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Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - Printable Version

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Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - S2000Gan - 02-25-2008

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - ghostcat - 02-25-2008


try doing a search next time before bringing up mods we know about...

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - Unseelie - 02-25-2008

Yes, I've tried it.
Not big on RP there.
not really my place.

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - S2000Gan - 02-25-2008

I don't think I'm going to bother taking a look, but I was curious if anyone else had tried it and what they thought.
How Freelancer-like is it?

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - Etaphreven - 02-25-2008


Quick, delete the thread!:dry:

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - Eppy - 02-25-2008

Ban him. Ban him now.

They have infinite missiles. lol and lmfao are still considered hip and cool.

...nuff said.:dry:

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - Robert.Fitzgerald - 02-25-2008

It's a pvp server. With lots of pvp whores.

Sadly, we get lots of Void-ers here as well. Well, at least I think we do

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - Etaphreven - 02-25-2008

Mkay, Morgan and myself pretty much summed upped the necessary... Mkay...:dry:

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - pipsqueak - 02-25-2008

Yeah tried it.......HUGE!!!! but very very monotonous.
With no story line no RP you are merely playing a glorified ARCADE fighter...
a NEXUS system for trading? screw that......Void is good for certain kind of people.
Not me.

Has anyone tried "The Void" Mod? - Etaphreven - 02-25-2008

The name says it -VOID.