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Barge JG docking - Pacificator - 02-23-2011

A good day to you all my friends

Do not hesitate to point in the rigth direction if there already one like this. I missed it.

Once again, I need some help from the community.

As a new barge owner (yeah, another one them) I'd like to know some few tips about how to dock on a jump gate and not end up ridiculously stuck on it.

I've always mostly played on all kind of transport and big liners, but with the Barge - completly another dimension - docking with jump gate has been unsucessful so far. (I did read the wiki btw)

I align from far with a "F3", then cut the cruise engine for it takes 5 min to warm up, pass in free fligth but with the mouse fligth disabled so i don't loose alignement, and F3 again rigth at the limit for the JG not to touch the vessel when it opens.

Docking is engage - you can see the 2 horisontal black bands at the top and bottom of the screen - but the ship :

a : just endlessly pass into the gate, and on the other side, without docking. All control are lost, F1 requested.

b: pass and get hit by the closing jump gate, F1 requested too.

I do not like to F1. It is a massive ship, and making it dispaear like this is spoiling the game a little.

So, any tips ?

Barge JG docking - Snoozzzer - 02-23-2011

The little train below the barge. That's the quickdock point. Line up the nose of that train with a jumphole, and hit dock


The barge docks with jump gates like the stork. Line it up, go slowly, and pray no NPCs bump you.
[Image: screen95.jpg]

Barge JG docking - Lobster - 02-23-2011

' Wrote:The little train below the barge. That's the quickdock point. Line up the nose of that train with a jumphole, and hit dock

Hey said jump-gate.

And as far as I know.. docking with a jump-gate is impossible in a barge..

Some people have done it before, but I have never seen it happen.

Barge JG docking - Wafellini - 02-23-2011

it's possible - I saw it happens - best - don't make quick dock just try to move infront and let the autopilot do the rest ... maybe it will work although the ships is HUGE and it's not ment to be flying around so you must be patient.

Best - NOT FLY IT:)apart of that - patience.

Barge JG docking - Optimus-Prime - 02-23-2011

' Wrote:Hey said jump-gate.

And as far as I know.. docking with a jump-gate is impossible in a barge..
Some people have done it before, but I have never seen it happen.

haha i know how you feel it just takes time alot of it mind and you will get the hang of it i can dock with JG about 90% of the time now

Barge JG docking - Wraga - 02-23-2011

' Wrote:haha i know how you feel it just takes time alot of it mind and you will get the hang of it i can dock with JG about 90% of the time now

After when a helpfully hacker get those npcs from you ;)

Barge JG docking - Chev - 02-23-2011

' Wrote:The little train below the barge. That's the quickdock point. Line up the nose of that train with a jumphole, and hit dock


The barge docks with jump gates like the stork. Line it up, go slowly, and pray no NPCs bump you.
[Image: screen95.jpg]

Oh my Gods... that looks like... se(censored).

Barge JG docking - Camtheman - 02-23-2011

Quote:Apart from the obvious reply of "Do not fly one?" I suggest on trying to F4 on someone passing through the gate from the side.

Don't listen to him. Tottally worth it. Mine already paid for itself. On the way for paying its cap 8 as well.

You basically have to line up to the Gate's front and dock, and again, pray nobody rams you. I find it easier in the Omicrons where there are no Lanes and NPC's are spread out.

Barge JG docking - Battlesnax - 02-24-2011

Yes, it's easy to dock in a jump gate if you line it up correctly and you don't get flipped by some NPCs.
Just takes some practice and patience.

Here's some more barge-porn for your viewing pleasure:

[Image: 23285135.png]

[Image: 46517833.png]

[Image: 44541044.png]

[Image: bargegif.gif]

Disgusting....yet strangely erotic....

Barge JG docking - OldTimerAL - 02-24-2011

With enough patience the Barge can dock with almost everything (atleast I've tried: station, lane, jumpgate, jumphole ... haven't tried planet yet).


Flying a Barge is a fun experience (for me atleast), as long as no one comes to pew pew you ... that's why always hire an escort (of atleast 3 good pilots)
