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2 year old ran over by a van in China - Printable Version

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2 year old ran over by a van in China - Fletcher - 10-21-2011

This is just another one of those articles that makes me want to tear someone's house apart, or make me break out my punching bag again.

A two-year-old got seperated from her parents in a market, and gets ran over by a van. The driver pauses, then drives away. Another van drives by, not offering assistance, over time 18 people walked past the girl, some paused to look, some just plain ignored.

Link to Article

BBC News Asia Wrote:Chinese media and internet users have voiced shock at a hit-and-run incident involving a two-year-old child left injured in the road as passers-by ignored her.

The toddler was hit by a van on Thursday in the city of Foshan.

After the van drove off, several pedestrians and vehicles passed the girl without stopping. Several minutes later she was hit by another vehicle.

A rubbish collector finally helped her, but she is said to be seriously hurt.

The incident was captured on surveillance cameras and shown on local TV.

Anyone who walks by a child that is critically injured needs a 20 kilo kick to the gut.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - Markus_Janus - 10-21-2011

Just when you think there might be some small amount of hope left for the human race this happens.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - nunchakus - 10-21-2011

Iirc, it has something to do with their 'honour system' where you are obligated to pay compensation on the people you wronged. But in this case it can be abused, if the family of said person sees you trying to help out the person even if you did not wronged him you will be accused of it and had to pay the compensation.

While the system sounds just, there has been cases of people using its loophole as a means of profit.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - Fletcher - 10-21-2011

' Wrote:Iirc, it has something to do with their 'honour system' where you are obligated to pay compensation on the people you wronged. But in this case it can be abused, if the family of said person sees you trying to help out the person even if you did not wronged him you will be accused of it and had to pay the compensation.

While the system sounds just, there has been cases of people using its loophole as a means of profit.
I'll probably be kicked for this for political sounding, but that sounds like the lawyers the Western world is plagued with to me.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - sadtranslation - 10-21-2011

I may be wrong, but as I recall this is based on a belief that meddling into the other human's fate and therefore is highly immoral. While we are judging it from the point of christian moral (the same one as European, American and the other derivatives), we would see something stupid. Yet it's perfectly acceptable for a Chinese traditionalist.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - Fletcher - 10-21-2011

Well, if that is their cultural upbringing, I won't rage against it but I still feel pretty angry about the whole affair. Everything in me screams "HELP HER!!".

2 year old ran over by a van in China - nunchakus - 10-21-2011

Also, if you looked at the real footage the driver ran over her twice. Why? Because if she dies he has to pay a lot less (around 20,000 yuan) than the amount of money if she manages to survive.

As for the pedestrians not helping, this is nothing new since similar events has happened elsewhere.

But I guess fear of paying honour money may had also played a part in this.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - Tenacity - 10-21-2011

I'm a firm believer in re-igniting the concept of natural selection with a few thermonuclear bombs.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - SA_Scavenger - 10-21-2011

Remember kids, all cultures are equal and cannot be judged by your prejudicial views of morality and compassion.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - Markus_Janus - 10-21-2011

I saw the original footage a while before this was posted here.
I will not judge China on this, it is not a limited to China instance, similar has happened in many places.
Is some rural communities in the country I live in there are eleven year olds selling their bodies for cigarettes.
The truly disgusting part is that they get the business to continue their habits.

No I won't judge the country of China over this, but by hell I will judge each individual shown on the video.