are enemies, its like an Outcasts protecting a Corsair from an Outcast because he just pirated him. Seriously, the BMM are the problem, if the Mollies could force them out of Dublin, the BAF would follow. The whole point is the liberation of Dublin, not to see how many different BMM miners will pay you 2 million so they can sit in safety while you attack any other mollies who come near.

Public noticement - Walker - 01-27-2011

An Outcast pirating a Corsair?

Madness, Blasphemy... HERESY!