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ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER SANCTIONED - Dieter Schprokets - 04-02-2011


has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:

Quote:5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.

Transports/Freighters/Liners which have been killed in a PvP fight may return to the system in which they were destroyed but only for purposes of moving through the system or for trade within that system. They may only act in a purely defensive manner. This exemption applies only to players who are in the system for the purposes of trading and does not apply to mining, piracy or any other activity.

5.8 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not attack the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours. Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death.

Consequences: Fined all credits and guns and stuff.

Admin Link to Report

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER SANCTIONED - toon122 - 04-02-2011

I guess this sanction is the consequence of the fight in Manhattan with the 2 AI cruisers?

If so, i find it kind of weird. We tried to talk it out.

In the beginning i was trying to help a new guy on our server, i gave him the /restart Liberty command so that he would have a CSV and a better map.

He was grateful and at that moment we spotted 2 AI Cruisers. Me, being an ignorant merc, immediatly began to try and RP with them. Of course, i referred to them as "Robot" and "Machine".

One of these cruisers, callsign : iRobot, actually RP'ed along. The other AI cruiser, callsign : iAbuse, did not and seemed afk.

But i asked him a question, i asked if he could "enlighten" Raag (the new guy) on what an AI was and what he did. It wasn't really clear to me aswell, so i thought this would be a good question and that we would learn something from it. Nothing aggresive had happened thus far.

He did not respond, but seeing it was some kind of Artificial thingy i thought i could maybe "wake it up" by firing a debilitator round in front (!), so not meaning to hit, of the ship. The round did not hit, but the immediate response was "Hostile" and before i could grab my mouse i got blasted.

Of course, i have proof, if you want it that is.

I got quite pissed, i was just trying to help this new guy and now i got killed by some cruiser while i was flying a VHF, not really nice of him either.

So, in violation of the rules, i hopped back to Manhatten in my "second ship that was quite close".

they started to Q_Q of course, but i wanted some clarification from their side. It maybe was better to ask in a PM or to ask if they allowed me to come back, but i did not think of that.

In the end everything escalated and a LSC, Lib. Gb and me took care of them. That was some other problem, but thats not relevant.

After the fight i immediatly PM'ed the 2 AI guys with an ooRP PM. They seemed quite angry, but we ended in a positive mood. So i totally did not expect this.

If i was sanctioned for some other reason, then i think you are wrong, cause i usually dont do stuff like this.

Please answer these questions for me Dieter, Thank you.


' Wrote:I guess this sanction is the consequence of the fight in Manhattan with the 2 AI cruisers?

If so, i find it kind of weird. We tried to talk it out.

In the beginning i was trying to help a new guy on our server, i gave him the /restart Liberty command so that he would have a CSV and a better map.

He was grateful and at that moment we spotted 2 AI Cruisers. Me, being an ignorant merc, immediatly began to try and RP with them. Of course, i referred to them as "Robot" and "Machine".

One of these cruisers, callsign : iRobot, actually RP'ed along. The other AI cruiser, callsign : iAbuse, did not and seemed afk.

But i asked him a question, i asked if he could "enlighten" Raag (the new guy) on what an AI was and what he did. It wasn't really clear to me aswell, so i thought this would be a good question and that we would learn something from it. Nothing aggresive had happened thus far.

He did not respond, but seeing it was some kind of Artificial thingy i thought i could maybe "wake it up" by firing a debilitator round in front (!), so not meaning to hit, of the ship. The round did not hit, but the immediate response was "Hostile" and before i could grab my mouse i got blasted.

Of course, i have proof, if you want it that is.

I got quite pissed, i was just trying to help this new guy and now i got killed by some cruiser while i was flying a VHF, not really nice of him either.

So, in violation of the rules, i hopped back to Manhatten in my "second ship that was quite close".

they started to Q_Q of course, but i wanted some clarification from their side. It maybe was better to ask in a PM or to ask if they allowed me to come back, but i did not think of that.

In the end everything escalated and a LSC, Lib. Gb and me took care of them. That was some other problem, but thats not relevant.

After the fight i immediatly PM'ed the 2 AI guys with an ooRP PM. They seemed quite angry, but we ended in a positive mood. So i totally did not expect this.

If i was sanctioned for some other reason, then i think you are wrong, cause i usually dont do stuff like this.

Please answer these questions for me Dieter, Thank you.

I usually hate this sanctionlancer stuff. Most things can be easily solved by ingame / forums countermeasures or by some bounties. But as you gave me so many reason and delievered the evidence for free...well i decided to give it a try with my first sanction report. They only sanctioned you for half the things i had in mind btw ;)

As for the explanation i give you the story from my pov:

I stood with a friend in front of manhattan and were busy chattin in group chat / PMs when you and the other guy came around.
You started RPing about AIs and as iRobot already was answering you i decided to continue doing my stuff.
I noticed you two provocating him or making fun of his name (Will Smith will jump out of this vessel any moment and so on).
The highlight was as you suddenly shot at me.
Case was clear and so i told you that i would scan you know...this scan resulted in you being a hostile (what a surprise huh) and so some primaries and razors put an end to this.
Your PMs afterwards i classified as the usual whinning and insulting after being shot.

Trust me would you have just kept playing in NY and helped your friend...the last thing that would have crossed my mind is to get you sanctioned for that.
But returned and started in OOC chat to whine and you wanted money (???) and so on.
Best thing was you joined your navy friends who magically showed up to attack us, even after iRobot told you that is re-engaging....for real what did you expect?

You PMed me afterwards and did not get an that what you call ending in a good mood?

If you really wanted to help your lvl 20 friend, there was enough time to do it, even after i killed you. But you seemed to be more busy with taking revenge on jus accept it now and don't pretend to be the poor victim who just helped a newbie and was shot and sanctioned by the bad bad cruiser.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER SANCTIONED - toon122 - 04-02-2011

Now i get a more cleared up image of what was happening.

First, i did not know the new guy, he just showed up and seeing that his name was kind of weird i expected that he was new to the mod.

So i gave him some tips, about the /restart options and about using smilies in general chat.

I like to play the dumb merc and i think i've succeeded:)So when he (the new guy) started to talk about the movie iRobot and about Will Smith i just had to laugh.

Believe me, the single debilitator round i fired was in front of your cruiser, which i did not mean to hit and which did not hit.

You have me on the re- engaging thing and on the returning-to-the-same-spot-after-i-got-wtfpwned. I shall not deny it. I just felt being treated bad and unfair. I know, life is unfair, but this was kind of a climax.

I did talk to iRobot afterwards for quite a while though. Therefore i couldn't talk to you.

And the money for the ship (1 mill) was just plain RP, i wanted to get my ship "fixed". I hope you can understand that. I know i have acted wrong and i acknowledge my mistakes.

But i find it a bit harsh to sanction me all my money on the char, plus my codies, plus my MR, plus my uau mk8.

This is the first ever violation i commited in 6 months of playing or so (never had a sanction in my entire disco time). Therefore i think a warning or just a fine would have been enough.

Could you please elaborate on the taking all my stuff + money bit?

Thank you.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER SANCTIONED - Dieter Schprokets - 04-02-2011

' Wrote:Could you please elaborate on the taking all my stuff + money bit?

Thank you.

Quote:You have me on the re- engaging thing and on the returning-to-the-same-spot-after-i-got-wtfpwned. I shall not deny it. I just felt being treated bad and unfair. I know, life is unfair, but this was kind of a climax.

Standard fine for any pvp related infraction (including re-engaging) is all credits and guns. Sometimes we take other things too. Like Cap Armour.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER SANCTIONED - toon122 - 04-02-2011

Thanks for the answer Dieter, this was what i was wanting to know.

Let's hope i won't get sanctioned again:)

Sorry Dakun, for the stuff i did wrong. Hopefully our next encounters will be somewhat more peacefull.


' Wrote:And the money for the ship (1 mill) was just plain RP, i wanted to get my ship "fixed". I hope you can understand that.

I see. I misunderstood that thing completely then.

' Wrote:Sorry Dakun, for the stuff i did wrong. Hopefully our next encounters will be somewhat more peacefull.

Apology accepted.
But you really should try to solve such problems via PM next time. Just re-entering and even tell everybody you are breaking the rules on purpose is a strange tactic.
In this case i was certain that you are provocating me / a friend of mine in an oorp way, so i killed you.
You on the other hand were certain that i killed you without any reason and thats why you did not accept it as a legitimate kill.
I believe a modest talk via PM would have lead to a more comfortable solution here.
However no hard feelings about this thing from my side anymore, cya around.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER SANCTIONED - Kontrazec (Somni) - 04-06-2011

Okay, for God's sake, I'll post here even if it means I'll get sanctioned. Dieter, can't you see right? Joe.Daniels might have done something wrong, but if it REALLY is his first infraction, why go so harsh? I mean, we all know very well that anything happening around Dakun and the other guy is basically sanctionable. I mean, iAbuse engaged with one word (not even a complex sentence) because the freelancer fired a single debilitator? I mean, even if the debilitator DID hit, it does not count as engaging, since I sincerely doubt a cruiser shield can go down 50% from a single deb shot.

This is a very unfair sanction, so either please make moves against the AI cruiser or cut the guy some slack, for Christ' sake.


' Wrote:Okay, for God's sake, I'll post here even if it means I'll get sanctioned. Dieter, can't you see right? Joe.Daniels might have done something wrong, but if it REALLY is his first infraction, why go so harsh? I mean, we all know very well that anything happening around Dakun and the other guy is basically sanctionable. I mean, iAbuse engaged with one word (not even a complex sentence) because the freelancer fired a single debilitator? I mean, even if the debilitator DID hit, it does not count as engaging, since I sincerely doubt a cruiser shield can go down 50% from a single deb shot.

This is a very unfair sanction, so either please make moves against the AI cruiser or cut the guy some slack, for Christ' sake.

bla bla bla

first of all there was more than one sentence before i attacked.
second they were very complex because of the whole AI structure in it.
third and most important....this sanction is not about the kill but the stuff that happened after it.

so you are not just not allowed to post in here, you also do not even have a clue about what happened (i am pretty sure you werent even there).

you made your point that you don't like me...good..we all knew that before but now we know it again...well done.
And now keep on metagaming me but leave already solved sanction reports alone.

[would like to insert here my personal opinion about you, but as some members in this forum havent reached 99 yet, i will control myself]


' Wrote:Okay, for God's sake, I'll post here even if it means I'll get sanctioned. Dieter, can't you see right? Joe.Daniels might have done something wrong, but if it REALLY is his first infraction, why go so harsh? I mean, we all know very well that anything happening around Dakun and the other guy is basically sanctionable. I mean, iAbuse engaged with one word (not even a complex sentence) because the freelancer fired a single debilitator? I mean, even if the debilitator DID hit, it does not count as engaging, since I sincerely doubt a cruiser shield can go down 50% from a single deb shot.

This is a very unfair sanction, so either please make moves against the AI cruiser or cut the guy some slack, for Christ' sake.

As i cannot get sanctioned from posting here because i was directly involved, hear this.

If you believe it or not, we/dakun shot him within RP.

' Wrote:I mean, we all know very well that anything happening around Dakun and the other guy is basically sanctionable.

And what gives you the right to say such things about us.
Any attempts to build up proper RP were ignored by most of the community, and we were metagamed and destroyed/dissolved, before we even had the chance.

Now get your behind back into the safehaven of an official faction and let the true heroes do their work.