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(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Printable Version

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(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - moebus - 06-23-2011

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]
<<Auto decryption protocol loaded>>

As you may have heard about it, Omicroners are working on a technological project in Omicron-74.
(our last announcement here.) Omicroners have completed the second step of the project and are going to start the next one. New materials are needed (list below) and traders will be rewarded for their participation when bringing the needed supplies. All traders are welcome to participate but we may refuse to deal with traders that have a bad reputation with Omicroners.

At first, interested people will need to register their ships and pilots to the Omicroners Security Board as to be allowed to enter Omicron-74 and provide a bank account name to receive payments.
Pilots that have already trade with us in the past do not need to register again.

IMPORTANT: Due to technical difficulties, Barges are not allowed to participate
// it is an oorp reason: we think it will generate more roleplay on the server if a lot of small ships participate to this event rather than a few barges.

After registration, traders will have to deliver the goods to Freeport XV (exception: optical chips must be sent to Corfu station in Omicron-Theta).

To receive the payments in exchange of the shipped commodities some trade data are needed (must be sent within 48 hours after the shipment):
  • proof of purchase //cargo screenshot (press F7) with timestamp (type /time in the chat console) taken when you are in space leaving the place where you bought the stuff. The name of the place should appeared on the screenshot.

  • proof of delivery //cargo screenshot with timestamp taken in space just before docking the Zoners station.
Project Phase I and II: already done

Project Phase III: (commodity, amount required, Omicroners price* per unit of commodity shipped)

Label 3.1: MOJ7YwkudZnkl8NSwSi9J2CJcs6hTi5/
  • Basic Alloys.......28 348 {830 credits/unit}
  • Polymers...........24 723 {610 credits/unit}
  • Hydrocarbon.......8 524 {625 credits/unit}

Label 3.2: +ISpZPUy/FmdBBZtgD0MXjJMsK4+NxfbPdrTWGX8bL8=
  • Gold..................10 622 {1270 credits/unit}
  • Copper................6 775 {565 credits/unit}
  • Helium................9 139 {1590 credits/unit}
  • Optical Ships....15 998 {75 credits/unit} => must be shipped to Corfu
  • Optronics..........20 079 {785 credits/unit}

*Omicroners price may be slightly increased or decreased according to the reputation of the traders with Omicroners.

Project Phase IV: will begin as soon as phase III is done.

An update of the needed goods will be made each 48h after this message, thus traders should send their trade reports before the next update.

Because it is a classified project, no information will be provided about the nature of the project. So it is useless to ask about it. We can only say that it is not a military project and that it will not have direct consequences outside omicron-74.

Deal with traders are confidential, no third party will be informed by Omicroners that you are supplying us. We won't publish any public list of authorized traders. All communications in the current channel after this transmission will be encrypted however for maximum encryption you may send private message to Dankien Moebus (neuralnet account moebus). Updates of the required commodities will remain public.

Registration procedure
Zoners and allied don't need to ask authorization to enter Omicron-74 however they need to provide bank account name as to received their payments.
All other traders need to ask an authorization to enter Omicron-74 and provide a bank account name. They are invited to do it in the current channel or in private communication as specified previously.

Good luck to everybody,

Dankien Moebus
Freeport XV Co-Administrator
Omicroners Senior

[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Lusitano - 06-23-2011

* On New Lusitania, on Gran Canaria*

- Viriato with a apple on his hand: You call me?

- Henrique: Come and see this!

- Viriato reads the message -

- Henrique: So?

- Viriato: Go for it! - bittes the apple

- Henrique: Ok! How is the apple?

- Viriato: Nice! But still too green! Needs more time!


(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - RockCrystal - 06-23-2011

---Incoming Transmission---
Comm ID: CEO Jillas Okuda
Source ID: Kishiro|Stately.Kirin, Planet Honshu, Honshu
---Establishing Audio---

Konnichiwa, Omicroners.

We here at Kishiro's shipping division were most intrigued by this proposal. Particularly since our competitors, Samura, are... somewhat -entangled-, at the moment.
We are already stepping up prduction at our plants here on Planet Honshu and at Shinagawa and Nago stations. As for Polymers, we have sent a communique to Tsushima Depot advising them of the Polymers required.
If you will kindly provide Kishiro| ships access to your space, we can proceed with deliveries at once.
Jillas Okuda

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - moebus - 06-23-2011

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]

Konnichiwa Jillas Okuda

The access to omicron-74 is now granted to all Kishiro| tagged ships (remind you may need a visa since it is a guard system, such visa can be bought in the bar of Freeport 9).
Kishiro| fleet is allowed to enter the system and dock to Freeport XV.
No offensive action in omicron-74 is tolerated nor exploring the system is allowed.
You may use Freeport XV to refuel and repair your ships.
Your staff is also allowed to rent rooms to rest if needed.

Best regards.

Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior
[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Lusitano - 06-23-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*

Greetings Mr Moebus

I came to bring the first delivery report. But there is a problem, due some hardware error (// print screen didn't worled and i didn't notice) i don't have the report of the first hydrocarbons but i do have the delivery report.

Hyrdocarbon 1 FP15

Hydrocarbon 2 Douglas Station and Hydrocarbon 2 FP15

Polymers 1 Douglas Station and Polymers 1 FP15

And to finnish for today Hydrocarbon and Polymers Douglas Station and Hydroncarbon and Polymers FP 15

That makes a total of 8524 Hydrocarbons, the exact amount that you ask, and 5876 Polymers.

Tomorrow is another day.

Best regards


(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Username removed - 06-23-2011

[Image: 2wn8hgn.jpg]
[Image: j95w10.jpg]

Kallisti honorable Zoners and old friends, I so happen to be able to deliver small amounts of what you need and I do not require any payment at all, however I beg you that for this service to consider this. Even if you don't I will still bring you what you desire, no worries about that, that's a least what I can do for you.

[Image: 97mc20.jpg]

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - moebus - 06-23-2011

[Image: Omicroners_Sig_01.png]
[font=Impact]<div align="center]Commodities update
Label 3.1: MOJ7YwkudZnkl8NSwSi9J2CJcs6hTi5/
  • Basic Alloys.......28 348 {830 credits/unit}
  • Polymers...........24 723 {610 credits/unit}
Label 3.2: +ISpZPUy/FmdBBZtgD0MXjJMsK4+NxfbPdrTWGX8bL8=
  • Gold..................10 622 {1270 credits/unit}
  • Copper................6 775 {565 credits/unit}
  • Helium................9 139 {1590 credits/unit}
  • Optical Ships....15 998 {75 credits/unit}
  • Optronics..........20 079 {785 credits/unit}

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]
------------Encrypted message to Lusitano/Viriato------------

Greetings Viriato

It is a pleasure to see you around again,
It is not a problem you faced some hardware troubles since you are a trustable person.
I will send you immediately 6M credits on your bank account as a payment for hydrocarbons delivered.

Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior

------------Encrypted message to Redfire912/Ka'zilth------------
Greetings Ka'zilth

I am not sure we have ever met but M. Keek confirmed we did business together in the past.
So you are allowed to participate to this project and deliver goods to Freeport XV.
Remind that is it forbidden to behave offensively in omicron-74 or to explore it.
You may use the kappa jump hole or any installations on Freeport XV if you need it.

Regarding the turrets, you will probably received a positive answer soon.

Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior
[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Username removed - 06-24-2011

[Image: 2wn8hgn.jpg]
[Image: j95w10.jpg]

Thank you for your response, I am working on the said freighter as we speak, I will start bringing in supplies when it's finished and the test fly is completed successfully.

[Image: 97mc20.jpg]

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Lusitano - 06-24-2011

*Fron New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*

Greetings Mr Moebus

I come not only to confirm the payment but also make a delivery reportof Polymers.

Cargo 1 Douglas and FP 15

Cargo 2 Douglas and FP15

Cargo 3 Douglas and FP15

Cargo 4 Douglas and FP15

Cargo 5 Douglas and FP15

That makes 18000 cargo units, plus the 5876 from yesterday. It still 847 polymers units missing. but i will delivery soon.

Best regards


(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Lusitano - 06-24-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*

Greetings again

Another delivery report of the remain polymers and basic alloy

Cargo 6 Gran Canaria and Douglas and FP15

Cargo 7 Gran Canaria and FP15

Cargo 8 Gran Canaria and FP15

With this makes a full total of 24723 units of polymers, your full request, and 9953 units of basic alloys.

I would like you update the amount that you required, since we don't know if more cargos have been delivered. I will try to get more today but, the crew of my ship and his captain is very tired.

Best regards
