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The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 07-11-2011

The Hood was motionlessly lying in Dublin space, the lack of activity around it resembled the state of the the IMG's activity in Dublin after they had been forced to relocate their mining to Cambridge: calm, peaceful, quiet. Not so inside.

Jack had been spending hours to make sure he was prepared for the visit. Not being the most organised person in Sirius and with a bad habit of forgetting small, seemingly unimportant things that later proved to be of relevance, he had checked his plans and preparations twice and still he did not feel entirely comfortable.

"Why?" he asked himself, standing inside his Hood office that has not been so tidy for weeks. He knew the answer. The last woman he had been romantically involved was Violet Vontaine. Not much more of a memory remained of the short passionate time they had spent together. It felt like many years ago.

Kalliste was different. Jack looked at a picture of her on the screen that one of the hangar cams had taken. Why did he find her fascinating? A short click and some audio material was replayed, in which the Silver Reaver talked on system wide comm channel in Dublin and people fled. Shortly afterwards Hood registered detonation ripples hitting its sensors. Another series followed.

He concluded that her strenght, her selfconfidence and trust in her abilities on the one side, her cool but beautiful looks and these determined eyes on the second, and her vulnerability on the third side made her so attractive to him. A merciless killer, working for the one with the most money. No morals but the codex of loyalty for sale to the highest bidder. "She would kill you at night, if someone paid her enough."

He tried to shake the tought with a shake of his head: "Let's see, what happens." and seconds later the proximity alert showed a Reaver ship coming towards Hood.


When she arrived at the Hood hangar bay 2, he was already waiting. He was wearing a dark blue, almost black suit with a white shirt, and he seemed dressed especially for the occasion. He greeted her with a friendly smile, then took her luggage and said:

"Nice to have you here, Kalliste. You look fabulous...." and then he starts walking towards a small taxi shuttle where there was already a pilot waiting who opened the door for them.

"I would like to take you to a... special place. It's not a long flight, just a few minutes. But..." he offers to hand her luggage to the driver, then he remembers what could be in there if she had received his planning messages... and puts it into the trunk himself before he rejoins her.

"The problem is..." he reaches into his pocket and takes a narrow, silken blind-fold from it... "... its location has to stay secret. So..." he smiles apologetically... "... if you trust me, I can take you there. I promise, it's worth the effort." he says in the end, holding the blindfold in his open hand, waiting for her reaction. "You will understand once we are there..."

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 07-15-2011

"Jack-O... That's.. kinky, right from the start.."

Kalliste laughed.
Her dress, a beige simple one that fell and showed the curves that made her a very interesting woman to some, danced along her body.
But those knee high boots, with two hidden knifes, and her now red dyed hair, caught anyone's attention.

"Hmm.. Let's do it, Jack.."
Her smirk was beyond of a predator. It was that of a preying mantis.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 07-17-2011

Jack can't help but shake his head smiling when she uses the word kinky, and he corrects her: "Just a matter of security... and... I think it's more exciting and sensual compared to closing the windows." and while he is talking, he blindfolds her carefully. He makes sure that she cannot see anything, but also that the knot is not too tight. Perhaps she can feel his eyes on her during the short flight, even though she cannot see him watching her attentively, focusing on every visible detail.

The flight is short, it may have only been two minutes of cruise speed, perhaps even less than that. When he tells her that she can take off the blindfold, she will realize that they are still in Dublin as the blinding star is undoubtedly Dublin'€™s sun.

The shuttle is approaching a huge Barge class refinery sitting in the darkness of mid space without anything that might reveal where the position might be. Jack is smiling when he sees her looking at the monster of a ship:

'€œIMG'€™s mobile ore refinery unit for Dublin and'€¦ my private wine cellar. The biggest in Dublin'€¦. I'€™d guess the biggest privately owned one'€¦ perhaps in Bretonia.'€ he comments poignantly, while pressing some buttons on a small screen that shows the amount of goods on it: tens of thousands of tons of unrefined and refined gold - no surpirse that far - but also about 4000 storage units of Gallic wine, as well as some personnel and too much water for a ship that doesn't use water in any refinement process.

While the shuttle enters its automated docking sequence, Jack keeps talking about the huge vessel: '€œDon'€™t worry'€¦ I am not such a fanatic miner that I take you into a refinery for a date.'€ he reassures her. The docking sequence signals that the ship has come to a standstill, so Jack unfastens the seatbelt and while standing up, he finishes the story:

'€œTo cut a long story short: It once belonged to a smuggling cartel'€¦ so that accounts for the'€¦ somehow strange amenities on board that I am looking forward to showing you.'€ he opens the door, beckoning her politely to exit first: '€œAfter you, Miss'€¦'€

Up to now it's just a standard shuttle hangar, nothing exceptional, perhaps except the worn out red, badly soiled carpet that might tell a story of a past long gone.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 07-20-2011

"A smuggling cartel.. Uh."

Her eyes ran the location. Vast and noisy, she was never in a Barge before.
The sound of her footsteps echoed through the hall, and Jack was displaying a visible grin.

"Well, Jack-O.. What's first? Us dropping dead drunk?"
Kalliste smirked.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 07-20-2011

Jack took her luggage, not missing to realize the clicking sound of her heels on the floor and not able (or willing) not to look at her: knee high boots, the tight fitting beige dress, her flaming red hair... only a few seconds it takes him to catch up with her again and he points towards an elevator that would lead them out of the noisy hangar.

When the door of the elevator slides closed, Jack puts down her luggage, leans back to the side wall of the elevator, watching himself and her in the mirror of the far side of the cabin:

"I only have a rough plan..." he smirks, waits for a second, while the elevator is moving upwards for quite some time.

"First... as always... business..." he shrugs, almost as if he wanted to apologize but his smile and the eyes that meet hers might tell her that he actually likes talking business with her... "...of course in a relaxed atmosphere."

The doors slide open, he picks up her baggage again and walks down a corridor that doesn't look like a factory now, but resembles the corridor of a Luxury Liner, yet not that well looked after. They pass a glass wall through which a swimming pool can be seen, approximately 20-30 meters long and 10 meters wide. Some sun-loungers are standing around the pool, artificial radiation emitters facing them and some likely false exotic plants and palm trees are also there, creating an atmosphere that is a sharp contrast to the industrial setting, the ore production facility noises and hangars.

"Mr. T.R. Jameston - the former owner before... he was arrested and executed - loved water...."
he explains while walking past the glass and entering the swimming hall through a glassen door. The chlorine smell as well as the warmth welcomed them.

"I decided to keep it..." and then he faces her, stopping a few meters from the pool, nodding into the directon of the bag that he is carrying: "I hope you have been a good girl..." he voices the last part teasingly... "... and packed the stuff I told you you might need... for our working meeting" and he also pronounces the 'working' part ironically.

And with a gesture he points at a table between two loungers. On the table there is a data pad, 6 sets of wine glasses of different sizes and shapes, as well as about 10 different bottles of wine.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 07-20-2011

"Don't worry.. My clothing needs aren't that big.. Not the typical woman, right?"

She laughed when that last sentence left her mouth. Her eyes were ever keen, looking at all.
They fell on the table and the sight of wine, not her favorite drink, but nonetheless the sweetness of it always felt good in her mouth.

The click-clack of her boots walked to the table and without ceremony, she sat in one of the loungers.
Those grey eyes looked back at Jack, and smiled.

"All of this.. is unexpected.."

Kalliste laughed and in a whim of seduction, she placed her finger in her mouth, slightly biting it, while looking at Jack.

"The life of a Reaver is always business... I showed you mine.."

She grinned like the predator half of Sirius already knew she could be.

"Now.. show me yours..."

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 07-20-2011

Jack laughs and nods agreement when she categorises herself as not 'typical': "Oh really?" he comments rhetorically... "Let's say... I like what I see."

Jack seems content with the course of events and also the expression of surprise visible on her face, and he just comments to her expression of not having expected this swimming hall here: "We use it for physical training, medical treatment and rehabilitation after severe injuries... but... today it's only you and me." he smiles, adding: "I made sure of that."

He takes one of the glasses, looks at the bottles of wine, scrutinizes her hair color, lipstick colour, compares it to the wine and opens one bottle after having taken a few seconds for the selection process: "As long as we understand to link business with... the good sides of life, everthing is fine." he says while he opens the bottle and fills the first two glasses with just a very small amount before he hands it to her:

"Cheers... for good business, good Reaver-IMG cooperation and a pleasant evening." he drinks a small sip, just tasting the fruity, but rather heavy red wine, then he turns the data pad around that displays the following information... "Okay, I'll show you mine" he answers grinning:


FILE: Case #286-11-Fahrenheit

Target Callsign: [color=#FFFFFF]Mr. Fahrenheit
Target Ships: [color=#FFFFFF]Sabre Fighter, Hydra Gunboat
Operation theatre: Spotted in Omegas (especially O7) and Rheinland

[Image: JohnnyFInal-1.png]

Stolen IMG Technology:

Fahrenheit is guilty of stealing an IMG Hydra Gunboat.

IMG Hydra Class Gunboat
IMG Weapons of Gunboat Class
[Image: 254px-Hydra-s.png]

Attacks against IMG:

Fahrenheit is directly and indirectly responsible for the loss of multiple IMG ships mainly in Omega 7.

"A really nice man..." Jack adds sarcastically...

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 07-23-2011


Her eyes focused on the data pad. Suddenly, a spark of aknowledgement was show in her face.

"Yeah.. I know who this guy is, Jack.. Saw him a couple of times in Omega 7.
Good gunning crew. His pilot isn't that much good, but when it's a gunboat, it's the gunning that matters."

She noticed something else in the file and stiffled a laugh.

"He stole one of your Hydra's.. and now he's shooting your ops with it? That's.. diferent."

Kalliste crossed her legs and lighted up a cigar, smirking.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 07-24-2011

While she studies the file of Fahrenheit, Jack gets up steps around the table and positions himself behind her, so that they can both look into the screen. Some seconds after that, she can feel his hands touching softly, then resting lightly on her shoulders, while Jack comments on the issue at hand as if nothing had changed:

"He used the chaotic situation in the recent IMG-Rheinland Omega 7 conflict to steal a gunboat. We missed to realize it, as we thought it was a MIA ship. You can imaging the surpirse when we found it... shooting us"

"So...." he continues with a smile that seems genuine and doesn't really fit the situation in which a murderer is assigned a target.

She will feel the warmth of his hands through the fabric, and his thumbs caressing the lower part of her neck playfully... "I thought that you could help me in this... delicate... and somewhat personal matter. Eight million flat for each hit." he says in an unchanged friendly but correct business tone, while everything else is hardly business, neither the environment, nor the behaviour.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 07-25-2011

"Eight mio's... That bad uh?"

She asked. Kalliste then placed the data-pad on the table and closed her eyes while feeling Jack's soft touch on her skin.

"Alright.. I'll tell the boys to keep an eye out for him..."

Kalliste chuckled and turned to look at Jack.

"Now that this business is off.. Do you have something else in mind?"

Her smirk was playful.